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Posts posted by LebanonUSA2018

  1. 29 minutes ago, Ahmad Elisa said:

    I want to share some news I just got my Visa today after almost 90 days of AP : I applied on Korea 2017/12/03 and submitted the DS-5355 on 2018/12/21 and since then I had more than 20 updates . they just called me 10 min ago and wanted to share the good news with you guys  . you can make it :D . thank you for all the support 

    Congratulations Ahmadabad Elisa

  2. 11 minutes ago, Nhona Scott said:

    I am the beneficiary and Ive been waiting for 6 months now. Is there really a backlog for security clearances for as under AP or SAO? I dont know whats happening, Im not from the T-26 countries I am from the Philippines and I had my interview in my home country way back Sept 2017, I worked in Erbil kurdistan which happens to be a part of Iraq for over 2 years.  Do you think that triggered the consul to put me under Washington special clearance or SAO?

    Hello I have a Lebanese friend that work in Iraq too he is still under AP since September too , did you check your case at CEAC website ? 

  3. 10 hours ago, Nextlevel said:

    I am surprised that the IR1 visa is taking longer than the F-2A visa


    What I understand is that IR1 is priority and still with this DS-5535 it is taking a very long time, either way it will be issued at one point just a matter of time. From what I understand from a  recent article is that "hundreds" of waivers were processed since the December 8 ban for people applying from the banned countries.


    Either way keep positive and do not give up on checking with the embassy it has to be issued it is your right


    and please share your status updates it makes a huge difference for us who are waiting to know you had your case updated

    You are right we have no other choices just wait . But to keep positive it’s not easy . Hope we will hear good news ASAP

  4. 2 hours ago, NLZZLN said:

    So i sent the embassy a letter asking abt the status of my husband’s case. Since it was approved already n ready for stamp. I got a call today staying that its still under administration processing cuz he renewed his passport so when they put his passport number in the system it tells them to do administrative processing.. this is what the officer said n he said it will take few months n to just watch the website for update. Im so sad and depressed because we had everything planned but it feels like we r just stuck n there is no ending. 


    I just have one question for everyone when u check the status does it say weeks or months?? Because before it said it can take up to weeks or months but it just says weeks n he updated it today. 

    Strange this is the first time I hear this if you want to renew your passport you have to go into another administrative processing for months am sure their is a mistake

  5. 30 minutes ago, Ali-f said:

    Another heart melting case... the situation here is very hard since it is involving kids. its also tough on you as a father emotionally....i knowexactly how you feel i am in the same situation with two sad kids that dream daily that their father will surprise them at home, in school....And stay with them ever after....its the least right for them i know...But time is passing and its not happening yet..i pray every day that this nightmare come to an end soon.

    I hope that the US officials will find a solution for cases that involve a dad/mom away from their kids, hopefully a faster process for the sake of protecting families from falling apart. I know the importance of the nuclear family in the states and i hope a solution will appear soon.

    stay strong my friend you will be with your family soon and i pray for all the readers to get with their loved ones at the earliest.


    Am with you 100% you know what I didn’t sleep all night last night as you said time is passing and  kids today will not be kids tomorrow . that hurts a lot my daughter is 03 years and a half she don’t know anything about father tenderness not even my son . Do you think this will effect their life in the future ? when I call them a video call they don’t care about me they don’t even pay attention  .do you think it’s easy for them later to accept me in their life ? I have a lot of questions in my mind but always prefer to make myself busy and not to think in the worst 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Nextlevel said:

    I understand, I applied in January 2016. You can only try to check the status, I was on the same boat I still am with you. There is only so much you can do


    Contact the senator, congressman, embassy do all you can. 

    I contact the embassy every week they have only one reply your case is still under AP . I really wish not to take a decision make me regret all my life 

  7. 1 hour ago, Nextlevel said:

    No updates for me as well, I have sent them an inquiry telling them it has been 60 days since the interview and have not heard back from them all senators and congressmen come back saying the same thing (no timeline you have to wait) 


    But it has to happen the proclamation says if you have a bonafide relationship you will be approved so keep yourself busy guys a watched pot never boils, keep checking the status keep yourself busy it will be approved this is your right. You should be thankful that it is not denied


    Be strong you cannot be down or upset for your family it is not worth it. Keep moving forward you do not want your children to see you weak

    Thank you but in June I will be 3 years waiting from the time my wife applied for me . Today it’s the maximum for me 

  8. Today am Down , tired and sick I have been waiting for 5 months and 9 days after submitting my DS5535 and still no updates :( . I really need to play with my kids and do funny/ crazy things . My son will be 2 years next week and he don’t know me . My interview date was in my May 2017 My visa was approved in July after submitting all the missing documents but there was no visa number available at that time , after the new fiscal year started in October so visa numbers are available again available they have putted me in AP and asked me to submit DS5535 .The whole waiting  process till now is 10 months and half . I check my status at CEAC more than 10 times a day . My life has stopped just waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting 

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