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Posts posted by TchauEUA

  1. waaaaa jkfgh duj O meu Deus!!!! I've been patient, I really have. I stopped checking USCIS website daily (3x daily that is, lol) I even stopped having the May filers new posts delivered to my blackberry, I got a 2nd job, took up a hobby; all in hopes of easing my peace of mind... you know the whole watching the teapot idea.. mmm not working! :crying:

    So now i just dont know what to do. I mean obviously nothing, just wait; that's the whole method behind this tourture, right. I broke and called USCIS today. I informed the man that I had been sent 2 NOA1s (you can only imagine my intense happiness followed by extreme sadness the day I saw that 2nd letter from USCIS only to find out it was just a duplicate NOA1...that was a bad day) and do you know what his response was..... "NOA, what's that?" I said, thank you sir, goodbye. Perhaps calling it an NOA is VJ lingo but I just assumed anyone who had any idea whatsoever as to what was going on would at least kow what i was referring to. and he did not and informed me that they were processing folks from Feb or something (i stopped listening at that point).

    OKAY --> so let us channel good energy (inhale exhale) -- give them speedy hands to process our cases quickly. Congrats to everyone with recent approvals, it gives hope to the rest of us. And goooooooooo May!!! (I've got spirit fingers going if you could see me) :thumbs:

    sorry for the rant, thanks for listening folks, luv you all (L)

  2. Hi friends, Quick question: when does Part II of the ds230 come into play? you dont send it in w/ ds2001 but its also not on the checklist from the consulate of things that need to be brought to the interview. Of course I will bring it but I'm just curious as to where it fits in the order of the documents. I of course already have everything filled out (except signatures and dates), in perfect order just waiting to be sent to Brazil when the time comes, lol! and when I start to feel anxious I just go over every line on the docs and double and tripple and quadruple check that everything is perfectly in order...this process is causing me to have OCD :wacko:


  3. Hey friends!! I'm so excited I got 2 touches!! One yesterday and one today!! What does it all mean? I'm so excited - after months of waiting any movement is good movement. You would have thought they told me I was approved the way I jumped up and squeeled after seeing they touched again today, lol - I def. wasnt expecting that. Yay! so keep up the good vibes for the weekend -- I swear the weekdays go by so fast now. peace.

  4. Hi Friends!

    I'm so excited for this upcoming week -- I think it's our time to shine! But I'm def. going to give them a call tomorrow because I STILL have not gotten the NOA1 (although I did get a letter saying that I will be getting an NOA1, lol - should have just sent it then, lol) and also I sent in my app. May 9th so I think I am due for my NOA2! I saw a couple other ppl from CSC --> Brazil that got thier NOA2 in nearly in 3 mo exactly- so I want mine now -- hehe.

    Besides that, I've done everything I possibly can to prepare and busy myself while waiting - now I'm just going slightly crazy...maybe more than slightly :0)

    peace my friends and here come the approvals!!!

  5. Getting a tourist visa from US to Brasil is pretty difficult...i've tried. Did you send a letter of invitation? My mother had problems coming to visit me from Kenya to Brasil but then I sent a letter inviting her to come stay with me temporarily, and set specific dates and then after that it worked. Also, I have some friends here in the US on tourist visas from Brasil and they all said the same thing... the USC who you will be staying with has to come to Brazil go with you to get the visa and leave with you. I have 3 ppl in particular that I am speaking of and they all said the same thing. they were denied when they tried all alone and then when they had the USC come with them they got the visa. But that's pretty impracticle to fly out there just so her mom can come visit. Try submitting a cover letter that includes the letter of invitation w/ the petition. Specific dates, address where she will stay, purpose and anything else you can think of to let them know that it's a temporary stay will help.

    We're going to try for tourist visas for my fiance's mom and sister to come to our wedding...but still waiting for NOA2, lol. Good luck!

    ps. in the first line i meant to say getting a tourist visa from Brasil to US is difficult... my bad and i'm sure there are other typos

  6. Hello everyone!!! I´m starting my visa journey this month -- I´ll be a February filer!! I´m currently in Brazil with my fiance but will be returning to the US is a month. I was wondering if there would be any problem with me sending the k1 packet from Brazil? Is there any sort of rule which says it must be mailed from the US? All other correspondence will be from the US; you see, we´re just trying to maximize our together time because as you all know that time apart can be gut wrenching. So we figure we can shave month or two off of the separation time by sending it while I´m here. My father will check the mail for me so if any request for information or anything like that comes within the month that I am here then he´ll let me know. The way I see it going is that I send it from here, they recieve it, I get the NOA1 (i dont have to do anything with the NOA1 do I?) and then a few weeks after that arrives I´ll have arrived and be working and waiting for the NOA2.

    Any answers, ideas or responses would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and good luck to everyone on their journey!!

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