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Posts posted by Nercamaru

  1. 42 minutes ago, Cyberfx1024 said:

    What visa did you come on?

    DV1 (the lottery).


    39 minutes ago, geowrian said:

    Trips individually less than 6 months but combined are over 6 months in a year can do the same at the IO's discretion.

    This MIGHT be an issue, given I have a 4 months of residence sandwiched between two almost 6 months trips (the second being the current one). Even if I have the medical affidavits. How likely would you say it can affect the timeline (making me wait a little over an extra year)?
    What is an IO?
    EDIT: I guess Immigration Officer, d'oh

  2. My situation is as follows: after becoming LPR, I made a short visit to the US and then I returned to my country of origin to get my stuff in order and move permanently.

    I returned to the US after about 6 months, and then stayed 4 months in the US, then returned to my country of origin again, mostly for spending the summer holidays with family.

    However, for medical reasons (not of physical but mental health nature, if that matters) I've had to postpone going back to the US for a few months in order to get treatment here.

    Now, I know it's TECHNICALLY allowed to be absent for periods up to 6 months, with especial leniency for the first year . . . But I won't have too much issues getting back to the US, will I?

    And besides that, I also want to keep an eye towards citizenship. I do have every intention of living in the US permanently. Would this also cause any issues with citizenship attainment?

    If it matters, I WILL be getting doctor's affidavits saying that it was necessary for me to stay in my country of origin for longer than I'd foreseen and wanted.

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