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Posts posted by sereia

  1. So I guess that their families make just as many stupid/asinine comments as your families do? I just have to wonder how many of the men take true offense and stand up to their families and friends like you guys do, or do they chuckle at it and blow them off. :unsure:

    Although I must say that as much as I would hate for my spouse to be continuously thought of as a potential terrorist, it stings just as bad or worse to be thought of as an actual #######, who is expendable and will be dropped as soon as my spouse has their GC. But that's just me.

    You bring up two excellent points!

  2. AlHayatZween - I was a chocolate taste tester...good gig if you can get it!


    Wooooooooooowwww! :luv::luv:

    I remember when I lived in London there was an advert for a chocolate taster position at an upscale department store. It paid very well AND sounded like a dream job! I applied...along with the million (probably) other people! :crying:

  3. It's wasted energy to argue since obviously the people who are supporting Israel in this slaughter don't value even one single Palestinian life.

    Is it not possible to support Israel but value Palestinian lives at the same time? :blink: I don't want to get into the debate so I'll leave it at this comment (because its not worth getting upset over on VJ) ......but I really don't appreciate people thinking those who support Israel don't value Palestinians and don't believe they deserve a state of their own. One does not equate the other! :wacko:

  4. Insha'allah my husband will be here next month... and i am always asking people what the new things thing learned about their husbands and what would you have done differently?

    Also quirky things to be on the look out ie. not having his underwear and hers washed together (mine could care less as long as he had clean underclothes) but that has happened to someone i have known.

    Jen has helped me bunches :thumbs: with what to to so would like to hear other things.

    OUr MENA s/o will have to get used to alot of things what did you do to help?

    ~Rajaa :star:

    :luv: I hope things will go smooth for you, sis! I like the suggestions above about having a set of keys made, mobile phone, magic jack, etc. I think its important for them to feel like its both you and your husband's home...not him living in YOUR home.

    You're already set on internet/webcam so that will be good for him too! That will help him try to feel less homesick. But hey, some people come here and are totally fine and adjust really well! I pray your husband will be too! :star:

    P.S. You already know what I would have done differently... :devil::blush::crying:

  5. Happy birthday, Jeanne! Mine is just a few short days away too! :energy:

    And congrats, Carmen!!!

    Today I'm baking holiday cookies. A Danish cookie, Iranian cookie, Syrian cookie, Peruvian/Argentinian cookie, Greek cookie, a West Indian cookie, and who knows what else?!?!?! :)

    Tonight is a big holiday party and my bestest gf is in town from out of the country!~ I haven't seen her in over a YEAR so I'm soooo happy! !! :D

    I hope you're all doing okay in your freezing weather. We had rain all day yesterday but today is sunny and blue again!

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