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Posts posted by Mohd_NazmiSaeed

  1. i am trying to navigate FAM website, and i couldn't find this section, can you please share the link ?


    On 5/5/2024 at 3:58 PM, Crazy Cat said:



    9 FAM 42.33 N4.3 Errors in Choice of Country of Chargeability (CT:VISA-1478; 08-26-2010)

    If the entrant chooses the wrong country of chargeability at the time of the initial entry, the error will generally be disqualifying. However, if a DV applicant chooses a country of chargeability during DV registration that is within the same geographic region (one of the six) as the correct country of chargeability, and you determine that the applicant gained no benefit from his or her error, you may continue processing the application.


  2. 12 hours ago, SusieQQQ said:

    Yes every school system I am aware of does that. That is usually called a transcript or report card, not a certificate of anything. A certificate/diploma/degree is what you get when you complete a level or course at a particular stage of your education. High school, bachelors degree, masters degree, post graduate certificate, etc.  I am aware that in a number of systems, 7th grade is the end of primary/elementary school so I thought he maybe got some kind of certificate for that, not meaningful as the form asks for secondary education. 



    Great, i get it now

    But in this case, either degree/diploma/certificate won't be the correct answer for the school years

  3. 2 hours ago, SusieQQQ said:

    You get a 7th grade certificate? Then I suppose you can. Usually people only write in completed high school and college degrees. 

    In the Arabic school, at the end of each school year and exams, we receive our exams marks with passing total, from grade 1 until grade 12

    I think he meant about these certificate

  4. Hi all, i have question for the Police Certificate

    As previously mentioned above, my wife has dual nationalities, when she was in Egypt studying she was using the Palestinian passport

    after we got married she obtained the Jordanian passport [which she uses in her travels and documentations]


    Now to apply for the police certificate for Egypt, they want to know the personal information  as her name, staying location and passport number as well

    Shall we give the passport number that she used while she was living in Egypt or we use the new passport number ? 



  5. hi man, sorry to hear that

    just to be sure about what you wrote and the header, are you officially divorced in the court ? or she is asking for divorce and nothing official yet ?

    also asking about the daughter, is she going with you or staying with her mom ?


    I think you have to inform the KCC for sure and edit your form since you have submitted (experts will answer this one), BUT since you are the winner i doubt how this will affect your case



  6. Hi

    I have a question

    Now since there is a ban on some visa type, is the KCC still working in our cases in general ?


    I have sent my DS260, would i receive an email from the KCC ? Would they even check the DS260 for the lottery winners ?

    Or they stopped during this ban ?


    I searched online but couldn't find an answer for that.

  7. 9 hours ago, kinanci said:

    Hi All,


    I'm so confused right now. My CR1 process already on NOA2 stage, and I won the DV Lottery.

    I want to focus for the DV first, because:


    1. my husband was leaving in Indonesia for almost 2 years, therefore we need joint sponsor to meet the minimum income requirements. So, if I process the DV I dont have to burdening my brother in law for being my sponsor.

    2. time to submit DS 260 for DV is only untill September 2020, while I have more time for submit the DS 260 for CR 1 untill May 2021. So, its not kinda wasting what I already Won.


    But since all the issue about the DV 2021 lately, just made me confused.  What you guys think? What should I do next?


    Thank You.

    for what i know

    if you are in the States right now, you can file adjustment of status, the issue is for people who is outside the USA and people with no valid visa

  8. 3 minutes ago, SusieQQQ said:

    Well I guess it depends on your understanding of “main”. My personal understanding of a “main” passport is the one that you actually use or intend to use for the purpose stated.

    well am sorry if i got you confused.

    i meant by it the original passport she obtained by birth, the Jordanian passport she obtained after marriage and now it is the one being used for travel and in DV lottery


    so is it better not to mention the Palestinian passport in this case ?


  9. On 6/8/2020 at 11:52 PM, Mohd_NazmiSaeed said:


    3. My wife has Palestinian passport originally, then she gained Jordanian by marriage, she uses the Jordanian not the Palestinian [not expired], in the Nationality shall she specify Palestine as the main then she obtained Jordanian passport ?


    hi guys, just quick updated check

    when i submitted my DV lottery i inserted the Jordanian passport for my wife (it has UAE visa and it is the one she is officially using)


    her original nationality passport (Palestinian) has not been used since 2013, and renewed once, the Palestinian passport expires in August 2020, my wife doesn't want to renew it since it is not being used


    now in this case i shall keep it in the DS260 as the main passport even not renewed ? 



  10. in the section of schools, i have to  indicate “Academic” or “Vocational.”, where exactly do i write that ?

    there is field "Course of Study" and "Degree, Diploma or Certificate Received"


    after passing the exams we receive the grades statement of the exams for each year 

    for example do i write "Course of study" : 12th grade - Academic

    Degree field : Passing grade statement

    and so on for the previous years ?


    Thank you

  11. 19 hours ago, SusieQQQ said:

    You’re both overthinking it now and at the same time not paying attention to the instructions on the form. It very clearly says list all schools/institutions attended at secondary level or above - so list them all. if you don’t understand the type of schools they mean then look at the help for that question where they clearly explain it.

    If you left one before you got a diploma, write “none”.

    The main selectee will be required to show proof of education at the interview.

    The DS260 is a form every immigrant has to fill in regardless of the type of green card. It is not the proof of DV eligibility. 
    Don’t waste time trying to prove work experience if you have the required education. It’s unnecessary and doesn’t change your case.

    Thank you Susie, you have been very helpful


    I checked online many websites and groups regarding the education and schools to figure our exactly what they need.


    I have my originals sinxe 89 until 2001 except for 2000 which is missing and now am trying to gain new one instead of the lost


    In the work section just added few points of job description.

    Thanks again

  12. The next question are related to "Education"


    1. for my case, [i am the winner ]i went to a university from 2001 until 2004 and then i left it, and went to another university, and since kept the same major in both university, i was accredit most of my study hours, i complteted the rest of the hours in the new university and graduated


    1. in the Education, do i choose that

    • i went to 2 universities or just one, the latest ?
    • if i choose 2 universities, in the field "Degree or diploma received" what should i write ? moved to a new university ? or N/A ? and then received in the 2nd university ?
    • For entering information about secondary and high school, 3 years in secondary high school and 3 years in the high school, but each year spent in a different school, do i have to enlist each one separably ?


    2. for my wife's case

    She did her studies Egypt, she attended the SAME university but in 2 different cities, foe example, 1 year in Cairo and 4 year in Alexandria, as the issue i am having, should she choose 2  educational institutes or one since they are the same universities and the same major?



    DV winner in the interview has to have work experience i think with SVP range over 7 OR High school equivalent to USA schools, now my studies were LONG time ago, graduate in 2001 from high school, we have

    • 6 years elemanrty school
    • 3 years secondary school
    • 3 years high school
    • which gives the total of 12 years of studying


    are these 12 years are the main requirement ?

    when shall i be able to choose to go for high school or work experience ? at the interview ? or by filling the form the officer there shall ask for the papers i have and he can select which is correct ? because i didn't see any option in the DS 260 for that


    thank you and sorry for the long post

  13. I asked the question because in our report card it specifies the vacc. and the disease, so that why i asked the question.


    But for


    "You understand you have to have a medical exam to get the visa? The doctor who does that (and is appointed for that purpose by the US Dept of State) is the one who provides the documentation that you have had the required vaccinations. You are not qualified to decide if what you have is acceptable under US law. The doctor is."


    Now it is clear, so thank you

  14. On 6/11/2020 at 10:24 PM, SusieQQQ said:

    Don’t worry about the vaccinations - just put no and where they ask for explanation say they will be done at the visa medical. You don’t need to explain anything else.  (You actually can’t answer yes before the visa medical no matter what paperwork you find because only the panel doctor can certify a yes to that question.)

    if uae does not use post codes just leave blank/ does not apply 

    If i found a copy of my vaccination from the ministry of health (as they told me they will check the archives on Sunday since some of 83 and before has some missing periods but lets hope for the best

    Now if the  files and periods, would a letter stating that i have taken the necessary vaccination is enough ? or they need a full list detail with dates ?


    regarding my wife's vaccination report, it has been found with her parents (away country) and sending it at this moment seems impossible, would a scanned copy and then translated copy (since it is in Arabic) be enough ?



  15. Keeping questions at one thread


    now i have almost  finished with my application

    my question here regarding vaccination, i was born in 1983 there were no computer system in clinics, everything is done by paper, i will check my father's briefcase tomorrow hoping he has a copy

    if i couldn't find anything, and the ministry of health here couldn't provide me with any detail

    If i choose "NO" for Do you have documentation to establish that you have received vaccinations in accordance with U.S. law? due to no trance reason, would that cause a problem ? i know i have to provide an explanation but i mean in general, is that an issue ?



    We don't use "Postal Zone/ZIP Code" here in UAE  do i put number of the P.O Box office or choose "DOES NOT APPLY"





  16. 2 hours ago, SusieQQQ said:

    Please keep all your DS related questions in one thread.


    You are the principal selectee not your wife, correct? 

    Not sure why they are inconsistent but I would choose Palestine/ Gaza Strip as place of birth from what you’ve listed for the current forms.  

    Thank you again

    I thought it would be better in separate thread if anyone would be looking for specific tag, hopefully this would be my last question for the DS form.


    What i found out in the DS260 that in the passport section there is Palestinian Authority but when it comes to country there is only West Bank and Gaza.


    But i don't know why they would charge Gaza to Egypt in the 1st place since Egypt in Africa not Asia


  17. Hello again, i have some few notice but please correct me if am wrong, because 3 things got crossed

    1. My wife (Palestinian) was born in Gaza, so when submitting the DV lottery application last year as mentioned in the instructions , Gaza born will be charged to "Egypt" 

    2. In the DS 260 form for Spouse , for passport , there is an option in the DS260 of "Palestine" or "Palestinian authority" 

    3. now in the DS 260, when filling Spouse section, place of birth, there is "Egypt" and also "Gaza strip" - [There is no option to choose Palestine]


    since i choose Egypt at the 1st beginning of the DV application last year, shall i choose born in Gaza at this time ? or go for Egypt?

    and since the passport issued by Palestinian authority, what about Egypt that i choose when submitting the DV application


    i feel that am the only one in the world who has some ... many technical issues appearing and just want to be sure to stay away from any single mistakes that can comprise the interview or the Ds260


    Thanks in advance

  18. 12 minutes ago, syphax said:

    Congratulations , i wanna ask you , did you receive a message in your email says that you are selected or not ? 

    thank you very much, have you been selected as well ?

    for your question No

    all results must be declared from their DV website with your code

    I think when you fill the DS260 and submitted with inserting the email in the form, at that time some corresponding shall be by email

    and (Am not sure) even to check on later stages your interview schedule you have to login to the DV website again to check 



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