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Posts posted by JennChristo

  1. 13 minutes ago, Ruthie said:

    Going through the same with my husband. The reason you apply for the Visa first is that they ask for all the preliminaries (criminal record/ physical exam) and there may be a chance that they don't require a waiver. We went through our interview last February 4, 2018, were denied because of his criminal record (more than two offenses 40 years ago but not bad stuff) The immigration officer said we would need a waiver, but not for fraud but only for the crimes. (This is a BIG deal because proving extreme hardship is worse that proving rehab) Be as honest as possible, and explain that he overstayed but did the correct thing and left. He may not need a waiver. We're still waiting for our approval. Time is 12-15.5 months! Good luck with everything, and I hope this helps. xx


    Thanks a lot ❤️❤️❤️ good luck to you as well!!

  2. 3 hours ago, PaulTheSheik said:

    Wow that's tough. Good to know his cancer is in remission. That's a 10 year ban right out of the gate. Getting an attorney was the right move. He will probably suggest you file a waiver, unless you have some extenuating circumstances it will be a tough slog to get that approved. You must keep positive because nothing is impossible, but also be grounded with the realities.


    The cancer could be used against him as a public charge disqualification because of high treatment costs but depending on the kind of cancer etc, your attorney could shoot that down with an explanation that the probability of recurrence is low. I hope your attorney is the kind who will be honest with you and not lead you on spending money when the prognosis for success is not looking good.


    I am also considering doing the 3 month visit to DR starting in February to get more FaceTime. I just returned last week from a three week visit.


    Best wishes and positive energy your way and remember you cannot win if you don't play. If it costs some money, so be it. It is only money after all.

    You should do it! And thanks man, because you ready can't win if you don't play. That's the sort of positivity I like to hear :)


    best wishes to you, also!

  3. I've found an attorney to start our process. My husband and I met in February (he lives in the DR, I live in the US). I visited 3-4 more times with work, moved there for 3 months, and got married in October.


    We're starting off with some red flags, he overstayed on an ESTA Visa before, and had a very small amount of legal trouble while here (not charged with anything). He also had cancer this year (remission now) but I heard that could be an issue.


    I have 100+ pictures of he and I, him with my cousin, me with his family, etc.


    Any other tips? 


    I'm so worried it'll never get approved : /

  4. 2 minutes ago, NuestraUnion said:

    Not as inaccessible as you think. He is willing to move to another country for you. You can do the same for him. America is not the end all.


    But he has criminal history on US soil and an overstay. There is a lot to deal with. It is true that he has to file for a visa, then get denied, then get told if he qualifies for a waiver. This is how the process works. There is no skipped straight to the visa. This process has been like this for many years.


    The reason I asked about about treatment for cancer is that the US doesn't want to see immigrants that may become a public charge. So you would have to show that you would be able to provide for him. With an illness, it could get very expensive.


    As you can see, the issues can compound, which is why the path of least resistance is for you to move to him.

    I know America isn't the be all. It's just all I feel confident in, because it's all I know. I'm currently trying to work past that.

  5. 19 minutes ago, NuestraUnion said:

    Hi @JennChristo,


    There is a lot more information needed to help.


    May I ask, what was he arrested for and how was it that he was arrested and not charged with anything? Did he have a court hearing? Is he currently seeking treatment for the cancer?


    Because he overstayed over a year of his visitor visa, he likely has a 10 year ban from the US. This requires a waiver that you are asking about. But the arrest and cancer treatment may also complicate things more.

    He was arrested for larceny under 250 for eating groceries because he was hungry 🙄 he did this agreement where he didn't get any trouble for x amount of time and it wasn't going to be on his record. I think they called it AR?


    He is currently in remission!

  6. 11 minutes ago, Ryan H said:

    ***Duplicate thread removed; do not start multiple threads with identical content.***


    **Moderator hat off**



    It just doesn’t work that way.



    The Dominican attorney was grossly incorrect on everything which you already concluded.  The Catholic Charities representative was wrong about you needing to have insurance for him prior to you filing (you will be filing, not applying).

    Oh man, sorry 😳

  7. Alright, here goes:


    I am a US citizen (and UK), with US residency. My husband (as of 10/01/18) is a Dominican & Greek Citizen with DR residency. I'm in the DR with him now, but am going stateside next week. We wanted to start his green card process, but I'm a little intimidated. 


    Husband came to US on ESTA Program 5 years ago, and overstayed 1.5 years. He wasn't deported, he bought a plane ticket and left. He was arrested when he was in US, but has no charges on record. He also had cancer, which I'm being told may impact Visa?


    My understanding is we have to apply for the Visa we know will be denied, and THEN file a waiver? Why can't we just jump to the waiver?


    We have spoken to: one useless Dominican attorney who told us the waiver is just an apology and no big deal, one Catholic charities representative who has said everything will suck for us, and I can't apply til I have health insurance for him (?) and that's it. That's literally as far in the process as we have gotten.


    Any help?

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