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Posts posted by Leney

  1. In May, I took a part time position (in addition to my full time job which doesn't offer health care) with a business institute as an executive assistant, and was told that in July, my work would be reviewed and I would be made full time with benefits. My employer loves me, and she reviewed my work, gave me a cash bonus, but has said nothing more about going full time or getting benefits.

    In the meantime, we managed to get pregnant (which please don't get me wrong, we are very happy about just worried about how we are going to cope health care wise), and I had to go to the emergency room for abdominal pains. I just got the bill today, and I'm sort of freaking out. I have not yet been offered the full time, or the benefits, and I'm starting to worry how I'm going to take care of this situation.

    In PA, we have a thing where all pregnant women are to get health care - though I detest the thought of "medical assistance" it is starting to look like the only way until I am given the full time position with benefits. My questions are:

    A. Does being pregnant effect the AoS - my mother is already our co-sponsor for my hubby and step son

    B. Would me being on medical assistance effect the AoS?

    C. My husband and step son do not yet have health insurance (we've just been paying via cash for anything they need) will this effect AoS?

    D. Is anyone doing free vasectomies from the forum? :P Sorry if I didn't make jokes I'd probably be crying!

    Our AoS interview is September 14th. I don't want to do anything that will put that in jeopardy.

  2. I am sorry, don't mean to sound preachy or bitchy but what?? your "previous children"?? They will always, and firstly be your children, whether they live with you or not. I had admired your interest in their life previously in your first post but..."previous children" says a lot about how you feel. I just don't see how one could put a spouse's feelings ahead of a child's needs. I could honestly never consider how I feel for our children equal to how I feel for my husband, especially as it's totally different love and I know he feels the same. We have 3 very young boys who are dependent on us solely - maybe that makes the difference for me, in where I'm coming from. I am a mother, step-mother, and wife. I love and adore my husband with all of my heart, he is my best friend, but his needs and my needs are secondary to that of our children, whether they are our children by blood or not. We both understand the situation (we were both single parents with sole custody of our boys though before we married, perhaps this makes a difference for us too?) we are in money wise, emotion wise, and adjustment wise. Yes, it is a big change, and I have been on the other side (having had lived in my hubby's country), but there comes a time when ya gotta say "this is either what you want, or not what you want, you love me for who I am, not what I can give you - You were well aware of the situation before you got involved with me, so suck it up or go away." Maybe I'm too harsh, but at this point in my life, I am beyond the game playing stage lol I am not a sugar coated person, so I don't mean to upset or insult anyone, I just believe in being blunt. I let the sugar coated, feel-good stuff to others who actually feel it. I am only me, and only share how I honestly feel.

  3. Well, my aunt's sister just found out she has breast cancer and needs a double mastectomy. They explained to her they will reconstruct breasts for her using her belly/thigh skin and fat. She had a very unusual take on the situation. She is a very high spirited lady with a good sense of humour and when she was told this, she looked at them and said "so basically my belly and thighs and boobs will all be smaller, but my @$$ will be just as big?"

  4. There is nothing more important in the world than your children. Your wife sounds as though she is jealous. It also sounds as though she needs to grow up.

    My ex was like that with my son, he was a jealous crybaby who couldn't stand me spending more attention to my son than him. I couldn't stand that, and felt it to be not only obnoxious and immature, but beyond the scope of normal behavior.

    There is no person, no woman, no wife, no lover who should take president over your wee girls. You need to be the grown up here and take back control of your life and your situation. Lay ground rules and let her know her childish behavior will not be tolerated or interfere with the relationship between you and your children.

    If you want the marriage to work, I also suggest some sort of counseling for you and your wife, to deal with the change, the adjustments, and the stress of the situation. It doesn't sound like a lot of good communicating is occurring without fights, so you may need a mediator (counselor) to get you through.

  5. I took the test when I was 16 (*cough 12 years ago - getting old cough*), so I couldn't remember a lot of it to help my hubby with getting ready so I made him flash cards with the different signs and things, and he read the book over and over, and we found pretests online to practice. I knew he was going to pass, and I'm so proud of him! So for anyone else taking the PA leaner's permit, here's a link to help you get ready:


    The questions shuffle.

  6. Last time I was pregnant, we were living in Scotland, I am now missing UK food soo much lol I keep telling myself it's too early for cravings, but I want sausage rolls so bad, or a fish supper, big breakfast fry-ups at this little cafe called Munchies in Paisley (mmm tattie scones) and mint aero!!!! *cry* You meanies :P My hubby wants his Irn Bru and sausage suppers too hehe

  7. Some here seem to think that anyone acting outside of any law makes that person lawless. A lawless individual is someone who has no regard for laws. An activist, IMO, is someone who will defy a specific rule or law that they find unjust. It doesn't matter whether you agree with their perspective or not, they are expressing activism through civil disobedience.

    The "right" to civil disobedience rests on a person's right to political participation and

    their responsibilities as a citizen. Foreign citizens have no responsibilities and no

    political participation rights in the United States, hence no right to object to any law.

    Not just citizens who can vote have rights. Legal Permanent Residents, for example have certain rights here in the U.S. even though they cannot vote. Does the mother of a native born citizen have any justification for remaining here in the U.S. to raise her child? Certainly the child's best interest should come into play here. I think it should depend on many variables, but to say that she has no justification for defying our immigration laws is holding that such laws are supreme and immune to ever being unjust. You can disagree with her perspective and have valid reasons why you disagree, but from her perspective, she is standing up for what is just. Depending on all the details, I don't see why we can't offer her temporary legal status until her son turns 18, with the opportunity to pay fines and eventually apply for citizenship.

    I'm sorry, but do you know how stupid that sounds? My husband is from Scotland, we have a child together who has the right to be a UK citizen, that would be like me entering the UK illegally, then claiming I have a right to stay there and take care of my underage UK Citizen child - how the hell well do you think that would go over in the UK???

  8. You may only participate in the political process if you are a US Citizen (ie vote).

    The only rights which exist are rights guaranteed to US Citizens via the constitution.

    Anything not defined within the Constitution are privileges not rights (an example privacy is not a right, it is a privilege)

    This is basic 11th grade civics class information.

    Civil disobedience is just another word for breaking the law. One could argue (I believe as they have already sarcastically said) tax evasion could be civil disobedience, welfare fraud could be civil disobedience, it's all relative in the liberal way of looking at things if you have the rose coloured glasses to see things that way, I suppose. Have some good things in history come from "law breakers" - arguably, sure. The reason this "sub thread" was created - In the case of illegal immigrants who have broken numerous laws to exist inside of any country to which they have no claim or right to exist - it is not activism, it is breaking the law pure and simple, not for the greater good of other illegals who have preceded or who will follow them - it is a selfish choice to break the law, a risk to the security, health, resources, and an affront to the law by which the country is governed.

  9. Some here seem to think that anyone acting outside of any law makes that person lawless. A lawless individual is someone who has no regard for laws. An activist, IMO, is someone who will defy a specific rule or law that they find unjust. It doesn't matter whether you agree with their perspective or not, they are expressing activism through civil disobedience.

    The "right" to civil disobedience rests on a person's right to political participation and

    their responsibilities as a citizen. Foreign citizens have no responsibilities and no

    political participation rights in the United States, hence no right to object to any law.

    Outstanding :D

  10. I think paying taxes is unjust.

    Good. If you truly believe in your conscience that taxation is unjust, then fight it. The IRS may have you audited, but at least you are standing up for what you believe in strongly. That's what activism is all about. ;)

    Or, move to Pennsylvania, sell your PC and join the Amish :D

    Yes, some of your examples are activism, others I would argue not so much.

    In your liberal definition of activist, let's not forget confederate activists (or as we may call them today - terrorists) Jesse James and Frank James, Bill Anderson, The Daltons, The Youngers, William Clarke Quantrill and his raiders, John Singleton Mosby - you can argue that activism is relative, but relative to whom? There's a very fine line throughout history when it comes to activism and terrorism if you want to go down that route. As you've illustrated well, much self proclaimed (or media proclaimed) "activism" is merely selfish pandering, and and attempt to justify illegal activity.

    Sometimes I feel I'm the only one who thinks if you want to be a Radical (fill in the blank), be a Radical (fill in the blank) in your own country. Facilitate change there, so you don't have to illegally enter another country in oder to find a better way of life.

  11. You cannot liken the plight of ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO WILLFULLY, KNOWINGLY break United States Law for their own selfish gain by a. unlawfully entering the country, b. committing fraud, c. having a child in the states in an effort to remain in the usa to that of African slaves over 150 years ago. Not only does it cheapen the horror of slavery, it attempts to endear the plight of ILLEGALS to mainstream America, and that is just despicable. They deserve no sympathy, they deserve no understanding. They are criminals. Do you feel sorry for the 34 year old man who was abused by a priest as a 5 year old child, who then goes on to sexually molest hundreds of children? You can't differentiate criminals based on crimes. Wrong is wrong, and wrong should be punished accordingly by due process.

    THERE IS NO EXCUSE TO NOT ENTER THIS COUNTRY LEGALLY, TO IMMIGRATE LEGALLY. I have saved, struggled, and worked 2 jobs to be able to afford immigration for my hubby and son. I am sick to death of hearing people make excuses for illegals, I'm sick of hearing sob stories for illegals. Legal immigration is much more heartbreaking than someone entering illegally. I cannot fathom anyone who has gone through this process legally having any sort of understanding for people who do not, considering the amount of bullcrap we have had to endure for real, true love and family.

  12. I'm not exactly sure, but I wouldn't think unemployment would be one of the resources forbidden to non us citizens (as long as they are legal). I say this because employers are actually, in a round about way, the ones who pay out for unemployment. It is the reason they pay unemployment insurance to the government.

    While I was writing this, I decided to google:

    13. Can individuals who are not U.S. citizens collect UI benefits? To collect UI benefits aliens must establish that they were in satisfactory immigration status and authorized to work in the United States when earning the wages used to establish their claim. In addition, the claimant must provide proof that they remain in satisfactory immigration status and are authorized to work each week that benefits are claimed. EDD verifies immigration status and work authorization through an electronic system maintained by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. <-- this is for the state of California - I don't know what state your in, but google this: Your state, non us citizen unemployment insurance benefit eligibility

  13. I feel no sympathy for this woman, she has willfully and knowingly broken laws, not just immigration laws but fraud and probably numerous more. She's doing nothing more than using Christianity as a crutch, and spitting in the face of US Law.

    I don't care how poor or how sad her life is, if my family (and trust me I'm far from rich) can do it the legal way, so can anyone else. I'm so FREAKING sick of excuses.

    boo 'effing' hoo.

  14. Well, I had an eventful Sunday :P My mom's friend asked if I could help her boss out of a jam at the PA Ren Faire, so against my better judgment, I thought sure - went to help her out Saturday and Sunday, but on Sunday I wasn't feeling too well, I started to have sharp abdominal and back pains, and I couldn't do anything but bend over in pain. They rushed me out of the Ren Faire to the hospital, where I got the absolute best care I've ever received. After loads of blood work, an ultrasound, and some tests, they found a very healthy 6 week 1 day old baby in there thankfully, unfortunately I have kidney stones which was causing the extreme pain. They also found out I am extremely anemic, which now explains why I have been so terribly exhausted so early on.

    I just wanted to strangle the general manager at the fair though, I'm sitting there doubled over in pain, she was trying to console me, but she says "Don't worry I've had a miscarriage before too" I was in a lot of pain, but honestly fine until she said that, and then I just couldn't stop crying and my blood pressure went up. Thank god for the lovely ambulance crew, the advance life support guy started an IV and kept telling me my symptoms should not be based on my pregnancy, but should be based on my symptoms, and he was the first to tell me he thought it was kidney stones. He asked me where my husband was, and I told him at home with our 3 boys, and he asked what he did, and I explained he's looking for a job, as he'd just gotten his ssn and work authorization, and it turned out his mother had also immigrated from Scotland before he was born, he got so wrapped up chatting about Scotland he nearly forgot to tell the hospital we were en route, but he calmed me down so much even though I was in horrible pain!

    Anyway, I needed to vent and share my story hehe Also congrats on the arrivals, and good luck and best wishes for everyone else still waiting it out ;) Take care girls!

  15. There are actually some sites that use more scientific methods too. Here's a link:


    Apparently female sperm are hardier and live longer, but they are slow. Male sperm is fast but dies quickly. So you can look at your date of ovulation vs. the day you think you had unprotected sex and see whether it's more likely to be a girl or boy

    We did both the Chinese and the fertility gender calendar, and both said girl lol which hopefully holds true, as we have 3 lovely little boys already and no matter what, this is the last installment for us! hehe

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