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Posts posted by fromphtousa.com

  1. [Note to Admin: Wasn't sure where to post this: in here or in the Finding Work section.]


    After a year of being the US and trying out various gigs, I wrote about my realizations about being a Filipino struggling to find work in the US. You can read it here:


    The Harsh Realities I've Realized from Being a Working Filipino in America


    I posted this on reddit and Filipinos/ American called me whiny because I'm so fortunate on being where I am yet it sounded like I'm complaining. I know I'm not alone in feeling whatever I wrote in my post because I'm part of Filipina immigrants' Facebook groups and they also voice out the same struggles there.


    Just wanted to let this out for some relief and for another Filipino who may read this and have the same situation to know that they're not alone.

  2. I knew that the US Embassy was along Roxas Boulevard and most hotels I see in that area were very expensive, so I  thought:


    "Sure. I'll walk 5 minutes further instead of just crossing the street if it will save Php5,000." 


    I stayed at Tambayan Capsule Hostel for my interview but here are 16 hotels including their cheapest rates for a 1-night stay for 2 people that could fit your budget which I found.


    Hope this helps you prepare for that big day :)



  3. 10 hours ago, JoBri said:

    My wife was an elementary school principal, and also a teacher before that. She chose to not be a teacher in the USA as well. Now she is a registered nurse and in the military.

    How noble of her.


    1 hour ago, Chris Duffy said:

    My wife was  professional selfie taker, and had a "side business" selling purses,  and was a Facebook poster

    Sounds like she's an influencer back home.

  4. 14 hours ago, Highmystic said:

    my soon to be is Filipina,  and it tears me up when I see couples walking hand in hand, but soon!!  If you are on FB, you can start your own group on FB for those from the Philippines and you should meed many as they would flock to your new chat site!  My Fiancée has traditionally spent several months during Christmas here on a visitor visa, but to assure she can maintain her culture, I've got the Philippine channels on tv for her.

    Nice tips. :D I'd look into getting The Filipino Channel (TFC), then.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Randyandyuni said:

    My wife metmany Filipina at the asian store, struck up conversations with fellow filipinos, she now has many local Filipina friends, she is much happier

    I haven't met any Filipinas in the Asian store but I've found a few Filipino stores near us. There aren't a lot of Filipinos in Detroit but I hope to find more of them in the nearby cities. ^_^

  6. Hi, everyone.


    I recently moved to Detroit with my husband last August 2017 and Visajourney has been a great resource for me throughout the K1 visa process. We sent my AOS paperwork to the NVC and I hope I get approved sooner than later.


    I thought that moving to the US would be easy since there are a lot of pop culture similarities with the Philippines and the USA. I was wrong. Up until now, I am still experiencing culture shock. 


    Hope to meet more people through this forum. Cheers! ^_^

  7. On 6/16/2017 at 12:01 PM, Joy2USA said:

    New members to the site.  Joy will be using the CR1 process for immigration to the U.S. from the Philippines.  This site has been very helpful and we greatly appreciate everyone!

    Welcome! She's lucky to have the warm weather in Florida just like in the Philippines. It's so cold in Detroit right now. :wacko:

  8. 1 hour ago, hyommysone said:

    I have Actuarial Science degree and been working for 4 years with Actuarial science expertise in PH and my first job in the US is a programmer. I got a job 2 months after I came here. I started looking after a month stay (I waited for me physical green card). I got a 2 year green card. I left the programming job after a month. It was not meant for me. But while I am still doing the programming job I kept looking for Actuarial job and I got it. I started working as a programmer May 2016 then got a new job June 2016 with same Actuarial job I did in the Philippines. I think it depends on your location. Here in WA a lot of programming jobs due to Microsoft.


    Also, I worked in US company with external office in PH. Their main office is in Pennsylvania and I used them as my reference. I think it helped a lot for me because I have a US person as reference doing same degree as I have.

    Wow. That's very fortunate for you. My previous company only had a regional office in Southeast Asia and I've never worked for a company that had an office in the US. 


    8 hours ago, jasper383 said:


    My wife was a teacher also (In Cebu). Before that she worked for Philippines NSO (Now PSA).


    She is going to nursing school here.

    Yes, we have a lot of Filipino nurses here so good for her. Did she think of going into public service here like what she did in the Philippines?

  9. 5 hours ago, notantifun said:

    I was a licensed teacher (license expired). I taught grade school and high school for 5 years before switching careers. I worked for an American payroll company as a tech analyst/report writer in my last 4 years before moving here in Texas.  I just filed for my AOS/EAD/AP last Monday. I have checked my previous employer's job portal but most job openings they have are cities away from where I live. Teachers get sh#t pay here from what I've heard and been told so  even though I'm a trained teacher, it's at the bottom of my list.

    I wish the best of luck on your AOS application. What kind of jobs are you planning to apply to when you get your green card?


    4 hours ago, cyberfx1024 said:

    My asawa was a teacher as well in Mindanao and she will never be a teacher here she said. 

    Is she a housewife now or is she thinking of working again?


    20 minutes ago, mrsphillips said:

    Hi! I used to work as a workforce management analyst in the Phils. I am a green card holder and I am doing the same job here in the US. It took me 11 months, 3 other jobs, and 1hr and 30 mins drive a day to get and keep that job.


    That sounds so challenging. Good thing that you got to practice the same profession here and the traffic here isn't as bad. 

  10. Hey there.


    I was doing digital marketing in the Philippines before I moved to the US last August 2017. Most of my relatives thought that I would not find a job aligned to my field because the competition is tough here. I'll find out if that's true once my AOS gets approved.


    I'm just curious. What was your career back in the Philippines? If you already have an EAD or a Green Card, are you still practicing the same profession or did you change your career path?




    Note to Admin: I'm not sure if this should be posted here or in the Job hunting forum since this question is just for Filipinos like myself. Please move this if it's inappropriate.

  11. Hi there.


    I just moved to the US 3 months ago and sometimes feel the loneliness you mentioned. I don't have a permit to work yet so I'm stuck at home most of the time and have not made any friends here. Despite this, I still 


    Here are some tips based on the pain points you mentioned:


    Stuck in Current Job 

    • Identify the career you want because that will help you figure out where to look for the job that fits you. If you're not sure yet, take some time to think about it. I found this workbook about intentionally designing your life. You can check this out and fill out the fields so you can be clear on what you want. It helps to see it on paper.
    • Think about a hobby or expertise you can monetize. I'm pretty sure you have a skill that you can offer through Fiverr, Craiglist, Freelancer.com, Etsy or even through opening your own website. I write a lot so I set up my own blog about my adventures which as given me sponsorships and freebies from companies. I know you have something special, too.

    No Friends

    • Attend volunteering events and free meetups in your area. I usually see volunteer opportunities from organizations I follow on Twitter and Facebook. Back before #GivingTuesday happened, a lot of accounts tweeted about volunteer events. If you have a Facebook / Twitter account, that would be a nice addition to your feed.
    • Go to event websites such as EventBrite and MeetUp. They list free events so you can just RSVP and show up. 


    • Online dating is a hit or a miss thing, but you can control which dating apps you use to increase the chances of meeting good men. I met my husband from OkCupid and I have intentionally avoided dating apps like Tinder because I wasn't looking for a casual relationship. That worked in my favor and I hope it works for you, too.

    As for driving, I also don't know how to drive so I'll leave that up to the other members here. Don't lose hope and keep on pushing! The best is yet to come. :)

  12. I stayed at the Tambayan Capsule Hostel during my interview at the embassy. It was in front of Robinson's Manila and a 10-15 minute walk to the Embassy so I didn;t have to worry about bringing my cellphone. 


    If you're really on a budget, capsules can go as low as Php550 with breakfast. My room was Php1,200 for 1 night. Definitely a great deal. 

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