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Posts posted by Delilah1726

  1. @livinginlove Yes. Once you get to the point where you are instructed to pay the fee you'll get instructions to create a login for a specific website.  You will receive a pin when it's time to pay the visa fee. You can only pay cash (in Guyanese currency) at any Scotia Bank in Guyana. At the bank you will hand them the paper with the pin that you were given and the visa fee amount in Guyanese currency.  They will give you a receipt and this will prompt the complete payment process (I believe the next day).  If you get ahead of yourself like I did and your pin expires before you are able to make the payment, you can call and get a new pin.  Your visa fee must be completely paid at least 3 business days before your interview.  My fiancé arrived in Guyana a few days before I did for our interview because he had his medical exam so it was more effective for him to get this taken care of before I arrived in Guyana.  


  2. As much information as there is on the state.gov site, it is SO confusing.  Can anyone explain how they paid for the K1 visa so that the interview could be scheduled?


    I am specifically talking about Cuban applicants that have to go to Guyana for the K1 visa interview.


    The instructions on the US Embassy in Guyana site state to pay cash to an account at a Scotiabank Guyana.  There are no retail Scotiabanks in the US so how is this fee paid?  I just want to schedule the visa interview and it seems there isn't a single answer. I've emailed the consulate already; waiting for a response but hoping someone could enlighten me on this process during the interim.


    Am I supposed to wire money (which I feel is completely unsafe)? do I email the embassy for an appointment? What's the protocol here? 


    Thank you.

  3. Thank you for your response.

    • It is  important that he is able to work quickly after arriving.  I can support us but I want him to start working right away and get acclimated with his new setting.
    • We would be able to marry quickly here in the US since we only have 90 days to marry, I could make that work
    • It would definitely be tough living apart while married but if that is what we have to do in order to get him here sooner then that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.

    I know Cuba is very tricky so I am looking at this as what will get us together the quickest and with the best chances of approval.  I don't see why he would ever get denied but I feel like with the relationship that the US has with Cuba... you never know.

  4. Hi all,


    I am new to this so bear with me.  I am a US Citizen and my fiance is a Cuban citizen.  We planned on marrying in Cuba so that I could then submit the i130 petition because I was under the impression that that is the "quickest" process (and better chances of approval).  However it seems to me that due to the new Trump administration things have changed and things are getting harder and more confusing.  I see many people have gone the i129 Fiance Visa route but I am not sure if this is because the process is "quicker" or better.


    Does anyone have any suggestions on which process is best?


    Thank you

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