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Posts posted by AchieAli

  1. Hi guys! 


    For people who have submitted their documents to CEAC... Are we supposed to open up the police clearance form, scan and submit the contents? I feel stupid for asking, but my husband is from Sweden and they have a pretty strict "Do not open police report" policy there unless you are the business, government, employer, etc... of the person of interest. 


    Thanks in advance! 

  2. Hi guys! 


    For people who have submitted their documents to CEAC... Are we supposed to open up the police clearance form, scan and submit the contents? I feel stupid for asking, but my husband is from Sweden and they have a pretty strict "Do not open police report" policy there unless you are the business, government, employer, etc... of the person of interest. 


    Thanks in advance! 

  3. On 2/25/2018 at 10:27 PM, monytchi said:

    Is anyone still having trouble getting their case number recognized on the website? Mine is still saying "Case Number not Recognized", and I know that I should wait 45 days--unsure if business days or not--but it seems so odd that it's not recognizing...I mean they generated a case number! 

    Is this the receipt number? The one that you input to USCIS.gov to check your status? Just clarifying, this process can be so confusing :unsure:


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