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Posts posted by Chooters

  1. @ Amisharjil 


    Been through that 3 years ago and last year I had to move back to show intent to domicile.   I was living and working in Saudi Arabia and when my wife (whom I am petitioning)  for the interview, the visa was rejected since I was working and living in Saudi Arabia with no real ties such as owning property, pending job opportunities, apartment lease document etc.  My wife furnished my driver's license and bank statement with my parents address State side and the officer laughed and said that is not intent to domicile. 


    After moving back last year State side and currently working and now that my wife went through the same  interview process, they grilled her on my domicile (since the previous visa was rejected)  status despite me being here and working etc.  They asked for a job letter (current) listing my salary, position, date of start, credit card transaction statements + receipts such as buying gas, groceries, car insurance and having a utility bill under my name during my stay Stateside  They asked if I left on whats called an "exit" only visa and had to show proof from the Saudi immigration etc.  Then and only then did they clear her.


    There are certain categories of ppl such as US government workers oversees that are exempt from the said rule, but don't quote me on it.   


    Hope that helps. 

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