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Posts posted by David98

  1. Hello there!


    Not sure if this is the right place to post but I wanted to share my experience with my medical examination I just had. Before I had my exam I was trying to research online about what happens and I couldn't find anything specific about London so I decided to share my experience for anyone with their own exam coming up. 


    I arrived at the clinic at 4 Bentinck Mansions, London W1U 2ER. It was a bit difficult to find but only because my google maps took me a weird way around the buildings. Once I was there I walked into the reception and was greeted by a smiley lady who told to take a seat in the waiting area as I was a bit early still. My appointment was at 1:30 PM but I got there at 1:15 so I went and took a seat, there were only 2 other people there at the time. 5 minutes or so passed by and another lady came to the doorway and called my name so I got up and went back to reception with her. She asked me for my files and asked a couple questions and to double check some of the information. Once that was done and I got the all OK she gave me a clipboard with a checklist of illnesses or diseases I might've had and was also given a sample cup to fill and return to reception. The form was super easy and only took 5 minutes or so and then I returned both the clipboard and my urine sample to the receptionist and was told to take a seat and wait for the doctor again. 


    About 5 minutes passed again and then another lady appeared in the doorway and called my name and I got up and went with her into a small examination room (It just looked like any other doctors office). She told me she was the doctor and told me what was going to happen, just a general once-over and nothing invasive. I'd read online that they checked your privates but turns out that wasn't true. She double checked that I was okay not having a chaperone and I confirmed and signed a couple times. She then took my blood pressure, checked my ears, mouth and neck/throat for TB screening. Then I stood on the scales and took my weight and height and then had to perform a simple eye test (I was allowed to wear my glasses if I needed). She then told me to get changed down to my underwear behind the curtain and sit on the bed and let her know when I was good and ready. I didn't get a gown which I'd read about online too but not sure where I'd read that now 😂. Sat up on the bed and let her know and so she came behind and checked my heart beat and my lungs where I had to do some deep breathes. She then instructed me to take a lie back on the bed. My stomach was checked and then my mobility in my arms and legs and finally she checked my reflexes in my knees and on my feet (it tickles a lot!). 


    She then instructed me to put my clothes back on and let her know when I was ready. She whipped back the curtain when I was done and then I had to do a blood test (worst part for me as I have a fear of needles but she was really relaxing and calm with me so I felt okay). She then told me to wait back in the waiting room for the x-ray technician and that after would be the vaccinations with the nurse. I went back and waited for another 5 or so minutes until yet another lady came to the door and called me. She led me into the back in a room with an x-ray machine and told me to remove just my t-shirt and to stand against the plate with my arms almost like a chicken (p.s. the plate is cold which I let her know 😂). Told me to take a deep breathe in and hold it for as long as I could then 5 seconds later it was done and I was told to head back to the waiting room for the vaccination nurse. I waited for 10 minutes or so until another lady came to the door and asked me to come to reception. I headed over and she told me it was all done and that my vaccines were all up to date so nothing had to be done. £350 later I was already on my way home again and now time to wait for my interview next week!!


    Overall it was a really pleasant experience and I'd recommend it to anyone in London looking to get their medical done, everyone was really nice and friendly which was nice and reassuring. 


    Best of luck!


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