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Posts posted by MME

  1. 4 minutes ago, SurferCat said:

    Congratulations! I guess thy didn’t ask for the sputum test? Did bringing the former X-rays help? You said they used the 2017 one - was the comparison the reason they didn’t ask for the sputum?


    i am asking since my fiancé had tb years and years ago, but did the treatment and is fine now. We actually don’t know if his lungs scarred or not, though he said he got the treatment pretty quickly so maybe not? Anyway, we are very nervous about the sputum test pushing back our approval by two extra months. 


    Your story gives is courage! 

    Thank you @SurferCat :)

    Yes, no sputum test.  I think the previous X-rays helped plus the physical interview.

    Before I went to the X-ray room, the staff from the x-ray counter gave me a small form to fill up.  He did not ask if I have previous x-rays with me though he saw me carrying a large x-ray envelope.  I was the one who told him I had my x-rays with me dated 2015, 2016 and 2017.  He checked the 3 x-rays but took the recent one (2017).  I asked him why not take the 3 films. But he answered that the recent x-ray is enough.  Then, I waited for my name to be called and took my x-ray.  

    I wanted the staff to take all my x-rays for comparison and I would like SLEC to see I already had the granuloma since 2015.  And in July 2016 before my "open" myomectomy surgery,  I was cleared by the Pulmonologist that i am fit to undergo a major surgery though I had the granuloma.  

    During my physical interview,  The lady doctor asked me several questions like if I had previous illness/es on the liver, kidneys, gallbladder etc.  Since she asked me something like that,  I was the one who openned up about my 2016 myomectomy surgery.  She noted it and started to ask questions about my myomectomy.  Then I told her I brought with me records of my surgery.  She read it and started to note down.


    The truth I did not expect that I could pass my medical exam.  I read and heard stories how SLEC is strict on x ray results. 

    I suggest tell your fiance to bring all the necessary certificates, records and previous x-rays to prove she is cured.  Though I cannot say it will give a guarantee to pass the medical exam.  I think it all depends on your "whole" medical exam.

    Tell your fiance, DO NOT WAIT for the staff to ask the previous x-rays  or even the medical records  because chances they won't.

    Lastly,  PRAYER helps. ;)


    Good luck!




  2. 3 minutes ago, Hank_ said:

    Yes it would be good to bring copies of your medical files to SLEC for the medical if you have them.   But don't stress if you do not have them.




    3 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:

    Know this upfront. They may not look at anything you bring but only record the information that the procedure was done. But, it's better to have then not have it with you in the event they ask. Good luck. Make sure you bring a hoodie or jacket to stay warm. Biggest complaint from those who attend that it is coooooold in the building.  Also, bring something to read or phone as there is a lot of downtime between the different stations you will visit.

    thank you for enlightening me. 

    Have a happy holidays to all! 

  3. 35 minutes ago, Greenbaum said:


    the word "surgical procedure done" means any surgeries? YES


    year 2016 i underwent abdominal myomectomy (laparotomy). Do i need to provide medical certificate for it and present it to SLEC? No


    but it says, "if applicable" means not mandatory?!? NO


    If you have any kind of med records for the procedure bring it with you.  Otherwise be prepared to give the dates of surgery and what the procedure was (laparotomy).



    Thank you for the reply. 

    I will bring with me my transvaginal ultrasound and hospital data forms (date of admission, date of discharge, date of surgery, surgical procedure given, complete final diagnosis, home medications to be taken after surgery). Perhaps these documents will be good?!?



  4. Hello again everyone.

    I was reading SLEC website about what each applicant must present under Medical Examination for U.S. Immigrant Visa Applicants.

    there is one part there that states:


    i. Additional documents that you may bring, if applicable.

    Medical certificate regarding a previously-treated or currently managed clinically significant illness, Original and 5 photocopies. The medical certificate should contain the following information:

    •Medical Treatment

       •name of medication (brand and/or generic name)


       •duration and dates of treatment

    •surgical procedure done

    •complete final diagnosis

    •outcome of treatment or treatment plans and prognosis, if available.


    the word "surgical procedure done" means any surgeries? year 2016 i underwent abdominal myomectomy (laparotomy). Do i need to provide medical certificate for it and present it to SLEC?

    but it says, "if applicable" means not mandatory?!?


    thank you in advance.

  5. Hello everyone! 

    December 1, 2017 I received an email letter from NVC (the letter was dated November 30, 2017) informing me that my interview will be on January 23, 2018.

    The review process didn't took 8 to 11 weeks!! :D

    We didn't receive any notice that our case is complete. So we do not know when our case got completed. 

    But we are very happy from the result.:)

    Wishing you all good luck!! :)

  6. 6 minutes ago, gregcrs2 said:

    My wife had to go through sputum testing because of small spots on one lung.  Sputum testing cultures showed negative for TB.  But after having several CT scans with contrast and many consultations with medical professionals, the diagnosis was lung cancer.  Had to have a lung lobe removed.  It was caught at a very early stage so we were very lucky.  The medical ended being a blessing for us.  

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I have already thought of undergoing more thorough tests on my lung regarding that granuloma. Probably after all these petition process. It is really a tough journey.

  7. 7 minutes ago, gregcrs2 said:

    If chest x-ray at medical exam shows the spot you will likely go through sputum testing.  

    I doubt your previous x-rays will be considered or medical certification from any doctor would be taken into consideration.



    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes, I have a strong feeling SLEC will let me undergo sputum testing & culturing. I'm not sure but it seems if an x-ray result is not clear, one must undergo another test. 

    I just read information about granuloma in the lungs.

    I would like to share the link:



    To be honest, I'm still hoping i will not undergo sputum testing & culturing.


    So far, I haven't seen any post from someone who has  same case like mine and didn't take sputum tests.


  8. Hello everyone! 

    My case is still in review at the NVC for 6 weeks now. I'm doing advance readings in preparation for the next stage after case complete. 

    I have 3 previous Chest PA (year 2015, 2016 and 2017) and the results are the same.


    2015 x-ray:

    "Small rounded density in the upper lungfield overlying the 2nd anterior rib...." 

    "calcified granuloma, left upper lungfield.."

    2016 x-ray:

    "Again seen is the tiny round opacity in the left upper lung...."

    "To consider a granuloma, left"

    2017 x-ray:

    "A small nodular opacity is seen in the left upper lobe...."

    "Consider granuloma, left"


    I don't know how I got it because I never been sick or had severe coughing or any chest/back pains. No fever or flu for many many years. My doctor told me perhaps I had been ill without knowing it because I didn't feel anything.

    I know I have to bring these x-ray films on the day of my medical exam at SLEC. 

    I would like to know what other things I should prepare or bring? Should I request a medical certification from my doctor?

    Will I undergo sputum test and culture at SLEC?


    Thank you in advance.





  9. On 11/5/2017 at 7:57 PM, NikLR said:

    You can explain at interview that you both misunderstood the question and yes you have a child. 


    On 11/5/2017 at 9:24 PM, pushbrk said:

    I'm sorry.  I didn't realize you had already made the mistake on the DS260 as well.  Just tell the Consular Officer about the mistake.

    Base on your experiences, I would like to know after telling the mistake on my DS-260 to the Consular Officer, what do you think will happen? 


  10. 2 hours ago, pushbrk said:

    Do it correctly on the DS260, then if asked about it during the interview, just indicate you misunderstood.  In the future, read carefully, interpret literally and answer accurately.  You were not asked if your offspring was immigrating with you.  You were asked to list your children and specific information about them.  You'll be asked again.  Answer correctly.

    Thank you very much for replying. 

    It was really a very terrible mistake. We got confused on that part. We learned our lesson.

    We know there'll be an impact on processing time of our case because of that error. It really broke my heart because our case is on review already. Scan date is Oct 18.


    You said "Do it correctly on the DS260" means I'll request NVC to unlock my online IV application and edit that part about having a children?

    How about the i130 my husband mistakenly not included my son on the form? NVC will not cross reference every entries we filled up?




  11. 7 hours ago, rudajojo said:

    I'm not a lawyer but before my docs were sent, my lawyer made sure to have all my docs and info included correctly and completely because if NVC finds something missing the case goes back to the end of the line when there is a request to send additional info or documents. I would fill out this form https://secureforms.travel.state.gov/ask-nvc.php and send your question to them and request advice , at this point not much to loose but if the mistake you made is really cardinal, you can send corrected docs already instead of waiting up to 12 weeks now to get he notification from them.

    Good luck!

    Thank you very much for taking time to read my inquiry and replying to it.

    I'll check the link you gave to me.

  12. October 18 is our scan date.

    My husband and I were reviewing all the forms and other documents we sent by postal mail to NVC.

    My brother who happened to be on my side at that time noticed why we did not included my son on my DS260 and on i130 (under "C. Information about your relative No.17").

    I said, we have no plans to petition him since his fiance who is in abroad (not in USA) has their future plans.

    My brother explained to us whether we intend to petition him or not, we should included him on the forms.


    We would like to correct these mistakes we did.

    I am really very worried and couldn't sleep well. :(

    1.) What is the best way we should do? 

    2.) How are we going to correct this?

    3.) How bad is our case?


    We would greatly appreciate your opinions and help.

    Thank you in advance.


  13. 32 minutes ago, aleful said:

    he's fine


    he can use either


    the ez version is just shorter than the i864, so no problem



    Thank you. :) i'm relieved.


    31 minutes ago, pushbrk said:

    He COULD HAVE used the I-864EZ, but his choice to do otherwise is NOT  a problem at all.  If he TRIED to use the EZ version and didn't qualify, THAT would be a problem.


    Thank you. :)

    We were informed that the income requirement for a CR1/IR1 Spousal Visa when sponsoring 1 alien in a non-military household of 2 in CALIFORNIA is $20,300. Is it true? 

    My husband annual income is nearly $40,000. It means he is qualified?!? 


  14. My husband has sent thru postal mail all the required documents to the NVC last Oct. 13, 2017.

    I (beneficiary) found out that my husband completed and sent the i864 form but I believe he should use the i864EZ form instead because (1.) there is only one applicant on the Form I-130 petition; (2) the income he is using to qualify is based entirely on his salary and  and is shown on one or more Forms W-2 provided by his employer.

    I would like to know if this will cause any problem.

    Your thoughts on this matter will be appreciated much.

    Thank you. 

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