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Amanda and Camila

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Posts posted by Amanda and Camila

  1. 6 hours ago, Scandi said:

    For a low fraud country these would all be non-issues. For a high-fraud country these might be potentional red flags. Where is she from and how big is the age gap between the two of you?


    A 5 month long visit sounds good though, many get approved with way less than that.

    Brazil, and the gap is 6 years.



    5 hours ago, Auds said:

    How old are you now? And do you earn enough or have a sponsor?

    24, and I earn plenty.

  2. Hi, all! My fiancée and I are about to file our I-129F. We've met in the last two years and have chat logs, call logs, pictures together and letters from our family members in support of our relationship. I was just wondering if these things would be a problem come interview time:


    We've met twice, but only once in the last two years, but that meeting was five months long. I've also never been to her country on account of her homophobic relatives and the fact that she's still closeted to many of them. I'm the USC, by the way.




    We met when I was a minor, but our relationship did not transition from friendship to romance until I was 18.


    Are either of these things going to be problems, assuming everything else is in perfect order? Thanks!



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