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Status Updates posted by SunDrop

  1. EAD & AP approved :)

  2. Congrats! You ended up beating me to it :D Doesn't really matter as much once you're together though, right? Just got my EAD approved. Good thing coz we need some cash flow!

  3. Heya, Nope it was collected the afternoon of the next working day, which was Monday in our case. Took a week for them to log it as RFE in review, and that was 1 week ago with no news since.

  4. AOS NOAs received... and the waiting game starts over!

  5. Yup, in Tucson, married on 7/17 and just about file my AOS. After all the I-129F stuff, I'm totally putting off the paperwork lol.

  6. YAY! I logged on thinking of you and wondering how things are moving for you! We'll have to organise an AZ VJ meet :) Luck and other yummy things for your interview. Tish x

  7. Grats on the GC! How exciting :) We're flying into Phoenix on July 8th, back in Tucson the next day. I'll give you a call once we've recovered a little :D

  8. LOL Hiya - approved :) Was absolutely knackered so only just got around to it. How's you? x

  9. Hey hey! Ry's already over here, helping with the kiddy and house (read: playing on the xbox) while I finish work and pack/ sort for selling everything! Dunno if you're up for meeting for breakfast or something the day after we fly back into PHX? I'll PM you when the flight's are booked :)

  10. Hiya - medical was a doddle although the doc left a nice big bruise having massacred a vein or 2! lol... You'll be interviewing before you know it - goes too fast and not fast enough. Very bizarre feeling!

  11. Heya! Congrats on Nigel's job!! Where's he working? We're hoping to be there in time for a July 4th wedding, just a quick 'I-dos' and a bbq and then organise a ceremonial thing for family later on. I'll keep you updated but you should come if you don't have other plans! Talk soon, hugs, Tish x

  12. :) As soon as that NOA2 lands, you'll be sprinting to the finish line. Goes very fast and you'll wonder what on earth all the whoo-haaa is about. Good luck with the rest of your journey! hugs, Tish x
  13. Heya - congrats on your approval :) I've updated you on the interview thread and don't become a stranger, ya here?! Hugs, Tish x

  14. Helllloooooo! lol

    Ry's flying out in a couple weeks and will return with us :) Can't wait to see him again! Visa-wise, we're waiting on German and UK police certs, I-134s and bumpf, and the actual P3. Gonna book our medicals at some point this week I hope for 3rd week in May. And otherwise, sortin', packin' and enjoying the hint of summer we're hav...

  15. Heya :)

    Thanks for the congrats. Oh gracious, I hope it's quick from here on in. Telling myself it'll be about 3 more months but who knows! Another Feb filer who was approved in 30something days got his P3 from London in 10 days O.o

    How's life going over there? Feel like I've lost track of it all now you're AOSing! lol

    Talk soon,<...>

  16. Thanks for the congrats!! How are you getting on? Any further with the whole end of June nightmare? I'll have a look through your recent posts and catch up with you :)



  17. Hiya!

    Long time no speak. Only a couple of weeks til the divorce is finalised! yay :) It'll go so fast and not fast enough from there on in. Can't believe we've only got a couple months left now! Trying not to panic about the stuff to do and the kiddy's starting to get upset about leaving, which is understandable.

    Take care,


  18. Thanks for the congrats :) Sounds like you've been shoved around a bit! Here's crossing everything for a smooth and fast journey from now.

    Take care,


  19. Thanks for the congrats :) Fingers crossed London don't dilly dally over your packet 4!

    Take care,


  20. Hiya - congrats on your NOA2 as well :) Looks like we'll be racing to the finish line together! lol

    Take care,


  21. Hiya - just returning the visit :) Good Luck on your journey!

    Tish x

  22. How's your ex moving on divorce paperwork? I'm now waiting for the court to confirm "he" responded, when I had to mail it through the letterbox! lol..

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