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Posts posted by Jen&Feli

  1. On 2/13/2019 at 12:19 PM, LCT said:

    hello-  what was the reason for the 221g Administrative Processing?  My son-in-law went to Juarez for his last interview and was given a blue slip 221g administrative processing. For him was a supposedly accusation from ICE on file as a gang member which was dismissed by a judge as he has NO kind of criminal history not even any kind of traffic violation.  Just wondering if you had to call someone to speed process.  My daughter is having a mental breakdown especially since he was the only provider and she just had a baby 2 months before he left.

    Our was for divorce papers for 1st marriage, and proof of income for my son and myself.

  2. We have done 3 interviews as of Nov. 2018, the last and final interview was the exit (suppose to be) . Feli received a 221G after the interview, we submitted the documents, so from Nov 5th, to December 18th it said "denied" December 28th it changed to "ready" 

    We don't have to do the interview or biometrics again, but my question is this?


    How long does one have to wait generally for it change from ready to NVC or in-transit?

    Will i receive something in the mail or email or text, about sending his passport back to the embassy?

    I search and search and can't find the right answer i am looking for.


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