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Status Updates posted by Lilibeth

  1. So guys this is the update of my case status,

    Case last updated June 14,and it says its undergoing necessary Administrative Processing which could take several weeks.

    June 18 checked  the status again and i was very surprised cause it says ISSUED already...and I got an email from them telling me that my documents is being deliver via 2GO to my address given to them.

    June 21,i got my documents and my visa.

    Me and my Fiance were so happy and thankful that finally the long wait is over..

    He booked me a ticket right away and i'm going to travel on the 16th day of July.

    So all of you  guys who have the same problem with mine just be patient...

    I wish you all the best and Good Luck everyone...

    God is good.

    1. Adam A

      Adam A

      Best of luck to you guys and congrats.been waiting since May 22 which was the date of my interview and was told approved and until now the site had 5 diffrenet date updates but still stuck on the ready status .when I read posts like yours from people it gives me and I'm sure lots of other people in the same shoes as us some hope .congrats again

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