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Posts posted by Autumnchik

  1. most of the meat is from the freezer. Things I need to use before the time is up on them. Also, when we got here she used to eat steaks, pork, etc. Since being pregnant she has refused many times. I don't understand why, but it is something she is choosing to do, probably based on superstitions. Might be the red meat and complexion thing. I just try to go along with it. Sometimes I find thing strange like eating french fries but not mashed potatoes. The doctor put her on a strict diet regarding fish. She is only allowed 16 ounces per week. (This is due to the mercury contamination in the fish which affects pregnant women with birth defects..) Cole slaw and potato salad she does not like. A lot of this is probably the pregnancy.

    Darren, seems like you do not really understand pregnancy food aversions. Trust me, as someone who has a child and is currently pregnant, they are very real and NOT something that you are choosing just because you feel like annoying the hell out of your husband. Here is a link that you might find helpful.


  2. Wow, it has been ages since I've been here. Congrats Caro!!!! SO excited for you.

    Things are good here, just busy as hubby is in second year of nursing school, I work full-time and Declan is an active 3 1/2 year old. He takes gymnastics and swimming on Saturdays and loves them, which I love to see how happy he is, but I feel like we are rushing all the time. Only 6 more months of hubby's schooling and then he graduates, which hopefully will make things a bit easier. My mother is coming to stay with us for awhile (possibly moving to the area and will then get her own housing, but in our spare bedroom at first). Looking forward to it for the most part. We get along great, and Declan adores his grandma. Just not sure how use all living in 1 house will be, with regards to privacy.

    No news on the baby front for us. We are still trying, but I am having some health problems (nothing super serious) and the doctor is testing hormonal levels. Hoping to have a second bambino, but starting to accept that may not happen.

    Hope all is well here :)

  3. Hey everyone! I didn't realize it has been so long since I've been here ... so I had a lot of catching up to do.

    Congrats Nikita2Charles!!!

    Yay Caro for your new adventure as a stay-at-home mommy.

    Happy Birthday to all the little ones turning 3!!!

    Today is Declan's birthday!!! I love that it falls on Mother's Day this year. He is the best gift I could ever get.

    Awww Nizzy, thinking of you. I know how you feel .... it seems like, with Declan, all Ron had to do was look at me and I was knocked up. I'm not sure how long it will take this time. I've been off BC for a few months, but really didn't expect anything because Ron has been so stressed with school. He finishes in a week, so hoping this summer brings a pregnancy.

    Happy Mother's Day to all :)

  4. ROFLMAO at your description of the guys, especially Casey. I liked him a lot up until last night. I was a bit creeped out by his performance and felt scared for whoever it was in the audience he was singing to. I recommend she gets a restraining order ASAP :P

    I did like Jacob. Not overly impressed by Jovany, Jordan or one of the other cute young guys whose name escapes me although I think one of them may get through due to the cute factor and the preteen girls voting. I thought they were okay, but not really memorable ...

    I like Scotty, but I also like country music.

  5. Krikit (L) Guess I have been a VIsa Journey slacker lately :) Sorry to hear you are ill. Save the yummy pasta for when your tastebuds are fully functioning.

    BTW, dinner tonight was leftover pasta. I swear, I could eat this meal daily for a week and still be in heaven each time.

  6. Hey Nizzy - I am finally feeling more human, except it is that time of the month and I am cramping like crazy. I don't remember cramps being this bad. Hoping my body will even out with this, but the bitchy mood is pretty much gone, thankfully.

  7. Last night's dinner was yummy! Pasta with veggies (chanterelle, baby bella, oyster and shitake mushrooms, asparagus, spinach, olives, artichoke hearts, red onions, yellow pepper, roasted red pepper, capers, sundried tomatoes) satueed with olive oil, wine and pine nuts, served over gemelli pasta with shredded parmesan cheese. Not sure what tonight's dinner will be.

  8. Kel - Way to go!!!

    Stef - Keep us posted! Can't wait to see new baby pics.

    So, I have been off birth control (Loestrin) now for maybe 3 weeks and I am feeling so hormonal. I feel like I am bitchy all the time (BTW, sorry Caro if I came across a bit snappy in the breastfeeding post) and want to eat more than usual. Also having cramping. I don't remember how my body handled it the last time I came off birth control. Does anyone know how long it generally takes your body to even out?

  9. While that may be true (Always better to cuddle with your baby, compared to a cold plastic pump!) my birthing club from the babycenter board has (or had? haven't checked that in a while) a group for "exclusively pumping mamas", and it was filled with succes stories from moms that went on to feed their babies pumped BM exclusively for as long as 11 months, so anything can happen! :star:

    Another pumping tip: (sorry, it's been a while, so it's coming back to me in series)

    If the flow starts to slow down, you can try to switch back to let-down mode on your pump, and that may help keep things going. Do not try to skip the let-down phase of your pumping session to save time.



    I do agree that anything can happen, and I was not trying to discourage Kelly from pumping. For me, when I struggled so much, I kept reading all the success stories and tips and NOTHING was helping, which actually brought me down. I felt like I had failed at pumping and that something was wrong with me. Not saying Kelly necessarily feels that way, but just that sometimes it can be disheartening to try so hard with no change. I was just trying to present a different perspective.

    BTW, the reason I was given that babies tend to get more milk than a pump is that babies are much more efficient at sucking than the pump is :)

  10. Kel - This is just my experience with pumping, and many of the ladies here have had different experiences. I struggled very much with trying to breastfeed Declan. I consulted with several lactation consultants, who all assured me that I had plenty of milk. I rented a hospital grade pump and followed a consultant's recommendations to try to have "pumping bursts" where I would pump for 10 minutes every hour to try to increase my supply. I took fenugreek as well. For me, it was at my 6 week postpartum checkup, when I mentioned my difficulty, that my ob-gyn tested my prolactin levels and found that they were indeed low and I was not producing as much milk as I could. He started me on a course of Reglan (FYI, extensive use of Reglan has been linked to tardive dyskinesia, but from what I have read, short term use for increasing milk supply has not bee linked. Just mentioning that in case someone sees the word Reglan and has read about that). Then, we had 2 amazing weeks of breastfeeding. When I pumped, I produced 5 ounces at least at a time. Then Declan had his surgery at 2 months and he wouldn't nurse. I kept pumping and again used a hospital grade pump. I kept taking the Reglan. However, my milk production from the pump decreased. I agree very much with Caro that mindset does play a role (god knows, I was very stressed out at that time). However, I did a lot of reading, consulting specialists (including a doctor in Canada who is known for his work with promoting breastfeeding), and everyone told me that a baby is much more effective at getting milk than a pump, so that, no matter what I did, if I only pumped, I may only get a decreased amount and not the amount I was getting when Declan was nursing too.

    I am not telling you this to discourage you at all from pumping. I just remember how frustrating it was for me to try everything to increase milk supply and it felt like nothing was helping. It was actually a bit freeing when I was told that I may never be able to get the amount I wanted from pumping alone. For me, it helped me realize that I would continue to pump and get what I could, but I would not be frustrated and beat myself up if I couldn't get more than a couple ounces.

  11. We live fairly close to the Quebec border and often make junk food runs over the border so hubby can get his KD and Smarties and such. We have never had a problem crossing with our son's birth certificate. Before the first trip we ever made, I called and spoke with border guards on both the Canadian and US side, where we would be crossing, and they both assured me that the birth certificate was fine for children under 16.

    I don't have much advice about the divorce decree, but I will say that once, when my son was 8 months, my husband took him back to Vancouver to visit family (I couldn't go with them). They crossed the border by land and then flew from Montreal. The Canadian border guard did check to make sure that my husband had a notarized letter of permission from me.

  12. Congrats Kelly! Salma is soooo beautiful :)

    So, I was driving Declan to daycare this morning and I slid off the road, into a snowbank. My vehicle was on its side. We are fine, but I was freaked out because Declan was with me. Got a ride home from the police (Declan was very excited) and am waiting on a tow truck to pull my vehicle out. The ironic thing was, I was driving fairly slow anyway, but decided to slow down even more and engaged the 4 wheel drive, because the raod was not plowed well at that spot, when I went into a skid. I am so fricking SICK of winter!!!

  13. Anna - Eloise is beautiful! Congrats again :)

    Stina - Love the video. My mom really wants to get Declan a motorized police car for his birthday in May. I thought he was too young also, but after seeing Kavi, I think I have changed my mind.

    Kel - Crossing fingers baby Salma comes soon :)

    Stef - So, are you able to try for a vaginal birth? I remember the pelivs issue from Ben, but couldn't remember if that would prevent a vaginal birth.

    Sooooo .... I officially took my last birth control pill .... Although, you have to have SEX to get pregnant, so who knows ... LOL. I'm thinking I might see my husband again during spring break :) I HATE NURSING SCHOOL RIGHT NOW!!!! I just keep reminding myself that the payoff will be good in the end. Because of the storm here, classes were cancelled, so tomorrow, hubby has a Unit test, pharmacology test and 3 quizzes.

  14. Tonight's dinner was so-so. I tried to make a crockpot recipe called Mediterranean chicken. I completely forgot until this morning, when the chicken breasts, artichoke hearts and diced tomatoes were in the crockpot, that the recipe also called for green olives, which I didn't have. It came out okay, but a bit bland.

  15. the cancellation over 2c difference is disgusting.

    - I just want to say, though he is a Vietnam Era Vet with Agent Orange exposure and subsequent illness, that he is due to VA Healthcare and possibly TriCare if he is retired. PLUS the VA is compensating Vietnam vets with Agent Orange exposure financially ( I know money will not put the heinous damage this awful chemical did right-but it's something).

    I really hope he is affiliated with one of the Service Organizations ( VFW, DAV...etc) & and I admire him for taking this 2c cancellation clusterfluff to the media. Kudos to him :)

    Very much agree. However, I do wonder why he was not receiving VA treatment for the cancer, as Agent Orange exposure leading to cancer is a service-connected disability. Wonder if he chose not to seek VA treatment or if he just didn't know he could qualify.

  16. @ Stina - Wow! I think you guys have been to India more than Declan has been to Canada to visit! Hope you have a fun and safe trip.

    That is awesome that many pediatrician practices allow for prenatal visits. We live in a rural area in Northern New Hampshire. There were only 2 pediatricians in town, at the same practice. I called to ask about scheduling a prenatal visit and the receptionist acted like I was speaking a foreign language.

    About getting the baby's room done early .... it is a nice thing to have finished, but if VJ gets in the way of that goal, I can tell you from personal experience that you will survive :lol: When I was pregnant, we had the brilliant idea to finish a room in our house, making that the master bedroom. So, all our furniture was stored in the baby's room (which was not done). Hubby was building the closet in the new room when I went into labor. So, we brought Declan home and set up shop in our guest bedroom.

  17. Hey :),

    When did you guys think it was a good idea to start expanding your family? Before, or after your Green card was issued? And were there any issues with work (i.e maternity leave)?


    After my husband and I got married, we decided to try for a child right away. He got his green card in June, I got pregnant in August/Sept. I was working full time at a small nonprofit. We planned that I would take 3 months maternity leave (unpaid unfortunately). My husband took a week off his work after the baby came. We didn't have any issues as far as being allowed to take leave ... it was just unpaid (from what hubby tells me, Canada is SO much better for maternity/paternity benefits).

    @ MissBollinger - Congrats, she is beautiful!

    @ Stef - Do you like Evan or Eli? I like both of those names a lot. Some other name favorites of mine are Sawyer, Jacob, Braeden, Griffin.

    Sooooo ..... hubby and I made the decision that this is the last month I am taking birth control pills. We probably won't be actively trying for the first few months, but not preventing ... and then actively trying when Declan turns 3.

  18. Okay ladies .... those who are my Facebook friends, please check out my profile for a link to vote for Declan in a local Cute Kids contest. And for those who aren't my facebook friends ..... come friend me :)

    The prize for the contest is a photo session with an amazing photographer. We're late to the game, because I just learned about this, so we need all the votes we can get.

  19. Nizzy - Yes, let's definitely support each other! Are you on Facebook?

    Stef - Crossing my fingers for you that the first report was right. I hope you hear soon and don't have to be anxious too long.

    Kel - Hoping bed rest helps and you are able to just relax and not stress about work stuff :)

    Anna, Stef and Kel - I saw the pregnancy pics of all 3 of you ladies and you are all so beautiful with your bellies. Forget what your mom said Anna .... you are not one bit fat but are beautiful and pregnant.

    So ... we just got back from our trip to Boston. Had an amazing time! I highly recommend the Children's museum. Had such a blast watching Declan enjoy it. We took him to a Japanese steakhouse, but the fire scared him, so that was not a hit. He saw his first movie in a theater (Yogi Bear) and we stopped at the Anheuser Busch brewery in SOuthern NH so he could see the Clydesdales, so that was a hit as well. My husband took Declan to the Boston aquarium while I was at my conference. He said it was okay, but not great. Of course, hubby is biased because he really loves the Vancouver aquarium!

  20. Happy New Year's everyone!!! I feel like it has been so long since I've been here. Does anyone still remember me? :P

    I tried to read all of the posts that I missed, but 20 pages later, I was still reading, so I gave up and skimmed the rest.

    Congrats to AJ :)

    Nizzy - I am with you! Maybe we can support each other. I really want another child, and am feeling like summer would finally be time to try, but I want to lose weight and be a bit healthier. I'm worried that going into it, things are already stacked against us a bit, like our age (I just turned 36 and hubby is 47) and Declan's medical issues that he had. I want to try to be as healthy as I can be. The good thing is that I am not nearly as stressed at my new job as I was at the old job (due to the ridiculous office politics). Sometimes I just shake my head in wonder ... I am now hearing the most horrific war stories, tons of trauma, etc. ... yet I am not nearly as mentally drained as I was at my last job, just being in that building. Plus, I must admit, the travel and training perks ROCK!!! I'm heading to Boston next week for training, and hubby and Declan get to come with me.

    My mom spent a month with us for Christmas. For me, it was wonderful, as her being here gave me a break. When hubby is in school, he studies constantly and doesn't do anything around the house and can be a bit of a PITA when stressed (I feel for you Anna, with your pregnancy and a hubby in school). So, for me, mom being here gave me time in the evening to relax, as she would help with Declan or cooking. My mom and hubby get along great usually, but we learned that a month is a bit long for hubby to have someone else in his space. We were a bit snappy with each other at the end, so the Boston trip is much needed. Looking forward to family time (heading down this weekend before the training so I can do museums and stuff too).

    Stef - my heart goes out to you. What is the latest with Ben? You have had such trouble with doctors in your area. Hope all is well now.

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