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j and c

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Posts posted by j and c

  1. seriously, here is the deal with VSC.....the center is physically located in a remote location that suffered extreme infrastructure damage year last and from which the area has yet to recover....roads, bridges, buildings, the entire area was wrecked.

    add to this the fact that the center is overwhelmed and is poorly managed and you end up with slow service.

    and, if your case falls into one of the commonly experienced 'black holes' at VSC, then you can expect to wait years, not months, for processing.

    the entire operation is a disgrace and needs to be closed down and a new service center opened up in a more urban location where a competent workforce and basic infrastructure/public services exist.

  2. here is the problem with VSC...the entire state population is comprised of inbred, jackleg worthless welfare moochers.

    the entire operation at VSC needs to be closed down and everyone fired.

    open up another operation in another state where the populace knows how to actually work.

    I spit on Vermont.

  3. take a good look at where the service center is located.....if it ain't at the end of the world, land of the dueling banjos, where the sun don't shine, inbredville, etc....then I don't know how you'd describe it.

    a new service center needs to be opened somewhere closer to civilization where a larger labor pool is available and there is more dependable infrastructure...boston, new york, philly, dc, richmond, atlanta, etc..

    and then vsc needs to be closed and everybody fired, forever.

  4. VSC is totally messed up and the only solution is to open a new service center and then promptly close VSC.

    I encourage everyone to write their elected Representatives and Senators suggesting that VSC be closed.

    There are just too many things wrongs with VSC to do anything other than close it.

    It should never have been opened in its present location.

    I would also argue that Family immigration matters concerning spouses, children, etc....are a basic human right and trump any man made law.

    And certainly after paying such high fees, I expect some timely service....prompt and courteous service.

    I don't work for those jack leg inbred fools; Unfortunately, I pay their salaries and they work for me.

  5. look, here is the deal with VSC...it is located in a very, very rural part of an already rural state....sort of like on the edge of civilization, the last outpost before the great darkness, the end of the road, where the sun don't shine no more, etc....you get my drift.

    there is no way you could ever convince me that they can find competent employees there...I am sure they're good at something, like maybe building igloos or inbreeding...but paperwork obviously is not their forte.

    plus, year last, they suffered great flooding (even Providence is disgusted with them) that cut off all their connections with the outside world, cut roads, no electricity, no communications....and they lost what little vestiges of civilization they had....not that in their inbred condition they actually noticed.

    also, their broken computer system is totally, and I mean totally, beyond repair.

    How many work there?....800 or so...?....we as a people would be better off putting all of them on permanent welfare, a station in life the local denizen are familiar and comfortable with, and moving the entire operation closer to civilization.....like Boston or someplace.

  6. look, here is the deal with VSC...it is located in a very, very rural part of an already rural state....sort of like on the edge of civilization, the last outpost before the great darkness, the end of the road, where the sun don't shine no more, etc....you get my drift.

    there is no way you could ever convince me that they can find competent employees there...I am sure they're good at something, like maybe building igloos or inbreeding...but paperwork obviously is not their forte.

    plus, year last, they suffered great flooding (even Providence is disgusted with them) that cut off all their connections with the outside world, cut roads, no electricity, no communications....and they lost what little vestiges of civilization they had....not that in their inbred condition they actually noticed.

    also, their broken computer system is totally, and I mean totally, beyond repair.

    How many work there?....800 or so...?....we as a people would be better off putting all of them on permanent welfare, a station in life the local denizen are familiar and comfortable with, and moving the entire operation closer to civilization.....like Boston or someplace.

  7. my experience with VSC is that some random cases are taken care of in a timely manner but a lot of cases languish for months and months if not years and years.

    is there something wrong at VSC...?

    the answer clearly is yes.

    personally, I feel they should move the office to a more urban location such as Boston where there are more competent employees available and more infrastructure in place such as decent roads, electrical/utility systems, ect.... summer last, the entire state suffered tremendous rains and flooding to an already strained transportation and utility system and were literally in the dark and cut off from the rest of the world....I do not believe they have ever recovered from that setback.

    also, the computer system at VSC seems to have been awarded on some sort of special set aside contract dependent on gender rather than competency with the resulting backlog of unprocessed cases climbing and climbing ever higher.

    the entire office is fubar and should be closed.

  8. contract to fci? what is FCI

    New Brand Reflects Transformation From Small Boutique Into Major Government Services Firm FedConsulting, Inc. has now become FCi Federal, with a new name and new focus that underscore how the firm has transformed from a woman owned small business to a major national government services provider with nearly 1,000 employees at 53 government agency sites in 19 states and 2 territories.

  9. I also translated documents from spanish to english such as birth certificates and basically just listed the dates of birth, parents names, places of birth any witnesses names and any other info on the spanish forms and put down all the info in an orderley manner in english and then signed and printed my name and date as being competent to translate spanish to english.

    This also works for DAS documents or any other spanish document....you just put down an orderly, english translation with all the pertinent information....it does not have to be word for word....you can do it yourself...there is no official spanish translator service required.

    Example...just an example....

    I, Joe Public, certify that I am fluent in the Spanish and English languages and hereby certify that the below information is a true, complete and accurate translation of the attached original Birth Certificate document entitled “Acta de Nacimiento” (or whatever they call it in Colombia)

    Registrant’s Information





    Date of Birth:

    Month X, 19XX

    Present at Birth:

    Both Parents





    Certificate Number:


    Place of Birth:

    Cali, Colombia

    Registration and Personal Identity Code (if any)


    Individual Identification Number (if any


    Parents’ Information













    Mr Joe Public

    123 Main Street

    Any City, Any State


  10. hopefully you have both been filing taxes as married filing jointly, I would continue to file taxes as married filing jointly and use the irs transcripts as evidence...also, any joint rental/purchase contracts are good evidence.

    many people in this economy have to travel or go where the work is....they may work in one state, even one far away, and maintain a family household and marriage in their home state.

    I would file the ROC from your home address in South Dakota.

  11. however, many I-751 filers from previous months have not received their cards.....with none of them indicating that they received any RFE's..it looks like anywhere from a minimum 11 full months to years is very possible if your case is not completed within 10 months.

    for instance, if you do a search for the time frames on the USCIS website, you will find the date 8/1/2011 on the processing times and if you do an individual case search and then click on the link showing processing times for the I-175 at VSC, it shows as of today 8.1 months.

    I believe that July 2011 filers can now at least make an appointment at their local office and make a formal inquiry into the status of their case....and then VSC must respond in 30 days....does this sound correct?

  12. if you live where there are large latino immigrant populations like in Florida, then ask some of the locals which local small latino/colombian business has arrangements for shipping to Colombia.

    you will often find that small groceries, check cashing and other small latino stores offer this service.

    nobody pays 500 dollars to ship 6 pounds......the big US companies that try charging that are crazy.

    for 500 dollars, I would expect the CEO of FedEx to personally deliver the package and also take me along.

    basically, the large US companies are telling us that they do not want the business.

  13. OK, maybe you just misspelled Eritrea....and yes, there is no longer a US Embassy open there...in fact, the entire country is practically locked down.

    anyway, in DC there is a large Eritrean immigrant population....in fact, a young male Eritrean was just arrested there for setting a fire that practically burned down an apartment building full of other Eritreans.

    perhaps she is now homeless in DC or is driving/living in one of the Yellow Cabs found at Dulles or National airports.

  14. I believe some shots should be staggered as you do not want too many at once.

    also, try the local equivalent of the colombian red cross as their prices seem more reasonable than private clinics.

    the private clinic in bogota used by applicants with visa requests to come here is more expensive and the doctor there will try to convince you that he needs to give you more shots at a inflated price.

    I understand that he has a higher overhead with a private clinic, but shots can had for a lower price at places like the colombian red cross clinics.

    make sure to keep duplicates of records or even ask for duplicate originals.

    that's my two pesos.

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