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Everything posted by Kate8kate0

  1. Guys, so now we’ve got the student loan part covered. She is going to open a bank account in the US, we will put her name on the rental agreement in the USA to do everything to prove ties, file tax returns et cetera, when it comes to her Canadian driving licence, would she have to give this up? Obviously applying for re-entry permit, but don’t international students that apply for re-entry permit to get a license in another country? your help is so greatly appreciated, my thought processes are continually interrupted during my day from all the people I look after I get zero contemplation time Thank you
  2. Right I have an update, I tell you I have been on my knees these past few days, and the last thing I needed to be doing is personal care and chatting to the elderly about knitting, I’ve been so stressed. I think I can now relax. anyway! I have just called the student loan Alberta, and they have said if she changes her status with the University from resident to non-resident, it will be fine she will still be covered for her student loan, but as an international student, so basically she still gets her student loan. No, my next hurdle is to work out how we go about her listing as non-resident for Alberta health care 🥴 thank you to all that are helping me through this. I am working 15 hours shifts and it’s incredible hard.
  3. Thanks ontarkie, I think this is going to be the challenging bit that I’m not going to be able to find in any definitive online information, if I do it will probably be conflicting. I’m going to call the student loans people tonight but I have a hunch that they won’t really know the answer. Who is the absolute best person that I could speak to regarding this, anyone know if there is a representative that I could speak to directly at canada immigration offices to ask; daughter is a current permanent resident of Canada and entering the US, but coming back on a re-entry permit to finish off her studies.
  4. Hi ontarkie are you sure about this https://ircc.canada.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=727&top=4#:~:text=To keep your permanent resident,count towards the 730 days. thanks for any input, I’m thinking this through and it seems she won’t?
  5. This is what I thought, she won’t lose her pr status in Canada she is 21, she is a permanent resident, so she can get her student loans still I what I thought, the idea is that she would stay in Canada (therefore be a pr) .I would apply for a re-entry permit so she can carry on her studies and then come to the US when completed in under 2 years
  6. Hello, we were denied EB3 Visa in 2019 and our daughter therefore started university in Canada (permanent resident). We have recently received reaffirmation and approved on this Visa, however daughter is halfway through a degree in Canada. I am now aware that when she crosses the border to endorse her US Visa, she will lose her PR status in Canada? Therefore she will lose her student loan I believe Has anyone else been in this situation and apart from transferring schools to the US is there any way around this? My plan was to apply for a re-entry permit in the US so she can carry on her studies in Canada. I’m going to be calling Alberta student loans, but of course it’s Saturday today so I can’t if there is no way around this, could she apply for student loans as a US resident studying in the USA?
  7. I wonder if she she puts in a citizenship application now for Canada, (takes 17 months) she can maintain her pR status (and student loan), or does it not work like that
  8. Just re reading this thread tonight @Ontarkie, just to clarify, so she needs to tell her uni in Canada that she is a non resident (non permanent resident) once the US visa is endorsed. what are the benefits of this? Can’t she return to us on breaks /summer anyway? I’m not following at all , but then again it’s late and I’m knackered 😄 What I fear with this is..The only reason she is able to get her student loans is because she is a permanent resident of Canada thanks for any clarification
  9. Yes I will read more of Gary and allas posts, Yes I read about walk ins, will definitely look into that also thank you 👍
  10. Thank you so much Ontarkie, I really appreciate it and for clearing the thread. I have a question if I may, I’m reading conflicting information on the Internet. Once we filed for the re-entry permit and we get the notice of receipt, can she leave and come back for her biometrics? some people say wait for 60 days and and some people I’m reading leave and come back for biometrics. She’s got a lot of classes and I think we are going to struggle to get her to be able to find a two month window to apply for the re-entry permit and wait for biometrics? I wonder if a request for the expedite of the re-entry permit would be granted, considering I was denied in 2019 my case sent back for review and then reaffirmed? I wonder if that would fall under the category of ‘ US C.I.S. error’ to be allowed re-entry permit to be expedited thanks again
  11. Hi manyfudge, Sorry I haven’t stopped all day and I don’t until 10pm tonight, honestly I don’t know, all I know is that something has changed since 2019, yes I was denied but my case was reaffirmed, things have changed, things that you don’t read on forums, employees are not allowed to quit after one day in the job or three months etc in the job anymore,, they have to now commit to the job, otherwise when they come to apply for citizenship US C.I.S. are looking very deeply into this now and will revoke your greencard card if seen to do this. I’m so sorry but I am trying to catch little snippets out of my day to organise what I am trying to do with this thread, but it’s gone way off topic and I was really needing and relying on as many people’s input. I may need to start a new thread. I’m so sorry I don’t have any time or the knowledge to go into this, I am constantly being interrupted during my day and have only really been able to scan read what you have said. Also, it’s up to other peoples due diligence to work out how they would like to navigate to EB3, I just don’t feel comfortable discussing my case either before I have started work. I believe EB3 skilled is harder as they’re maybe enough Americans skilled and willing to do the job, especially if said company is not in a rural area. I hope you understand
  12. Please feel free to ask further questions I don’t mind
  13. Eb3 is not expensive for an employer, there are strict rules, I currently work 15 hours as a day and get minimal wage, so my new job is 8 hours a day, yes relief! To be able to get home at 4/5pm every night? 😩 bliss. I don’t know what you mean about ‘except for my first job, all my jobs have been through personal connections’ and ‘lightning in a bottle’ please clarify, Any foreign labourer asking how to ‘get a green card’ -it won’t work, you have to show you are willing to do the job, that is paramount. I’m aware of people trying to defraud the system but uscis is cracking down on them hard. And that’s good.
  14. What!? How could I get through this via a personal connection! This has gone from good to crazy way too quick
  15. Why is it rare to hear an eb3 beneficiary describe herself/himself as a factory worker? What are the descriptions for Eb3?
  16. I have another question if I may, when I apply for my daughters re-entry permit in April, when can she leave and go back to Canada? After notice of receipt, or after she’s done her biometrics. We are happy to fly her back down for the biometrics. Does anyone know roughly how long notice of receipt takes if that is the case?
  17. Hi I don’t have a university degree , I wish I did 🙂
  18. Factory worker which is what I am doing now but I’m currently doing 15 hour shifts with 2 hour break which is just not sustainable
  19. Thank you I bet you’ve given this answer so many times but I really do appreciate it 🙂 I hope we get the reentry permit as it would make it easier if she wants to carry on with Canadian uni
  20. That’s was a bloody cracking idea though! so close to just what I needed! if only she was couple years younger! Grr thanks so much for the rest of info
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