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Everything posted by buzzsparker

  1. Thanks! Appreciate it! Looks like what I got was a letter re: reusing biometrics and "here's how to make an online account". So, let's hope the extension turns up in the mail this week. I wonder if it's a virtual thing and they'll issue that via MyUSCIS. . .
  2. Hi, all! Just adding more info for those looking for mail timelines We sent our package in on 4/11 and it was received by 4/14 at 6AM, so we definitely knew they got it (scary since my card expires 5/3). But Informed Delivery shows that I have 2 letters coming tomorrow! One of them (I read through the envelope window) is about them reusing my biometrics, but the other I am not sure. I'm guessing it's the NOA1 and extension letter? So, 13 days from the date I mailed it out!
  3. You all have been super helpful, and have helped to put those fears of mine to rest. I really appreciate the help. I've just only done domestic travel since moving and had to be sure. Thank you all so much!
  4. Hello all! So, I've been wanting to travel to see my Mom in the UK, and I haven't seen her since moving 11/2019. We are very close, so it's hard to not see her all this time. I hold a Green Card (conditional) and it expires in 5/2023. Is it safe to go and visit her? Will I essentially not be allowed back home because I'm not a US citizen? I'm so paranoid that I could potentially throw away everything I've built here so far. I know the Green Card is used for re-entry, but COVID regulations freak me out. If anyone has any leads, I'd really appreciate it - Thanks!
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