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Posts posted by SOC2020

  1. My husband is the petitioner in our story. We are both Filipinos and he was born here in the US thus the citizenship. When I first got here I thought everything is gonna be great since I met his mom a lot of times before and she seemed nice but boy I was wrong lol. She acts nice but she wants to discreetly treat me as a maid since I don't have a job here and as per her opinion, doesnt pay for anything haha (my husband gives money to his mom for expenses here) Kept rambling about how before she does everryyythinggg in the house. but really she was just exaggerating, I know it cause I studied their patterns haha. And she gets super uneasy when she sees me relaxing in the house even though I already did chores clean cook etc. and finds something for me to do hahaha. And she meddles a lot. God oh god how she nitpicks everything thinking she is always right and everyone else are wrong. When I first realized what's happening I think I got depressed for a few weeks. I hated it here, I missed my comfortable life in the Philippines living my own life making and spending my own money, I even thought I regretted marrying at one point cause my in-law made me feel so helpless and worthless. Hi dear husband, that was not my proudest moment I know haha love you! I have always considered myself a strong person but that situation made me feel like . Whenever my husband goes to work I would cry or feel like crying cause I ###### hated being alone here in their house. Eventually, I have learned how to avoid them. My point is, I think you should ask your wife how she feels or what she thinks you guys can do at the moment so the both of you doesn't feel "stuck". I know it's hard on you, just make your wife feel she's heard and something is being done about it and you guys are a team against all odds. That helped me. We can't move to an apartment yet since I am still waiting for my EAD and I don't wanna put all of the financial strain on my husband. Maybe you can rent an apartment first before buying a house? If you can afford it, I feel like that would be a good stepping stone in settling down with just the two of you alone. Your mental and emotional health is worth splurging for.


    *given the gift of the benefit of the doubt, our in-laws probably doesn't mean us harm and their actions could just be from their own personal insecurities but nonetheless hard to deal with lol.

  2. On 4/2/2019 at 12:49 PM, Northerndynasty said:

    On my current valid status, I can't just get up and go.  I know, the AP status won't factor in to a domestic move, but affording the move will be reliant upon the EAD.  And my AoS is by the sponsorship of my lovely, beautiful loving wife...who can't wait to move back to Florida, as well!  LOL!  

    Amen to this. Been living with my hellish in-laws since we cant afford to move yet waiting for the EAD lol.

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