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Posts posted by meow85meow

  1. 17 minutes ago, Babu Frik said:

    You cannot leave the for more than 1 year, however, extended periods outside can affect how long it takes to apply for citizenship.


    https://help.cbp.gov/s/article/Article-820?language=en_US#:~:text=If you are a lawful,for 1 year or more.&text=Therefore%2C if you are outside,denied entry into the U.S.



    Thank you. So does that mean that even though I haven't moved yet, as long as I move to the States within 1 year, I will be okay? Will I be denied entry or otherwise penalized if I stay too long? 

  2. Hi guys. My husband and I applied for a IR-1 visa from abroad, and after getting the visa, I did a quick weekend trip to the U.S. in August to "activate" my green card. I have thus successfully been able to get my green card, but I have still not yet moved to the U.S. (I was staying in Korea because my husband and I were worried about COVID in the States).  Other than that short weekend trip in August, I still haven't been able to move to U.S., and I am worried about maintaining green card status. I am hoping to reunite with my husband soon and move to the States, but with the surge in COVID cases and the job market going down along with it, I'm worried that it wouldn't be the most practical time to move over right now. Can anyone tell me how long I have until I *absolutely* have to move to the States? I remember reading somewhere that because this is the first year I got my green card, I have to move back within 6 months... is that correct??? Also, what other general requirements are there to maintain status??? Thank you in advance!!!!

  3. 5 hours ago, aaron2020 said:

    Potentially, you could have problems.


    You will need to file a US tax return and include your Korean income.  For USCIS, this would indicate that you live and work in Korea.  

    You haven't really establish or maintain a domicile in the US.  

    If you are receiving medical benefits, etc. reserved for people residing in Korea, then you put your green card at risk.


    Would it still be an issue if I quit my job and moved later? I am still in the process of finding a job in the States, which is part of why I would like to delay my entry into the States until I find a job. How risky would it be to move after I quit my job and settle my affairs in Korea, but past the 6 month mark (within the 1 year mark)?

  4. He is in the States already. We are already in a bit of an awkward situation because I met/married my husband while I was studying in the U.S., but only really decided to file for a green card after I moved back to Korea (I moved back first because we were both trying to figure out whether we wanted to settle down in the U.S. or Korea. We both already had jobs respectively in the U.S. and in Korea, so we kinda wanted to feel it out first). As a result, we have spent two out of the first three years of our marriage apart doing long distance (corona just extended that period....). Would this be viewed as suspect????

  5. Hi guys. My husband and I applied for a IR-1 visa from abroad, and after getting the visa, I did a quick weekend trip to the U.S. in August to "activate" my green card. I have thus successfully been able to get my green card, but I have still not yet moved to the U.S. (I was staying in Korea because my husband and I were worried about COVID in the States).  Other than that short weekend trip in August, I still haven't been able to move to U.S., and I am worried about maintaining green card status. I am hoping to reunite with my husband soon and move to the States, but with the surge in COVID cases and the economy downturning along with it, I'm worried that it wouldn't be the most practical time to move over right now. Can anyone tell me how long I have until I *absolutely* have to move to the States? I remember reading somewhere that because this is the first year I got my green card, I have to move back within 6 months... is that correct??? Also, what other general requirements are there to maintain status??? Thank you in advance!!!!

  6. 7 hours ago, James120383 said:


    There is a immigration and Customs check for international arrival. Yes they are open when there is an international flight.

    Okay, awesome. So I don't have to worry about what time my flight is arriving in Guam? Also, is CBP/the US still processing/issuing green cards or has there been any hold or suspension on that? I heard a rumor that the current administration is trying to block people on student visas and H1-B's from being able to enter, so wanted to check...

  7. Hello all. So this is possibly a stupid question, but I was issued an IR-1 visa and am planning on trying to activate my green card (which is going to expire soon) by entering Guam in August. Looking through the process to activate the visa, it seems that I would need to interview with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Is this just regular customs, or is there like a separate office? Will they be open 24/7 (I am arriving early, early morning on a Saturday around 3AM)? Thank you, and again, apologies for the potential stupidity of the question. 

  8. 1 hour ago, pushbrk said:

    Requirement 1.  Pay New Immigrant Fee.  Requirement 2. Enter the US before the visa expires.  You are free to travel at anytime, but should not leave the US for MORE THAN SIX MONTHS.  The six months away is not a hard and fast rule but it will keep you out of trouble.  Long term, you need to maintain permanent residence in the USA, which generally means spending more time in the US than out and having the US as your primary residence.

    Thank you for your response!!! I have two questions.


    First question: Is the six month requirement from the time of entry (e.g., I enter in August 2020, and until August 2021, I have to spend at least 6+ months in the US)? 


    Second question: Are there any requirements that I have to spend the first couple of months there (e.g., if I enter in August, I have to spend the first couple of months in the US)?


    I work in the financial industry, and with corona right now, the industry is acting VERY erractically. Because the job market looks REALLY bad right now, my spouse and I are thinking that I stay at my current position for as long as possible, save up money, and then move back when the corona situation has died down a little. Thank you again for any advice!!!!

  9. Hello. I was just issued my CR-1 visa late last week (expecting to get an IR-1 green card because my 2nd anniversary will be early May). Originally, my plan was to quit my job, finish up attending personal matters here, and then moving back to the States late May/early June.  However, with the whole corona situation, my spouse and I are both highly concerned about my moving back at this time (health reasons, job reasons, etc.). We are now curious about what the requirements are AFTER having the CR-1/IR-1 visa issued. Do I just need to enter the States within the visa expiration date (late August)? Is there a certain amount of time I have to reside in the states (e.g., have to stay at least a 6 months before going back, etc.)?? Because one of our primary concerns is my finding a job once I move to the States, we are thinking about possibly having me make a short trip to visit him in the US just to make sure I enter the US within the visa expiration time period, and then extending our long distance time apart until this situation blows over a little. Would that be possible??

  10. Hello everyone. I am applying for CR-1 with my husband at the Seoul Embassy. My husband and I were a same-sex couple, and we got married in New York where our marriage is legally recognized. I am a Korean national, and in Korea, such marriage is not recognized. While preparing documents for my interview, I noticed that a footnote in the checklist that said: "If you are of Korean nationality, submit a Marriage Relation Certificate with "Detailed" information and English translation." This document, as I understand, is essentially just a personal registry where you file with the Korean gov't if you get married. However, since gay marriage is obviously not legally recognized, this document never really applied to us. Does anyone know what should I do for my interview???!!! I am panicking a little now cuz my interview is almost a week away and I am mad that I missed this document and I obviously can't produce this document. Any help would be appreciated!!!!

  11. Hello all. So I got an email saying that my documents were all approved and that my interview is set up for March. I had set up an appointment for my medical exam this coming Monday, and it says that one of the documents I need to bring is the "visa interview appointment letter." Can anyone clarify exactly what this means? Is this referring to just the email saying that my interview has been scheduled, or is there a separate form? I am interviewing in Seoul if that brings any clarity.  Thank you!

  12. Hello. This is a half vent/half plea for suggestions, so bear with me a little. I had originally submitted all my documents in mid-October. Last week on December 4, I got a notice about my documents, and saw a message that one of my documents was incorrect. I went to the page they referred me to, but my documents were completely compliant to their request.  Confused about what I was supposed to resubmit (because the original doc was correct to begin with), I called NVC, waited an hour and a half on hold, and got connected to a person who (nicely enough) agreed that the doc looks fine and flagged it for her supervisor to review.  However, during this process, she mentioned in passing, "Oh, you resubmitted this document again today", which I DID NOT.  I think, somewhere along in the review process, I got pushed back in line with the same document, EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T SUBMIT ANYTHING AGAIN.  I got connected to a supervisor who was sick with some type of cold and kept giving me vague answers about the document.  When I asked whether I should resubmit, she told me that wouldn't be necessary.  This has been about a week ago now, and still no change to my status. I now feel like I'm waiting in limbo just trying to figure out what happens from here. Does anyone have an idea of what my new timeline would be, or whether I should resubmit (it would literally be the same file) or anything?

  13. Hello. So my husband and I hired an immigration lawyer to assist us with the CR-1 immigration process. Currently, our case is at DHS and we had paid our fees. Our attorney was supposed to help us prepared the online DS-260 form, but he had told us he filled it out and submitted the form without informing us. Unfortunately, when we checked out the application form, there were a BUNCH of mistakes in the application (e.g., listing my graduate school twice; filling in spouse's email address as my address; and most egregiously, IMO, stating that I didn't have any previous visa issued by the US, when clearly I sent him copies of my past F-1 visas...). My husband and I are furious, but right now, we're just trying to figure out what we need to do to correct this mess. Our lawyer said that we just need to submit and upload an affidavit correcting the mistakes - is this true??? Thank you in advance for all your help!!!! 

  14. Hello. I am the applicant living abroad while my husband (the petitioner/US Citizen) filed for me in the States. We got married May 2018. We were just informed that our case was created at NVC and we had submitted the AOS fee and IV fee payment yesterday. However, I have a question regarding the type of residency I will be granted. I understand that if the second anniversary of our marriage has passed at the time of visa approval, I will be granted a 10 year residency, while if the anniversary has not passed, it would be a 2 year conditional residency. My question is, when exactly does this second anniversary marker end?? Is it (i) when we filed the application (already passed; 2 year res.), (ii) when we have our interview (depending on how quickly we get documents ready, 2 year res. or 10 year res.), or (iii) when I enter the US (most likely 10 year res.)? I have asked MULTIPLE people and have gotten several different answers, so I would like to get some clarity on this issue (my lawyer says it is (i), a different forum says (iii), and when I did another Google search, an old VisaJourney thread said (ii):


    Any and all help would be appreciated!!!! Thank you!!!! 

  15. Hey guys. So I really didn't want to start a new thread on this, but I've read through the different threads and flowcharts and cheatsheets, and I am still confused about the process after receiving my NOA2. I received (or rather, got approved) on Aug. 7, and shortly after, received an email saying that my case was delivered to the NVC of DHS on Aug. 22. Based on the different threads I've read, it seems that I should be getting an NVC case number, or at least, SOME notice that the NVC received my documents. However, it's been almost a month now and I have heard nothing. Is this normal?? I've tried calling their hotline/call center multiple times, but was either put on hold for an hour or disconnected midway through my wait. I am really concerned because my spouse moved to a new address a couple of months ago, and even though we sent in an address change request (which they said they received), the new address doesn't seem to have been updated. Even with the NOA2, I only found out because I had signed up for email notifications on the case tracker. I am honestly not in a RUSH rush to get through the process, but I would still like to know that my case is at least MOVING. Should I be worried that I haven't received notice that the NVC hasn't received my case yet? What should I be expecting from here on out?? Thank you!!! 

  16. Hello there. I received my NOA2 in August and am waiting for my case number. I remember reading a couple of months back that there was an app that you could use to call with a US number - anyone have any idea what the name of this app would be?? I feel now it would be helpful in keeping updated on my case status. Thank you!

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