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Des n Jin

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Status Updates posted by Des n Jin


  2. Do you  know by chance if  I-134 form  should be separate for both : k1 and k2? So I need tow I-134 forms for each of us?  Are they exactly the same?

    because in I-134 it states about beneficiary kids. just confused a bit.  :_0

  3. Hi,


    Congratulation on passing the interview:-). I have question , did you  have separate I-134 ( affidavit of support) for each of your child? Or one was enough for all of you ?



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CarrollAm


      I think that question, asking for specifics, is more for other visa types or for co-sponsors who do have specific intentions (ie: only paying for rent, or board, or giving them x number of dollars every month, etc)

    3. Des n Jin

      Des n Jin

      Ok, thank you :-)>
      I read your  profile and saw that canada post lost your documents !!!  mama mia!!!

      did they found it?  did you  get new visa?

      That is nerve wracking, absolutely!

    4. CarrollAm


      I am still waiting to hear from the Consulate. Canada Post contacted me yesterday saying they have exhausted all avenues and cannot locate it, so to begin working on new passport applications and they will reimburse me for all costs incurred getting everything reissued. . I am not submitting anything until the Consulate gives me the OK too. They previously told me that if I do anything before they say, then I will have to start the entire I129f process over again and will not be compensated for it. 

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