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Posts posted by Deny

  1. Hello! good day!

    My mom went to her interview in Juarez Mexico but the consular officer handed her a blue paper 221g asking for more documents. We sent them but after 2 weeks we received the same 221g paper asking for another document which we sent as soon as we could. I called 4 days ago to ask for information after 2 months of the last request and they said they had in the system that in order to continue with the case we have to send her passport. We send it that same day and arrived the next day. 1 day after they received it they updated the system in CEAC but still appears in "Administrative processing ". I was wondering what does it mean that they asked for the passport? Is it a good sign that her green card will get approved? But why is her case still in administrative processing?


    Thank you

  2. Hello!

    I'm currently filling form I-864 for my mom and dad. My husband and I do our taxes jointly. I'm a homemaker with $0 income and my husband is the one working but what he makes doesn't meet the poverty guidelines so we are using a family member as a joint sponsor. My questions are about how to fill the form....

    1. Part 6 asks "My current individual annual Income" I should put "$0" because I'm unemployed, right?
    2. Below that question says "income you are using from any other person who was counted in your household size" do I have to put my husband's information even though his income does not meet the poverty guidelines?
    3. If I do have to put his information then I will have to fill an I-864A for him?
    4. If I dont have to put my husband's income what do I put where says "My current annual household income"? is it ok if it's "$0"? or does it have to be my husband's income because we file joint tax return?
    5. where it ask for my most recent Federal income tax return should I put our joint tax return income?

    Thank you.

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