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Greggielyn mendez

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Posts posted by Greggielyn mendez

  1. 6 minutes ago, cyberfx1024 said:

    Ahhh sige sige then yes this is very common in the Philippines to be denied for a tourist visa. My asawa was denied for her tourist visa as well to come vacation with me, and there was no problems when I filed for her K1 visa 6 months later. You just have to put down that you applied for a tourist visa previously and was denied. They can see it in the system so no sense in leaving it out.

    Yeah she thought that you would come over and stay. Which they are supposed to think like that until you prove them otherwise.

    Hayyy thank you sir at mapapanatag na ako :)

  2. 4 minutes ago, cyberfx1024 said:

    I concur with @Ben&Zian as well on this. If you were just denied then that is fine. I know from experience that it will NOT affect a K1 visa as long as you were being truthful during the whole process. Where some people mess up is that they try to lie in order to be approved such as saying they were married, and then for the K1 they are now all of a sudden single with no divorce or annulment.


    Ben&Zian- Go Duke

    What country is this?

    But i got two j1 visa before. So i think this might help?

  3. 2 minutes ago, cyberfx1024 said:

    I concur with @Ben&Zian as well on this. If you were just denied then that is fine. I know from experience that it will NOT affect a K1 visa as long as you were being truthful during the whole process. Where some people mess up is that they try to lie in order to be approved such as saying they were married, and then for the K1 they are now all of a sudden single with no divorce or annulment.


    Ben&Zian- Go Duke

    What country is this?

    Philippines sir. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Ben&Zian said:

    Denials for tourist visa's are relatively common.


    Long as everything was truthful on the application, shouldn't cause any issues.


    If there were lies/misrepresentation... then yes, definately can cause a problem.

    I just thought, they might think that im lying but i just planned to visit my aunt. But i got denied. I hope it will not be a huge problem 

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