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Posts posted by Dbe4L

  1. Hi all, So my Australian Fiance had her K-1 Visa interview today at the Sydney Consulate and all went well except...

    They said she had the wrong type of police check.  Hers was a nationally coordinated criminal check or something like that.  


    Anyway, apparently all else was good, and the kept her passport and they said she just needs to post the correct check when she gets it and they will send her passport back if/when its approved.

    She had bought a plane ticket to come out here to the USA May 13th and according the the Australian government site it says up to 20 working days to get the check.  Then there's the time to post it to the consulate and back.


    I feel confident it will all work out, but i would just like to know if anyone here did a recent police check and how long it took them to get theirs.  She has no history, has only used one name, and only lived in Australia so i feel it should be easy. 


    Also, i want to make sure that this is the correct site





    Edit:  I'm looking through the online application right now.  For "Purpose of Check" its supply to department of immigration and border protection and not supply to a country other than australia, correct?

  2. Hi, I am working on a K1 for my Australian fiance.  6 days ago I received an e-mail form the Sydney consulate titled "Confirmation of I-129F petition"

    It contained instructions for her to create the profile via USTravelDocs and then email them with name, case number, DS160 confirmation number, and Application Fee receipt.


    I thought that she would be receiving a physical packet and checklist in the mail before she needed to complete anything else per the flowchart on this site. 

    Now I am not sure if this needs to be completed first before they send her anything or if that is still being processed.  


    Anyone know?  Does she absolutely need to complete DS160 and pay fee before they will send her the info on setting up the interview or does she wait to do the DS160 until they send her the packet?

    I am going to visit her next week so it would be nice to complete as much as possible while there.  


    secondly, while ive thought of it, is there anything i will need to bring with me to give her?  I already have the affadavit of support completed with supporting evidence and i will be bringing a bunch of evidence of relationship info as well.  Anything else on my end as the petitioner?



  3. Good points.  I guess i had only been looking at the K3 and not the CR1.  I do agree some things are easier, while some of those issues wont apply to us.  Primarily the difference i see is save about $1000 in filing fees (not the biggest issue in the world) and then its the choice between waiting an extra 6 months (it will be a few months before we are even together again plus extra filing time) or her not being able to work while here for the first 6 months or so.  At this time, while i would like to have the extra income support while she is here, I will be able to support her in my income alone for that time.  Shes already having a hard enough time having to wait 9+ months for the K1 when we send it off this week (originally hoped it would only be 4-6 before i told her times had increased in the last year).  I dont think she would be able to handle another 6 months on top of that.  And while the financial side is important, her happiness is more so :D 

  4. Hey everyone, just wanted to say thanks to all the helpful posts here and the relatively easy search feature.  It's helped  a lot as I've been putting together my packet for my fiance and I.

    I am completing the initial stage of the i129f and other documents and would just like to lay out what i have so far to make sure there are no glaring errors.   For reference, I am the US citizen and my fiance is the beneficiary.  


    She is from Australia, we've known each other since 12/2016, have met 6 separate times so far, and there's no children, no previous marriages, no convictions, etc.  So I am hoping this should be a relatively easy case to process.


    Here is what i have in my packet in order:



    1. Check for $535.00 - signed, dated, made to US dept homeland security

    2. G-1145 - with contact info, no hand signature

    3. Cover letter briefly outlining all the documents and evidence provided.  1 page, hand signed.

    4. i129f form, 13 pages, plus two additional copies of page 13.  Form signed and each copy of page 13 signed.  I put N/A in most blank where applicable.  

    Pretty confident in triple checking this one that dates are right, and all info has been addressed.  Unless there's anything major that is commonly missed?

    5. Timeline of relationship, 1 page typed, hand signed and dated.  By the facts timeline of how we initially met, the exact dates we were together, where we visited, and when we became engaged.

    6. Letter of intent to marry form beneficiary, hand signed

    7. Letter of intent to marry form me, hand signed

    8. Copies of passport style photos, 1 of me and 1 of her.  I put each in a separate snack-size Ziploc bag and taped the top to a signed piece of paper.  they are labeled and dated on back.

    My understanding is everything just gets scanned in, right?  so someone will have to take them out of the bag to do so.  This is just the best way to make sure they don't get lost?

    8. Copy of all pages of my passport showing citizenship.  each set of pages, including cover, is on a separate sheet, all color photocopied on regular printer paper.  I signed the first page to show its mine, but none of the others.

    One question - I don't have any stamps despite 3 visits to Australia.  they don' seem to stamp passports i guess, since its electronic.  Should i make a note of this or just assume its a common thing they are aware of?

    9. Cover sheet of evidence of meeting.  1 page typed, hand signed.  providing dates we were together for reference and then listing evidence provided


    Evidence Section

    1. photocopies of boarding passes from each trip, as best i could find them.  I had most of mine, she sent just a couple of hers she had kept.  I put them in chronological order and put return passes as well.  

    Best evidence i feel is two passes from when we took a domestic trip to gather in Australia and have adjacent seats on the same flight.  

    2. Color photographs on photo paper.  10 total, 2 from each trip.  Back of each has our names, date of picture,. location.  Photos are also date stamped from my phone.  All put in Ziploc bag and taped to a signed piece of paper.

    3. A few emails of itineraries.  I know these are not necessary considering i scanned the boarding passes, but i figured i would put it in there, plus it covers the few flights she didn't have her original boarding passes for.

    4. A couple hotel receipt email confirmations (no original receipts form hotel itself though showing we checked in - best i could find)

    5. Tickets form concert we went to in Sydney.  Only has my name on them, but I put it in there.  

    6. An email for my Australian transit authority - the electronic visa that let me travel.  Doesn't show i went, but best i could do in absence of passport stamps.  I was unable to find anything equivalent to an I94 for my travels out there. 

    My ETA is already expired since it was only good for a year, so i cant seem to access anything on it...

    7. My fiances I94 showing total travels to US and most recent entry.  She is not currently in US so i didn't fill out that block on the i129f but thought i would add this in as extra evidence.  

    8. Copy of her old passport and US VIsa and only pages with stamps.   Copy of just cover page of her new passport which is only a few weeks old right now, so has nothing in it.

    9. Credit card account summaries for 3 separate occasions i was out there showing international purchases.   Would it be helpful to highlight anything on here?   Or is it just best to leave everything unaltered?

    10. A few scans of original receipts i had kept from purchases and restaurants.  I scanned the ones that show the last 4 of my credit card.  Again, Highlight?

    11. 1 months copies of each of our phone records showing regular calls.  

    12. Copy of engagement Ring receipt

    13. printout of engagement anouncement on Facebook

    14. 2 letters of support from family/friend who were with us during the last 2 years.  


    All held together with a large paper clip and a large rubberband.  does check need to be stapled?


    Things i did not include: cards we sent each other, whatsapp and skype logs, etc.  I understand main focus at thsi point is to just prove we were together in last 2 years and are both able to marry.  The "bona fide relationship" part can come later near interview.  



    Hoping i covered everything hear.  Anything i may have missed or that i should leave out?  Highlight more?  Sign every single page?



  5. Hey all, new here and i will probably have a few questions in the next coming week as i put together my K-1 packet, but I had one lingering one i wanted to check.

    Right now my primary proof of meeting in last 2 years is boarding passes, including 2 passes of me and my fiance on the same flight within the last 2 years.  


    I have noticed another primary means of proof is passport stamps.  Despite having traveled to Australia 3 times in the last year, my passport was never once stamped, though I suppose 

    this is more common these days?  First questions, is should I make a note of this as I have scanned all pages of my passport and they may notice they are all blank.


    secondly, is there any way that anyone knows of that i can get records from the Australian government showing i entered and my passport was scanned electronically?  I had the ETA travel Visa

    but i got it June 2017 and it expired last month and there seems to be no way to show that it was used.  Luckily i have my boarding passes from all of my trips but i thought this would be helpful as well



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