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Posts posted by Leedah

  1. I got an RFE for G325A forms and sent it in.

    It was received July 17,08 and I received an email on that same day that my case had resumed processing.

    Since I was approved for an expedite also, how long should I reasonably expect to get notice of approval?

    Any idea's.

    I know they say wait 60 days for notice, but since it was an expedite...what now?



  2. I really think that some folks come online to post because they are feeling upset about something else and want to anonymously berate someone simply to feel better about themselves. For that, I truly feel sorry them.

    Realize, the internet is just one persons computer hooked up to another persons computer. There is no magic brick wall shielding us. Words are conduits to emotions. That is why journalists are killed for what they speak. Words have overthrown governments, caused genocide and at the very least,..broken up friendships.

    I didn't come on here to cause some sort of upheaval. I posted a question.

    Now look what this has become.

    For the few people who keep posting about the "right" to speak their mind. Do that. By all means.

    But while your doing that, let me come on out and talk about your marriage. Let me get out a notebook and question when you had your last pap smear. Or better yet, let's put some weight to what goes on in your personal life and broadcast it for the masses.

    See how stupid that sounds??

    Well, do you even really think about the words you type before they effortlessly fly off your fingertips?

    TBT decided to speak on my kids. Miss, if you want to use your "reporting skills", let me hire you to REPORT the whereabouts of my kids RIGHT NOW! I will gladly get you a pen and pad and let you do your RESEARCH. GO FOR IT!

    I tell you, folks like you make me sick. You obviously don't have kids, there grown or your uncaring. NO mother could think to open her mouth and talk craziness like that. Why? Because this is a big world and lunatics are everywhere. You don't know when someone will see fit to hop in your car and drive off with your kiddies while your at the gas station...or entice your children away when getting off their school buses. God don't like ugly and what goes around ALWAYS comes around.

    I'm outta here.

    Everyone else, please be blessed and stay firm on your journeys. I pray you all have blessed marriages.



  3. By the way, to the person who said my case was complicated enough, what with my kids being kidnapped.

    "My 2 cents is that Dakar is a very tough embassy and she may face the same questions from the CO. They will take whatever they want and make an issue out of it.

    OP I would think twice before going to any country nearby your husband without seeing him, it can raise unwanted suspicion.

    Your case seems complicated enough with the children being held in Gambia.

    They will look at everything with a magnifying glass and may put you under AP to further investigate.

    Though you have your own personal reasons, I advice you to be careful, the embassy looks at things a little different.

    Everything will be questioned and scrutinized in Dakar.

    Best wishes.

    Guess what, I requested an expedite and specifically told them ABOUT that case.

    I got an expedite approval and the approval letter said at the end "Good Luck and we hope you find your children."

    Now it looks to me that it UN-complicated the case.

    And besides, the embassy where my husband lives has personally known me for all the years BEFORE I started the petition. So they will have no problem sending that info and the fact that they met my husband many times before as well.

    What do you think they need to investigate? It's all their in black and white going years back.


  4. Oh...My....God!

    I just came back on here and I see the nasty posts about me.

    This is crazy. I just asked about rentals in Ghana.

    How did my kids get put into this??

    Is is a crime to take a vacation?

    Yes, I just came back from visiting my husband. And had a lovely time.

    Why I wanna go to Ghana? Well, lets see...I have a unlimited travel pass therefore I can go on the cheap anywhere and at any time. So why not??

    2. Ghana is more developed than Gambia and I want to really relax on a TRUE vacation.

    Why? I have been going round and round with my kids being kidnapped, dealing with this immigration process, etc etc. I can't do anything about getting my kids back right this very second (it's been 5 years already) so why kill myself.

    I wanted a break with no one but just ME and ME only for a change! I need to go somewhere and sit on the beach with no one around, clear my head and just listen to the waves. I don't know anyone in Ghana...and THAT is the point! ME TIME ALONE. When going to visit my hubby, people were coming in to visit every minute..literally. Asking for money, letters to visit usa, promises to find them a mate, requests to take me to their houses and meet their relatives, etc.

    Anyway, I know some people will not understand what I say and will probably find a way to dig in and dissect my words. Personally, that's their business.

    But just because I go somewhere without my husband, I guess the police need to be called, huh?

    My husband encouraged me take a rest and that's just what i'm doing.

    And by the way, I came back to the U.S. cause I had an appointment and was going back to gambia on the 27th of July anyway. The rental request was for going FROM gambia and staying for a week in Ghana.

    This is why I don't usually frequent this forum section. You ask a simple question and you get your head bit off. Good grief.

    Peace out.

  5. prefer to stay in an area where there is good internet access and cheap taxi's or bus service (if there is one).

    Don't know anyone there, i'm just going as a vacation for a few days to simply get away from it all. Know what i mean?

    Any suggestions?


  6. Hi all. Leedah here.

    Well, I just got back from The Gambia (by way of Senegal) to visit my hubby.

    After I arrived, I saw that I had an RFE from the approved expedite request I last spoke about.

    It was as I expected...an RFE for the forms G325A. I knew I'd get that since I didn't send it in the beginning.

    Anyway, they will be going out in the mail today and my case should resume.

    One question...

    my husband signs his signature on all forms with just his first name. (it's how he signs everything).

    Does that really matter? I mean, that's how he actually signs off on anything.

    Also, the box with the bold line around it at the bottom of the page...does that have to be signed also or can I just sign it?

  7. Hi all. Leedah here.

    I'm doing the CR1 for my hubby and I am wondering about the affidavit of support.

    What is required exactly?

    I am abit shaky because I am not currently working anymore, but have income in the bank.

    What is the minimum that is accepted if it is only me and my hubby and also do I have to show tax returns if I have cash in the bank?

    Just curious since we have just gotten a RFE (to send in the G325A I forgot, oops lol) and we will most likely be approved as soon as I send those forms back in. Trying to get prepared for everything.



  8. By the way, I didn't mention the following...

    I have a companion pass that a friend of mine gave me (Delta Airlines), therefore I can fly unlimited times for the cost of the taxes (usually $400 to my husband roundtrip -he's in Africa- and very cheap domestic).

    I am debating on going and staying for 10 days, coming back & getting the paperwork sent out and going right back again.

    But then I'd be paying $800.

    I REALLY miss my husband and am going batty and so is he. We are starting to get emotional with each other and taking offense about every little thing. This is definitely due to the time away & distance and the fact that since he is from a poorer country, he can't really do much in the way of calling like he wants to and I get upset that he doesn't call (even though I KNOW he really can't afford it. (I've lived there and know his situation). (yes, this waiting CAN make you go haywire! hahaha)

    He get's upset because he is starting to think I just don't want to see him these past months and that i'm not in love anymore... :blink: (he knows I can fly cheap, however he doesn't get that immigration is MAKING me wait). He's never been married, only just started using the computer because of me and never traveled outside his country, so he just doesn't fathom exactly what I am doing over here in regards to this whole immigration process.

    It makes sense to stay and get everything over with...

    However, my hubby is TRIPPING from not seeing me!!! :wacko:

    Hmmm....what to do, what to do.

    I'm in a rock and a hard place.

    Anymore suggestions?

  9. Guess what guys...

    I called USCIS to check on what ever happened to my expedite approval letter. For those that don't know, I had requested an expedite on may 27th (denied due to USCIS error) and again on June 4th (approved).

    (they previously told me they sent out a letter on the 18th of this month (june.08).

    Well, I call again yesterday and was told that yes, it's approved (clerk read copy of the letter on the phone) and it shouldn't be long before they approve the main file. Also, I was told that they sent out "something else" that same day. I am guessing it's a RFE for the G-325A forms which I didn't send in. Could also be that they want ALL the pages of my passport instead of the first page. Who knows.

    Anyway, here is the Murphy Law kicking in...

    I am going out of the country to my husband for 2 months on the 27th of this month. Yep, in 1 DAY!

    Now, why couldn't I have gotten this mysterious letter within the 6 1/2 MONTHS I've already been waiting?

    I'm not looking a gifthorse in the mouth,...but come on...

    My husband has been waiting patiently (well,...not really patiently lol) to see me for the past 8 to 9 months,...and now it may be pushed back yet again to wait on this letter to arrive and send back.

    Arrrrrrrg! Give me strength!

    Those that think I should just go and try to come back before the RFE deadline, say 1.

    Those that think I should cancel my flight and wait on USCIS to send the letter, say 2.


  10. It is a company call Nobelcom.

    See them at www.nobelcom.com

    I have been using them for the past year and have no problems with them or my credit card.

    The discount is 10% off of an order. Either way, I like them because they have the cheapest rates of any phone card company I know, their open 24 hours a day and the call quality is the best.

    I pay $20 and get 2 1/2 hours of talk time to Gambia. With a gas station card, for $20, I would get half that time and the darn thing might not even connect. I got SICK of those phone cards stealing my money and I had no one to call about it, so I just went with this company and I've been happy ever since.


  11. you can start whatever services you want in his name.

    I have House phone (AT&T) in his name, my cell with my first name and hubby last name, my w2 info, etc.

    It can be done. Just be adamant when they request ssn for him. Just say he has not been issued a ssn yet as he JUST arrived here. Even though my husband is no where close to being in the U.S. right now, this worked for me.

    Hope this helps.


  12. Hi all.

    I just gave this same info to produke and figured that someone else may need the same info.

    I'm just going to copy and paste my message since I'm at the j.o.b.

    Have fun chatting with your SO's.




    This is the information you will need to use and it must be precise or you wont get a discount when trying to get a card.

    #1-800-406-1756 (only between the hours of 9am-6pm eastern standard time)

    enter extension number 1045 (rep name is ali)

    Tell him that you are placing a referral order and the person referring is khalidah.

    At that point he will place your order with the discount.

    By the way, sometimes ali is on the phone with other callers, therefore if you don't specifically reach him, i would ask for him by name with his extension of 1045 or just hang up and call back when he answers.

    If not, someone else will take your order and give you the regular non-discount rate.


  13. Hi produke.

    Can't help on the living alone part,...but I can help with the calling everyday.

    I have a phone plan that allows me to talk to my husband for 2hours 12mins daily. I don't know what your rate would be since I don't know where your calling, but I'm sure it would be less than mine which would be more talk time.

    PM me and I will give you a referral number to call.

    Also, you can also click the link below that's in my signature to get 10 minutes of free time to talk with your wife (no charge).

    Hope that helps.


    I have wondered what other legit reasons can be used to expdite....sick of living alone...waking up everyday without her, living alone in quitness...talking to walls...eating my own overcooked or half cooked food....not being able to talk to her everyday since it costs 10cents aminute to call....biting my nails...picking my hair....all this killing me slowly.....
  14. Thanks for the congrats.

    It's funny because i sent a text message to my husband informing him of the good news.

    He says "uh huh". So i'm approved?"

    I have to explain to him that we were approved to be reviewed.

    He says "Approved...to be ...reviewed?? Huh? Baby I don't get it."

    Now that I have made him utterly clueless to American concepts.... hahaha

    After I hung up the phone with him...I had to think about that one myself.

    Approved....to be ....reviewed.

    Hmmm....he may be on to something. lol

  15. Hi all. I spoke with USCIS today and was told that the expedites I filed on June 4, 2008 were approved.

    Now I just want to know what is the process from now on? Does this mean they will look at my case now as opposed to 6 more months from now? Hmmm....

    Considering that we've already been waiting over 6 months anyway, the expedite approval is sort of bittersweet. lol.

    Well, I haven;t actually received the expedite approval notice in my hand, but I'll definitely let you all know when it arrives and tell what it says. Hopefully that will help anyone else who is filing an expedite.

    By the way, as for my expedite reason:

    I used Financial Hardship.

    My kids were kidnapped by my previous ex and I have to travel a great deal to take care of that situation.

    Also before my previous ex was deported, I went down to immigration and informed them of what he was up to and also that we were not together. This was to protect me should he'd have used a look-alike to impersonate me at any interviews, etc. The FBI and State Dept opened up a case for me concerning the kids and also they have a dossier on my ex.

    Since immigration deported him, I think they already had all his info and the kidnapping info, therefore I believe it was easier for them to connect the dots and approve the expedite.

    Also whenever I would go to the embassy in the country where my kids are kidnapped to, I would bring my husband also. (he is from the same country also that my ex is from but not the same tribe).

    All that info probably gave USCIS a reason to approve, but who knows how they really work.

    Hope all this helps someone.


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