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Status Updates posted by Nasturtium

  1. Hey! Has been a while, yeah! I am still getting used to the whole job thing up here.. Ammar got into ASu for the PhD and now has a stipend and tuition waiver so that's awesome. that means after this upcoming year i'll be back in AR but this time in jonesboro.

  2. Our age gap? 30 years and counting. I get older, but he gets younger every year.

  3. Was there really any question?! Of course it's option A. No way could we have had anything in common or anything like that. If you ever do pass through though, and have a moment, let me know. :)

  4. Hey, how did the 10-year go?

  5. Just as a point of clarification, does "have two pussys" really mean "have the balls"? Or is this a reference to some kind of magic double #####? Are you aware that being 6 years old and taking bong hits could possibly cause some further health issues later in life? Good luck and keep it real on the flip flop, homeslice!

  6. Hatem-- she will be missed and I hope you see this.

  7. You're welcome! I am hoping we can get a list together of what we need to have them bring to the interview.. for the best hopes of success!

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