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Posts posted by SJ0224

  1. 19 minutes ago, logemon said:

    Hello all,


    I am a little confused about when you know you have a Case Complete status.  Everyone mentions that the status is at NVC when that is the case; however, that is what my case says and they just received all the documents about 2 weeks ago.  Here is what I see:




    I still have the AOS line and when I called to confirm they received my documents they added them to their tracking so I know that I need to wait,  is there some other place I should be looking?





    Hi Logemon,

    Yes, there is another place you should be looking. On the CEAC site, under “Immigrant Visa,” click “Check my visa application status” https://ceac.state.gov/ceac/


    Once you put in your case number and verify the code then you’ll see a status.


    I attached an imagine of what an “At NVC” looks like.  


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