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Posts posted by JuJooGuppy

  1. Hello,


    I recently filed my k1 petition on behalf of my fiance in Russia. Unfortunately, she's ran into a difficult situation and found it necessary to move back home to her hometown which is a ways from where she was living when I filed.


    I have questions about how this effects the process... The application showed her current residence in town A when she will be living in town B shortly, and she also will be terminating her most recent job. Will they be sending anything to her listed address?


    Will this completely disrupt and stop our filing?


    Is there a way to update them on where she will be living? Update her location, employment? I filed a few weeks ago, this is a recent development.


    I have no idea what to do, I am worried it's going to ruin the filing. It's certainly complicated the situation for us. I appreciate any and all advise, thank you!

  2. Hi all, this is a very, very basic question i couldn't seem to find an answer to. I realized after having my fiancee sign her letter of intent for the i-129f application, the title up top simply says "fiance" rather than "fiancee". Will this matter? Should I have her redo it before submitting or is it fine?
    I used the sample letter from here, I didnt even think that one of them should have the extra e.
    Silly simple question, I know. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for the reply!


    "pass stamps, engagement receipt copy "


    I'm not sure what this is exactly, pass stamps? Passport? My passport actually never got stamped as I have a 3 year multi entry visa (I'm going back in January). I planned to show my visa, but I don't have any stamps that I recall.


    And engagement receipt I assume is supposed to be for the ring? I hope I didn't accidentally toss it.. we just got a very cheap and simple ring while I was there. She didn't want anything expensive or fancy as we are not wealthy and she is not materialistic at all, it wasn't even an official "engagement" ring just used it as such. I had planned to surprise her with a nicer ring upon her arrival here, perhaps I should purchase it now in advance and include the receipt for that..? The receipt for the other ring will be in russian haha.



    We also lack photos with anyone besides us... I'll be sure to take more in January when I go back, but I definitely want to submit the petition sooner than that.


    Lastly, I have no idea how to wiggle down our chat history tow a couple of pages.. we have spoke nearly every day for over a year. I'm not sure if you can actually download the chat on VK, either, but I do still have the full history. We have had a few split ups though, too. I almost wondered if showing us fighting would be positive as it does show we have a genuine relationship haha, we are human and have argued at times.



    Thanks for the feedback!

  4. Hello again!

    As always, thank you all SO much for helping with this process, insuring we do this right the first time. I have a couple simple questions here before I get ready to submit everything.

    1. Its been a week since I had the beneficiary sign / date her 'intent to marry', so the date shows as 10-11, mine shows 10-17, and the cover letter will show the date I print that out. Does this matter that they are different? And do they need to be within a specific range of when I actually submit the petition? I am aiming to submit it early next week, so itll be just over a week and a half after she signed her document. Is this an issue, or typical?

    2. Part 8's, additional information, it states "... Type or print your name and A-number at the top of each page..." for these pages. My question is, should that be the petitioners name, regardless of the information contained? The additional page was for the beneficiary, but the way it reads, I assume its supposed to be my name (Petitioner) regardless?

    3. Part 2, #54, provide evidence of meeting and describe the circumstances. For proof, I am submitting copies of my plane tickets, some receipts from the hotel, I also plan to try to contact the hotel to get a record showing both our passports checking in there, and a train ticket showing she was in the same city as me (we met in her hometown rather than current residence.) and of course, photos of us together there. im under the impression this should be sufficient? My question is more in regards to the description, how detailed does this need to be? I did a simple, to the point description as follows:

    "After communicating daily for nearly a year, we arranged to meet up in her birth town of Omsk, Russia. We spent two weeks in a hotel together, seeing the city and spending personal time together from 7/8/19 to 7/22/19. "

    Is this sufficient for the #54 box, or should I be doing a part 8 and expanding with much more detail into our story?

    Thank you all a million times over for all your help and support here. I apologize for so many questions, I am very nervous about this and just want to do everything right. Thank you!!!


  5. A quick question,

    My fiance and I met in person in July, we had been talking (and dating for most of the time) for a year prior to this. She was married, however. I became aware of this a bit after we met, she didnt know how to talk to me about it at the time. They lived separately and were not a true married couple, but for various reasons she had not divorced. After meeting in person and verifying that we really got along the way we anticipated, and having proposed, she immediately filed the divorce and is now legally able to marry. 

    My question, however, is whether the fact we were dating (online), and engaged, prior to her actual divorce, is an issue? Shes completely legally able to marry now, but I am wondering if that will cause any red flags, how we should approach it etc. Will we possibly just have to explain it during the interview? Does it make a difference for the i-129F process, as long as shes legally able to marry now and has the certificate proving it (Which we do.)

    I tried finding an exact answer on this, but I was unable to. Thank you very, very much again for your time and help, everyone.

  6. I really appreciate all the help ive gotten here. I have been trying to figure out a couple of things, and I haven't found a definitive answer yet.


    First, the passport style photos. Obviously getting mine (petitioner) is easy. But what am I supposed to do for the beneficiary? Can she scan it and I can print a copy, or does it HAVE TO be an original for the photo? I imagine I can find someplace to print it on photo paper if I had a scanned copy, but I am not sure if this is allowed? I had also read it needed to be signed and dated on the back, is this accurate? If so seems like the only option is to have it mailed to me?


    Also, she has a divorce certificate that is in russian. I saw that they won't need it translated for her interview portion since it'll be in Russia, but what about for the i-129f, do I need to get a translated copy? Or can I submit just the original? ( I know photo copies are accepted for this document).



    Again, thank you all so much for your help!!!

  7. Hello! 


    A quick question my fiance asked me, (she's the beneficiary). She lives and works in Russia, however I guess it's common for some people to work "unofficial" jobs where you don't pay taxes but also don't have money put into your retirement funding. She currently works such a job. She is employeed and my understanding is it's all legal.


    Should she list that employment, or list as being unemployed since it's not an "official" job that pays taxes? I know in the states this would be a bit more questionable but it sounds like it's not a huge deal there. We are just unsure whether to list it or not. I personally felt if it showed her unemployed for the last several years that she's been there, it'd look odd on the form.


    Feedback is always appreciated, thank you!!

  8. Thank you all for the replies, figuring out the job situation is the biggest fuss at the moment.

    I was actually wrong, I forget there were THREE mergers and one contract loss. All within 5 years lol.  Anyway. My current company, recognizes my employment history of being at this same site for so many years, partly because when the first company lost the contract, and I got hired by the next one, the original company merged and bought them. And I never TECHNICALLY stopped being employed with the original company, I was in their database (I have the same employee number and such.) I just wasnt working for them for about a half a year period where I was with the other company.

    Would it be possible to list as all one continuous job, since they recognize my original hire date for the sake of my benefits, and possibly attach a letter detailing all the mergers and transitions while explaining that I have had uninterrupted work at the same site, just had a lot of corporate level nonsense? Would it benefit me to include this, or just cause me more headaches? I am sorry for asking so many questions on this topic, it just has me nervous, I dont want to be accused of withholding or lying on it but I also want it to reflect that I have been working the job for many years at the same place. Steady income and all that.

    I actually work at another companys site, but I will list our local field office information, the one that handles our paperwork (they are 100 miles or so south of here, but listing my actual work address would be for a completely different company.)

    Thank you all again so much for trying to assist me on this. 

  9. So on number 2. The company did change names the first merger, however, I didn't have to reapply as if it was a new company and I believe I got a single W2 as if it was all one job. Now, when the first company lost the contract, and I was hired by the new company, I DID get a new w2, rehire process etc. So I am almost certain I have to list that date. The second merger the name changed again, back to the name of the first merger.


    Basically, company A merged with B, became C. Company C lost contract for this particular job, company D got the contract and hired me to stay. Then company C came in and bought / merged D, becoming company C again (regaining lost contract by purchasing D).


    Trying to figure out the dates that any of this happened will be a nightmare of a process, because the mergers didn't have any specific changes or way to track them. The switch from C to D I can probably find out. But it'll be very difficult to pin point exact days. I didn't really have any reason to track this at the time.



    Also, for big national corporations like this, for the address would I list their national HQ? Because my job site address isn't even owned by them. I do security work at a T-Mobile facility, but we are contracted from another company.



    I really appreciate feedback on this. I don't want to screw up this particular aspect. Trying to figure out the dates will be next to impossible.

  10. Hello all!,

    Let me first say, I appreciate any and all help, as this is a bit of a daunting process and not one I ever intended to go through, but I am starting the application to get my fiance here to the states on a K-1 soon. I say soon as she is legally divorcing a previous marriage in her home country that was all but legally ended for awhile now, but we obviously cannot file until she has documentation of the divorce itself.

    Anyway, I have a couple of questions already on the I-129F as I am trying to make sure that I do everything possible to avoid issues delays etc.

    1. A couple about my employment history. First, I am working two jobs, and cant type "PRESENT" as my end date. Can I hand write that in after I print the form? Will that cause issues? I would leave it blank, but since I work TWO jobs I dont want it to appear I forgot.)

    2. About my job itself. My main job that I have had for about 8 years now, its always been the same job / position, but the company changed hands multiple times... The first company I originally hired with, merged with another. That company lost the contract at some point, a third company came in at which point I was hired by that company (merger I didnt switch anything, i was automatically part of the company). Now, the third company merged with the ORIGINAL merged company. So the end result, I am with the original merger company, though I had a couple of months in between where I was technically with another company, but I was still at this same job position. Its so convoluted and messy, I have no idea how I should properly list my history, nor do I know the exact dates of all of this. What I DO know is the ORIGINAL hire date for the first company, which in the end became this company. Should I just list that date, this current company name, and list as my present job? Or should I some how try to explain all this? Ive had the same steady job for 8 years, but yeah, the company has had a mess of transitions.

    3. About proof of relationship. We have met in person of course, and I will provide plane tickets, pictures from my visit (and proof of my second visit coming up in January.) However, prior to that, we had spent a year chatting almost daily online only. We didnt call eachother, we did play games online over Steam (I have no idea how to prove this..). we didn't video chat, either, we did trade pics of course. But neither of us were particularly comfortable with video chatting / phone calls are expensive, we traded audio just through chat programs. I DO hav ethe ability to download my chat history from VK (Basically Facebook, but more used in Russia / EU, shes Russian so I installed VK on my phone as she preferred using it and it didnt bother me.)... the thing is, our chat history will be INSANELY long. I mean every day for over a year, and we chat alllllll day long when we have time to respond. Our chat history would be hundreds of pages without a doubt. I dont think I should submit THAT much? How should I handle providing proof? We started dating, or "dating" online very early on as we hit it off really well. When I went to visit in person, we had waited an entire year nearly before we got to meet, for a variety of reasons. We had already discussed marriage, though we of course wanted to get a feel for eachother in person and make sure it felt the same and as real in person as it did online. We knew if our relationship was going to go anywhere, marriage was our only route to be together, and had many discussions on the topic. Should I try to search our chat history and print some of those discussions, perhaps? I can also print a copy of my facebook post of our engagement and my friends / family congratulating us, I suppose. I want to be thorough but not absurd, too. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    I apologize for this being so long. I am just very nervous about the process, the last thing I want is for a denial or delay after waiting so long as is. Aside from a breakup of about a month or so, we have dated for over a year now working towards this goal. Ive debated hiring a laywer for assistance, but I am already working hard to pay for this. (She makes very little income in Russia, so helping me is difficult.)

    Thank you for your time, and any help. 


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