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Posts posted by null

  1. Thanks for all. Like I said, she hit me multiple times with wound and witness and police report (but I filed too too late), and I got a TRO protecting me because she harassed me at my workplace and threatened me to harm my life by her hometown tricky lover. She violated import/export law, she owns a company before we met, never filed TAX, as she only receive cash, digital wallet app, and even she receive full spouse support. She continues to work without permit as when I met her, but simply lie, deny, ignore,game, frame, and disguise everything. After bifurcation , she continues abusing my identity to gain her benefit without notifying me.  All these will not be known or cared by Vermont. My personality is simple, just try to buy her out, but seems really really hard. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Going through said:

    All other stuff aside----I'm curious why you don't pursue the option of naturalization instead of renewing your 10-year GC?  That way, your dealings with USCIS would be done once and for all upon approval, and no more worries about her actions interfering with your legal status.  


    My ex can only submitted I-360 half year ago , no concurrent filing.

  3. I became permanent resident almost 10 years ago. I was trapped to marry with my wife. Immediately after marriage, she told me she was on B2 visa and left US. After 9 months, she came back to live with me, and beaten me once. I took a picture of my wound. A month later she beaten me again in front of roomate. I never hit back. I was forced to apply her I-130 only. Then I captured her elopement text. I canceled I-130. Then she went to police and falsely accused me of pushing her without any evidence. Police wrote an informational report without ever speaking to me. Police gave her a EPO, my roommate served me. I left my house, and never see and talk with her till present. Then she immediately got a TRO. I filed my divorce. Then she dropped the TRO, and harassed me in my new place. I filed a TRO, then she re-open her TRO. Then I opened 2 police reports of 2 past incidents she beaten me. Then right before her B2 visa expired, she filed I-360 VAWA. Then after 6 months of mutual TRO and full spouse support based on her 0 income, the divorce is bifurcated. We only left community property division. I need to renew my green card soon and wonder if I might lose my green card due to her I-360 one-side false accusation.

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