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Posts posted by LuvMyDane

  1. Hi,

    I'm traveling together with my fiance to U.S. My question is upon arrival in Immigrations, she goes to the non-US Citizen line and I stay in the US Citizen line. Would it be ok for me to join her when facing the Immigration officer or could she join me since we're both each other's fiance? Has anyone travelled together with their fiance to the U.S.? Thanks.

    I have done this several times with my fiance but it was with the Visa waiver program since he is from Denmark. He could not enter through the US immigration line and I had to go with him through the visitor line. Immigration officers didn't have a problem with me, the USC, being in that line at all. I believe when your fiancee/wife has her green card, then she can go through the US side together with you.

    I know it sucks because the lines can be horribly long for the visitors and USC's go right through. We as USCs sometimes take for granted how lucky we are to hold those blue US passports. I went through several countries customs and when they see my passport, sometimes they wouldn't even look at it. They would just waive me through. Not so with my fiance. He gets checked and double checked.

  2. I just thought it was funny when I noticed how many "FBI Namechecks, fingerprints, etc...they do repeatedly throughout the immigration process....

    Prior to ever having a visa interview, our fiances/spouses are checked on lots of security levels w/ fbi namechecks, border system checks, etc. and most are eventually even fingerprinted at the consulate during their visa interview.....

    And then when it comes time to adjust status, your fiance/spouse gets the biometric fingerprint appointment and yet another fbi namecheck ran on their names.....

    I mean how many name checks and fingerprints are really necessary? I would think that once you get the visa, they have already determined you are good to go for adjustment....(yes, I know not always the situation, but the majority) Just seemed funny to me. :whistle:

    I have a friend who is working for Homeland Security and they don't want the same mistakes happen like the ones prior to 9/11. Double checking and triple checking it seems.

  3. Hi. I'm new to this. Is the procedure to send a scanned copy of a document to a certified translator via email, and have them send back a paper copy of the translation through regular mail?



    The companies I looked into required either a scanned, faxed, or mailed copy and they send it back via snail mail. One company offered free 2 day express mail back. Though I don't think of free when they want to charge $45 for the translation. My Danish fiance says Americans love a "buy something and get something free" thrown in. After this post I am starting to believe him. =P

  4. I need some info. My fiancee just finished her medical exam. They took some x-rays of her chest and said they saw something abnormal and needed to do it again. So they x-ray her again but they dont tell her if everything was ok. All they say is for her to bring her x-ray plate with her to interview and then bring it to the USA. Does anyone know what this is about? Does everyone have to do this? Im very worried. Interview is next week also.

    Does she have a positive PPD skin test? If so it may be that Xray is showing what appears like Tuberculosis. It is good that they are doing a second Xray to hopefully rule this out.

  5. :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

    Dear all,

    I just wanted to share that I had my embassy interview this morning and was approved for the K1! Now I just want to get my passport back in my hands to see that it is real! I will write up a review of my experience later in the hope that it may be helpful, in the meantime I just wanted to say thank you all on VJ for your support and advice, it has been invaluable!

    Thanks again,


    HIP HIP HOORAY........YAY and many many Congrats.. :dance:

  6. I am preparing to send in my I 129F and have 5 emails and a birth cert that I translated from spanish to english do I need to write at the bottom of each translated doc that I am fluent in both languages and translated them to the best etc....or can I just attach to the back one general statement this signed statement for all?



    I looked into this myself the other day. I found there are many online certified translators when I did a google search. They will send you your "officially" translated document that will have a seal/stamp. I would do this just to make sure you do not get a RFE. :yes:

  7. But really if you have a K1 visa do you have to purchase a round trip ticket? Ok i know it would be best to buy a round trip incase no marriage come, but with air fares increasing the way of American gas prices, I would rather a one way ticket which is about 40% cheaper.

    Since a K1 visa, is looked at the same as a tourist visa, proof of a onward travel.

    So, im thinking a one way trip ticket to US then a totally seperate ticket to another destination that'll never be used?

    Not being cheap, but the IRS is eating away at any and all my spare change.

    It is true with most airlines that it is cheaper to buy a roundtrip ticket than a one way ticket. I found an agency online that does one way discount tickets and I saved about $150 compared to buying a dicounted round trip ticket. You may want to see if they may save a few bucks. :dance:


  8. My fiancee has her interview in 3 days. today i found some really cheap plane tickets for 4 hundred dolars. should i go ahead and buy the tickets for 3 weeks later or wait until she has the interview. I dont know if the tickets will go up or not.

    I would wait until the interview due to the Law of Murphy. Tickets will probably go up due to spring vacations. Just accept you will need to pay a higher flight price. It will be better than jinxing yourself and losing $400 should there be flight restrictions. Some airlines will allow you to make a change for $200 but most have a limit on the date for 30 days only.

  9. I just read where I should send my fiance's birth certifcate with my petition. I have his BC but it is in Danish. How do I get a translated copy? Can this be something my fiance can do? Can he translate it into English and then submit that along with his Danish BC?

    If he is competent in both English and Danish, he can do it himself. I would probably advise him having it notarized before sending it to you if he does it himself. Or if anyone else does it also, notarized it. Hope this helps! ;)

    Sure does..thanks a million :thumbs:

  10. I am preparing to send off my I-129F for a K1 Visa. The instructions say to send proof of name change if using a name other than that on relevant documents.

    I was married once before and had my name changed at that time but my passport and all my other documents include my previous married name. The only document I have that differs is my birth certificate.

    My question is: Do I need to send a copy of my former marriage license to show that my name changed from my birth certificate?


    Is this requirement only for those using the I-129F form for the K3 visa?

  11. I don't think it will cause any problems with the K-1 Visa. But your fiance would most likely still be responsible for paying it according to the laws in Denmark. While those laws may not be exactly enforcable while in the US, neglecting this responsiblity could cause problems if your fiance ever traveled back to Denmark. As long as he keeps paying it as long as he is responsible, he should have no problems.

    Thanks for your reply. That makes perfect sense to me. :thumbs:

  12. My fiance and I have decided to go the K1 route. He has been paying child support in Denmark. Does anyone know or have experience if child support obligations will tie up approval of a K1 visa? Is there special documents that have to be included that state he will continue support after moving to the US?

    Does anyone have experience in another country regarding Child Support that needs to be guaranteed? When interviewing, is the question of Child Support and how it is to be paid ever brought up? We will not be leaving this responisibility but I would think my fiance's Government would want this promise and that the US would want this included in the Visa process.

  13. I just want to put in a word of caution based on my own personal experience. My husband was in the United States under a visa waiver program and kept "renewing" it after 90 days. This time he came to the country (after we were married and submitted our I-130 etc.) he was almost denied entry into the United States. The Immigrations Officer told us that technically he should put my husband on the first plane back home but decided to let my husband into the country.

    If your significant other does try to enter the US while undergoing this immigration process, bring TONS of proof that they will be going back to Denmark or else you might end up wasting a plane ticket.

    My fiance has already been through the horrors of being almost turned back on his last visit prior to this one. Immigration held him for 2 hours in Atlanta and flagged his passport. Before his visit we were told by an uscis official that technically he could enter the US 4 times a year on the Visa waiver program. In all reality this is not true. Immigration officials have sovereign power and can use any excuse to turn away a visitor. Fortunately this last entry was a breeze to enter but we were still in knots wondering if he would get denied. We do not want to deal with this type of Visa any longer. Plus we both agree that we want to live together as husband and wife and traveling back and forth is no longer fun.

    Thanks for sharing your experience

  14. I don't know what is the fastest and best way to go. My fiance is living with me in the US on the Visa waiver program from Denmark and will be going back home mid April. This is the 3rd time he has come here and each time has stayed 3 months. We were going to marry in Denmark in January and have the Visa processed there but we ran out of time due to some of the requirements Denmark imposes for marriage. So we returned to the US. My questions are from everyone that knows are:

    If we get married here in the US and I apply for the K3 visa, do I have to change my name for the sake of getting a quicker approval? (I don't want to change my name)

    Will a K1 visa be quicker to obtain than the K3?

    I will probably be moving during the application process. Will submitting a change of address hang things up?

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