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Niels Bohr

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Posts posted by Niels Bohr

  1. Hello Canadians,

    We are planning on a trip to enter Canada from the US. I am a US Citizen with a passport. My wife is a green card holder with an expired non-US passport.

    How will my wife enter the country? Does she need to have a valid passport? In some web sites, it says you don't need a passport if you are a US green card holder while some others says it. Just want help with this since it'll be my first visit as well as my wife into Canada.

    I will give you bonus points for helping me out. Thank you!

  2. Hello Folks,

    I'm not advertising for the Chevrolet Volt, but, just like to spread the information to clear out the ill-informed people out there.

    I had this car for over three months and driven all in EV mode without having to use the gas thus far! You can drive between 38-50 miles on EV alone! Based on a 11 cent/Kwh, it costs about 0.02 dollars/miles versus gasoline which is 0.13 dollars/mile.

    I know what everybody is thinking, why should I buy an expensive EV where there's more affordable gas cars out there? Charging stations are increasingly becoming more available. And, you can use your regular 120V outlet, however, that takes a longer time to charge. If you install a 400-500 dollar 240V 30Amp level 2 charger in your garage, or outside your building you can charge your car within a few hours instead of charging it overnight. Plus, many work places lets you charge at work!


    Less oil consumption on cars which means less oil imports from foreign countries, and more can be used for heating homes (hint: which will lower the price due to more supply).

    Reduce smog.

    Lower maintenance since EV cars rarely require oil changes, if it needs one.

    Very quiet!

    Instant torque without reving up the engine to the RPM levels to get maximum torque, which is the downside to having to rev the engine higher to get the torque (increase wear and tear).

    On another note, if you can afford a gas guzzler like an Audi, why not re-consider an EV car?

    Like to get an idea of what people think.

  3. One man.

    Have you read that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step? That's what I was told when people say I can't become an Engineer. You're not good enough.

    It's not about CNN, or any news. That's what you think that is, right?

    I'm just pushing the buttons to make it harder for these people getting their visas and abusing it. Especially singers who, on a traveler visas, getting compensation at all these random clubs, restaurants. I can only imagine what the Cambodian population in the US will feel after they hear that their stars are not permitted anymore for 10 years. It's quite unfortunate.

    A one man crusade.....no doubt we will read about your exploits at CNN....

  4. I know there's no way that my niece will get a visa. That's a given. Maybe when she's older, in you 60s. However, I will make it worse for other people.

    I understand only too well, and no matter what may or may not happen to those alleged B1 abusers, it won't change a single thing about your wife's niece ability to obtain a tourist visa....if in fact said group received a ban or had their visas cancelled, the VOs are not going to call the niece and say 'good news...thanks to that 'rich' American dude who ratted out those visa abusers, why, we are going to overlook section 214b of the INA and award you a visa....and we won't even charge you a penny!'....not too likely.

  5. You don't understand.

    They give out bans at the embassy. No ICE involved. Once they have evidence. In other words, the next time these folks apply for a visa, they'll hit with a ban automatically. No need for ICE.

    The laughter from the consulate will be loud...all your fluffing of feathers won't change a single thing....a simple fact to consider....no one, save for ICE officials, have any authority over another human being who is in the US...which means YOU cannot legally force your wife's niece to board a plane when it's time to go home....you cannot make her do anything, no matter how many dollars are currently in your bank accounts, no matter how important you think you are. Trying to tattle out some other group of folks who may or may not be abusing their B1 visas won't even generate a phone call from ICE...nor will your tantrums somehow convince the VOs of their error of their ways...and certainly will not cause them to suddenly reach for the approval stamp for a future application of your wife's niece....there is no cause and effect by anyone's attempt to influence a VO....it's been tried umpteen thousands of times...to little or no avail. As you also discovered, your favorite senator could not influence the VO's decision (for one simple reason: Senators and congressmen are in the legislative branch of our government, while the DoS is in the executive branch; and, calling upon a class from Govt 101, no member of one branch can tell another what to do....and you could try to stuff all the money you want into your senator's pocket and the end result will be the same...all he or she can do is write some boiler plate letter, to which the consulate will respond with their own boiler plate letter....and their decision will remain unchanged. And how is that 'hardworking person's 'business' going survive during her absence? Oh yes....thanks to the 'help' of those mythical relatives who will jump right in from the rice paddies and run the biz while the niece is out shopping for a husband...

  6. No kidding Ben, it's easier to believe a negative fact of visa betrayal than to simply trust that fact of a good citizen who contributed countless of volunteer hours to help their country, right? And that this good citizen has no skills to say, a close relative will not be able to return to their home country. Is that what you think how things should work?

    I find it quite funny that they let a welfare brat who have his friend come to the US, while a hardworking person stay unable to come.

    Because of this problem, I'll just simply file several complaints and will show evidence that the Celebs are abusing their visa priveliges as well. Eventhough this won't help my cause. It'll make it even harder for everyone else to get a visa. That is what I want.

    to the OP: While as a citizen you can enter the embassy, you cannot obtain information about a visa denial, other than generic info. Your appearance at the embassy everyday (allegedly) won't put any pressure on any VO, no matter how experienced or inexperienced he or she may be. You cannot control their decision making, nor can any senator or any 'big shot' friend of yours. Oddly, you claim you and your wife will be attending the niece's interview; but you will quickly discover that you will not be allowed to do so, no matter how you may rant and rave about your 'rights.' You have none as far as this process goes....zero....nada....in spite of all of your 'vast wealth.'

    And, if indeed you attempt to accompany her, well, her visa request will be denied even faster....why? because your presence in Cambodia, along with your wife's, means there will no need for the niece to travel in order to visit with your spouse! You will have resolved the 'gosh, I miss my niece' issue instantly.

    No U.S. laws will be changed because you might decide to throw a fit in the embassy, or make 'demands' that the entire process be changed to suit you....what you will discover is that if you create enough of a disturbance, you will be placed on the 'no admittance' list..and then you will NOT be allowed to enter the embassy without the permission of the consul general....because all they have to do is state that you are now a security risk..and the end of your daily visits to pester the consular staff.

    While local Cambodian citizens work inside our embassy, as other foreign nationals do in every country in which we have an embassy, they are not empowered to adjudicate visas...only VOs (who must be USCs) are legally empowered to do so...without any influence from ANY third party.

    Your 'pedigree' or bank account or anything else you may have or possess bears ZERO positive bearing on the eventual adjudication of a tourist visa....every applicant must convince a VO that he or she will depart the US when they say, and not engage in unlawful employment while in tourist status....there is absolutely nothing you can do to enhance her chances of getting said visa....waving your bank statements around or threatening to call your senator will be met with a loud yawn....you cannot do anything to change the VO's mind, or our laws.

    You will no doubt soon discover this fact.....

  7. Jailtime for asking questions? Then we should place reporters in jail. rofl.gif

    You have a right to reasonable service.

    You do not have a right to pester, annoy, or interfere with embassy operations.

    Good luck with returning everyday to rhe US Embassy to make demands in a case that has nothing to do with you.

    Got jail?

  8. It matters to the adjudicator professionalism because, do they like to see my face everyday answering the same question? Do you like me to be in their face?

    I think being in front of their window everyday would be a waste of time for me. But, I'm sure they don't want to see me in there everyday either, right? However, If I'm following rules everyday entering and exit, then, as a US citizens I cannot be refused the right to ask questions everyday in Embassy.

    One of the purpose of VJ is to give out helpful information.

    It is well known that a visitor visa applicant must overcome the presumption of illegal immigration.

    It is also well known that no one, not even a rich USC, can vouch or guarantee anything.

    You seem to think that your situation matters. I'm here to let others who are reading his thread for information that a "sponsor" is meaningless and will not help with a visitor visa.

  9. Did I praised them?

    Or you think people who are right, don't deserve to fight for what is right? Sounds like you an intention to put me down, and give up? I think it's every way reasonable to force this topic of inconsistency to the US Embassy over there.

    It super that you are "loaded with money." So what does that have to do with your niece ocercoming the presumption of illegal immigration?

    Isn't the Cambodian adjudicators that you praised the same ones that denied two application already?

  10. Thank you for concern aaron2020. This is a fight worth fighting for. There will be no bloodshed, though. LOL. I'm loaded with money.

    Just stirring up issues to pressure them even more.

    Did you know that you don't need a be citizen to work in the Immigrant Visa Department? So, they can pick and choose who works there from the local labor pool.

    The local labor pool also have grown up in Cambodia. They eat, small, and tastes Cambodian culture throughout the course of their lives so they have a perception issue when adjudicating the applicants.

    Do you really think ICE will investigate all these people base upon your "guess" that they are abusing their visas? Do you have any proof? My guess is that you have no evidence that could spark an investigation. Also, don't you think ICE has bigger priorities than this?

    How does that help your niece? If those people get investigated, how does it help your niece to show that Cambodians abuse the visitor visa?

    You can demand "answered for that definition," but you aren't going to get any answer. You do not have a right to get the US Embassy to explain a legal definition to you. If you want to know what constitutes "string ties," then you need to hire a lawyer to explain it to you. What law entitles you to an answer from the US Embassy?

    Let us know how your presence at the US Embassy changes the determination for a visitor visa when you are not even a part of the process.

  11. Very simple.

    They were here for fun, but, at the same time on their arrival a number of clubs and restaurants just asked them to appear for a performance and they'll get paid. So, they just show up because they want money.

    There are artists visas, and such which I'm aware. If it requires a risk on my part to take a guess, I'd say they're abusing a traveler visa. Atleast it'll stir up investigation based on my complaint. I like to pressure them because they didn't accept the proof that my niece has that overcome her ties to Cambodia. So, a few 10 year ban on several celebs is no big deal to me. Might be for some people. But, since it's a perception problem with the embassy, they need to recognize the fact that some people even though they're young, married, don't have a child will return to Cambodia.

    This is discrimination on a definition they defined in "ties to" Cambodia.

    There are cases that certain people didn't even have all the documents they need to overcome the illegal immigration. They got tourist visas. So, what's so special about my niece? Well, this third time my wife and I will be present at the embassy. And, I will demand answers for that definition if it's not given to me. I have every right as a citizen to become empowered to get an exact definition.

    How do you know what Visa's they have?

  12. It won't help my cause. But, put pressure on the embassy.

    Aaron2020, we proved all that. Just in the minds of the consulate, they think she's young and pretty. Because they made their definition vague, it enough for them to improvised their own definition of strong ties.

    First, no foreign national has a right to visit the US.

    Second, no US citizen has a right to "bring" a foreign national to the US to visit.

    Third, the US Embassy's CO's decisions on visitor visas are final and unreviewable. So, no US court will hear a case about a visitor visa. (Google "visitor visa appeal" to check.

    Fourth, no Senator is going to get you the definition. That's legal research. That's what you pay a law office to do. Senators' offices do not do the legal reasearch for you.

    It's not total nonsense. As a visitor visa applicant, she is presumed to have immigrant intent. She needs to prove objectively that she does not. This has nothing to do with her being yound and having no kids as many people who are young and have no kids have been able to get visitor visas. It all depends on their personal circumstances.

    And how does filing a complaint about someone else abusing the visitor visa going to help your niece?

  13. Yeah.

    That is what it says on their site. So, I'm hitting them back with a complaint on several popular celebrities coming to the US on a B1 visa and getting paid for their services. Wrong visa for that work. I know this will affect almost every Cambodian who wants an artist to visit the US. But, if the consular is not following the rules just as I did, well, that will deserve it's light in the media attention.

    I work, have a four year university degree, my wife works. We pay taxes. We follow rules. We even followed rules so that her niece can visit. Unless they give us a direct definition, I will fight with them with other stuff.

    You quoted their definition?


    To name a few singers, Pich Sophea, Preap Savath

    So who is doing this?
  14. Just filed a complaint as well with the Department of State on the Celebrities using a B1 visa instead of worker visa to perform in US restaurants, clubs and getting paid for them. This is an automatic 10 year ban.

    Oh. They'll have fun indeed investigating the US Phnom Penh building. Just because my niece is young, and don't have kids means that she can't even visit her aunt. This is total nonsense.

  15. So, the help of the Senator didn't. I expect it as much.

    Next step. Request their definition of "strong ties." From their website, it says:

    Q: What are “ties to Cambodia”?

    A: “Ties” are aspects of life that bind people to their place of residence, including, but not limited to, possessions, family relationships, employment, education, and prospects in Cambodia. As each person's situation is different, there are no set answers or documents as to what constitutes adequate ties.

    I find this definition vague. My niece brought evidence of all her strong ties. One of their question is "Do you have any children?" Man, if they think that by having a baby would create strong ties. That is a lawsuit and judicial problem waiting to happen. I'm getting to the bottom of it. If they don't answer back to what their definition is, I'll do another privacy waiver to get that definition via the Senator.

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