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Posts posted by 8329843mc2398cmx

  1. She could be denied, but I've spent 5 months or just under in the US before in one year on my ESTA (two separate times, did not overstay obviously as that is a breech of the ESTA), I was taken to secondary passport control, explained why I was there (to see my boyfriend) and explained I had to return to the UK after to continue with my university degree. If she's not there for work/immigration purposes she just needs to prove that :)! Bring evidence of rent in the home country/work contracts/phone contracts literally anything that ties her to her home country and shows that she must return. Don't worry about it too much but make sure you're prepared to show and answer whatever the officer asks! Good luck :). Oh and also showing an itinerary helps! The officer interviewing me softened up when I showed him we had plans of going to Hawaii/Florida/New York etc, rather than just me staying at my boyfriends apartment!

  2. My fiance (in the US) and I have received a wedding invitation from a friend, initially my plan was to put off travelling to the US until we get our K-1 visa but with the latest processing times, it'd be nice to spend at least a month there with my Fiance and attend our friends wedding. (I would have just graduated university, I'm hoping to find a part-time job after I graduate to save up, + make sure I have more ties to the UK.), I'd assume showing we've applied and complying with applying for a K-1 visa that would help our case?

    On the off chance that someone is denied entry, how does this affect their K-1 visa process? does it mean you end up with some sort of mark against your name? Not going to the US to see my fiance (although he can travel to the UK, and not seeing our cat and not attending our friends wedding seems like such a sad thing :(. I'll plan to go if there isn't too much risk/impact involved, if anyone can let me know how it affects the process? Thanks!

  3. 2 hours ago, audaud said:

    My fiancé visited America from October 4th 2017 to December 28th 2017, basically like three or four days below his maximum 90day ESTA allowance.  


    Would he be allowed back in the USA at the end of this month (March) or would it be foolish for him to try and come back so early ? We have NOA1 and are waiting NOA2 

    Hi! there isn't any specific rule, he may be allowed back in, but the general rule of thumb that I've heard with the ESTA is that you stay away twice as long as you were there for (although I have returned to see my fiance within less time).

    last year I spent the majority of my summer with my Fiance, just under 3 months and then i went back for another month to spend together just under a month later accompanied by my fiance (since he had flown to the UK beforehand), the officer said he was letting me through but told me to be careful and look into other visas if I'm planning on spending this much time in the US since that isn't what the ESTA is for, and that it's meant for short occasional visits. It's up to the individual border control officers discretion and whether you guys think its worth it :). Just my experience! good luck i hope everything goes well with your visa process and I hope you guys are able to see each other, the wait sucks! Just make sure you have all the information and proof that your partner will be going back to assure the officer that there isn't anything to worry about!

  4. On 27/02/2018 at 3:55 PM, AL-MJD said:

    I travelled on Visa Waiver too. My fiancée filed the petition after my second visit. We just keyed in the dates of arrival for that question.


    The online I-94 and plane tickets is an amazing way of proving we have met in person.

    Yeah!! thank you! I didn't even know this online form of I-94 existed! we have proof of like 6 different trips of me going to see him now :)! thank you!

  5. Hi, 

    my fiance and I are filling out the I-129f form now and on item 37 it asks if I have ever been to the United States, which I have on the Visa wavier in the past. it then asks about my 'date of arrival and date authorised stay/expired as shown on Form I-94/95'. 

    I am not currently in the United States

    1. is this asking about my most recent arrival/trip to the United States? 

    2. I have never in my 4/5 different trips to the US received any I-94/95 form or anything, so I'm unsure as to what that is meant to be?

  6. 1 minute ago, Damara said:

    First if reading stories upsets you then stop doing it! The process is already stressful and theres no need to add additional stress to it. You have two separate issues you mentioned- drug use and self harm. Now the guidelines are universal however in reality they apply them slightly differently depending on where you are getting the medical done. For example in Jamaica admitting to ever using marijuana will get you a one year ban. In the UK its been reported that it wont. Is this fair? No. But its just how the doctors interpret the guidelines. They have some discretion. 


    You will have to answer the questions honestly. So it will be a yes that youve "tried" drugs in the very distant past. It will then be up to the Dr to decide if you need to do a drug test and or they feel you are addicted/current user and will require additional drug screenings over the course of the next year. In most places (besides those that have a zero tolerance) admitting you used in the very distant past doesnt cause an issue.Typically if the drug test comes back negative they will let it slide and determine you are not a user and no ban or further testing will be needed.


    For the self harm they most likely will see the scars and require proof from your Dr that you are not a danger to yourself or others. You can bring your medical records showing there was never any concern about it or anything documented about it. Again its going to be up to the Dr on how to handle it. They can require you to see a psych dr to get an eval and as long as that comes back good there is no problem. This will cause a slight delay as youd need to get an appt with the psych dr and wait for the results to be sent back to the Dr. 


    Neither issue will completely bar you from coming to the US but yes there might be a slight delay. 

    Thank you so much for the response, I 100% intend on being honest and open about everything (answering both yes to drug use and harm on the medical questionnaire) I definitely want to work with the entire process and system in place than go against it, even if it means delays, it'll be worth it! 

    Thank you so much! I'll be talking to my GP and see if they can write a letter of confidence about me not being a harm to myself/others and in terms of my mental health/history of self harm. 

    I'm spending my time reading success stories instead and following the steps they took, and it has definitely given me hope. Thanks so much, I'm hoping for the best but also open to bumps and delays along this process, I just want to be sure to do everything by the book. thanks again!

  7. Hi, This is my first post here so I hope I'm posting in the correct section.

    My fiance and I are going to be starting the K-1 visa process shortly (I am in the UK and he is in the US) and I have been looking into the medical exam and I am incredibly anxious having read it and read some stories. I have never actively used drugs however I only ever experimented with marijuana once in the past and have not used it since and have no medical record of any drug abuse/use, how heavily is this going to impact my visa application process? 

    I also noticed the question about intentional harm to others/yourself, I have scars on one of my wrists from self harming from 8/9 years ago during an incredibly stressful time and haven't self harmed since, they were never formally looked at, and I have never been diagnosed with any mental health issues and have never had any mentions of concern from my GP.

    I'm incredibly anxious that I've screwed myself over from silly past mistakes and that it will be unlikely that I'll be able to get the visa and marry my fiance, I just feel heartbroken about it. Is this going to be detrimental to my application or just possibly delay it to check off any red flags? if anyone has experience.

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