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Posts posted by Jennilacute

  1. Goodday..

    Please, My grandmum petitioned for both my dad(widowed) and my uncle under F1 and both priority date are close(like same month and year)and got welcome letter same time. peradventure interview is scheduled same time..how do both do with the tax return and aos documents cause its same joint sponsor..as original documents are required during interview. Can we print out the scanned documents(tax return and aos) and take it as originals during the interview?.

    Thanks as I anticipate your prompt response(s).

  2. Goodday Sir/Ma

    My grandmum petitioned for my dad under F1 cause my mom is late and we’re under his derivative beneficiaries but on the ceac account my sister’s name wasn’t spelt correctly, please what can be done to rectify it.

    Also on her birth certificate her middle name wasn’t correctly spelt, what can be done also.

    thanks as I wait for your prompt reaponse.

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