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Posts posted by NeoGeo

  1. People in the Philippines are not free to travel without a visa.

    Of course I'd pay for her airline tickets, and marry her here, and go through the other processes once she is here. 

    I married a Filipina before. In the PI. It ended 4 years ago.

    I know the process once she's here, and we marry. It's getting her here, without going there. That's my problem. 

  2. If I could travel, I'd be with her already. I'm seeing a pain management dr, and I'm disabled. 

    I helped her with finances to get her anullment. 

    She is free to marry now. It's just that I can't meet her in person. There's no way that she can travel to a different country. We have been corresponding for two years. 

    If I have to, I'll go there, but they will need to carry me off the plane, and maybe arrest me for the pain medication that I'm bringing that I need to at least have a somewhat of a semi normal life. And, yes, it's your country. Oh, not America, but that's where I am.

  3. I met my friend in 2013 while I was still married. Divorced now. My lumbar spine is disintegrating, and I can't travel. I have my MRI reports, and a letter from my doctor saying I can't travel the two days  there to see her. We want to marry. I'm preparing a K1 visa. I have proof that we met at that time, although I was married at the time. The same town that my ex grew up. They know each other, and were classmates.

    what are my chances? I love her. Please give me some good news. I'm going to retain a lawyer. I've been supporting her and have those records. She never got an anullment, because she didn't have the finances, even though she hadn't seen her husband in over 19 years. She has her anullment now, and a Cenomar.

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