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boo boo

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Posts posted by boo boo

  1. Ohhhh my goodness, I am so sorry that you are going thru all thru this foolishness. Your husband needs a taste of reality because you are showing him love by supporting him and doing all that you can do as a wife and getting NOTHING in return...what is he doing as a husband? Ask him what is he bringing to this marriage, how does he express his love, and where does he see this marriage a year from now? You should be a blessing from God in his eyes considering everything that you are doing for him. I think that your husband has too much free time on his hands and he has a very twisted way of thinking.

    You deserve to have a man that makes you feel appreciated and loved 24/7, especially when he is your husband. Do not have someone in your life that makes you feel worthless and cheap, noone should feel this way. If your man is checking out the single sites and threatening to divorce you...then let him go.....because those are not the right actions a christian husband should displaying towards his wife and you should tell him "good luck and God Bless"

    I would let your hubby know that you love him and you would do anything to make him happy and it is a goal of yours to be the best wifey that you can be....but it is not fair that you are not getting it in return. Ask him:

    Do you love me?

    Then why do you disrespect me?

    Don't you think that I deserve to be happy? And make it clear that he is not making you happy

    Why should I stay in this marriage? What do you have to offer? Tell him that you are not desparate and will not be in the relationship if he does not change than he better start packing.

    Tell him that you do not need the stress or the drama and you could be happier being by yourself. Tell him that it is not easy to work all day and come home to an ungrateful husband and take care of his needs when you fell like he does not have an ounce of respect or love for you, you deserve so much more than you are receiving thats for sure. I wish you the best, I pray that he will open his eyes and do whats right.....until then, do extra special things for yourself...show him that you are a beautiful, intelligent, independant woman and Blessed regardless of being in a bad relationship..Have A Blessed Day....You deserve it to the fullest :)

  2. Good morning.

    I do that sometimes, hiding a gift so well that I can't find it again :blink:

    :) It was funny, my husband is working today and he just called me, I said "Honey, I found Alexis gift that I was looking for last night" and he said "Oh, the one that you thought I threw away" hahahahaha...I don't recall saying that, but who knows :)

  3. Good morning everyone, Happy Saturday :) I think that I am getting dementia, last night I was wrapping gifts for my kids....and one of the xmas list gifts that I got my daughter....I could not find, I was tearing the place up like a madwoman trying to find it...I know that my husband was thinking that I was crazy because I was determined to find the item.

    Praise the Lord, I woke up this morning and I thought....did I put it in the cabinet under the sink in the master bathroom? It was there tucked away....I am so so happy to put that episode behind me :) My 8 yr old daughter does not have a feminine bone in her body and she loves wresling, so I got her the new smackdown vrs raw 2009 game (that is what I was searching for)....if you were to see her wish list...you would think that I had a boy :)

    I hope that everyone has a Blessed Day, especially whidbeygirl, I am sorry about all the things that you went thru yesterday with your house and your car.

  4. Sylvia,

    I am so happy that you were able to go and see hubby and spend some QT with him. I am sorry that you had afew misadventures, but it is nice to hear that your SO was there to comfort you along the way.

    Zainab, Be strong and I will keep you and your hubby in my thoughts and prayers. It is such a hard transition when SO's get here, that it takes alot of patience, love, endurance, and forgiveness to keep everything together. I always pray when I get into an argument with my hubby, I seek guidance and then I will usually ask my hubby if we can talk in the bedroom. I listen to him and then I explain things to him and I tell him that I hate fighting and my goal in life is to be the best wife possible (just to soften him up alittle..lol) and make him happy. I tell him that I want to be happy and I do not want us to get to that stage where all we do is fuss and fight. I also tell him that I know that it isn't easy for him to be here at times and would do anything to make him to be happy....I know that he sacrificed leaving his family and country that he loves. Hang in there girl, it will get better :)

  5. GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

    I have pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OK so not all of them are up yet, but there are quite a few. I have a public account at www.photobucket.com username is LindaBroyles and password is broyles the album is Africa. I have lots of other photos there too.

    You look so adorable together, thanks for posting and i will check out the photobucket...I love pics :)

  6. My husband was in your situation, he has a college degree that he obtained in his country and from another country, but when he moved here he decided to go into the nursing field. The CNA course is usually a 12 week program...give or take afew. My husband did that and then got a job at a hospital where they would pay 100% tuition reimbursement for a nursing degree...if you work for them after you graduate, he was not interested in that, so he just took out loans and applied for schloarships...and he has not had to pay any out of pocket money as of yet.

    My husband goes to a website called www.allnurses.com and it is a website just like VJ...alot of different forums to help answer any questions that you may have pertaining to nursing and there are many members that give helpful advice. I say stay here with your hubby, do CNA for a couple of months and then see where to go from there and check out the website....if you have any concerns or questions.

  7. Boaz, that is so Awesome :) I lived in the DC area for 9 yrs and went to see Clinton being sworn in, but I did not have seats....I lived on capital hill then, so it was walking distance...soooo exciting, I can only imagine how it will be with Obama. My best friend lives in VA, minutes away from DC and she was telling me how there are people on craigslist who are renting out their house for BIG $$$$'s a day for the inaugration...it is CRAZY, I was looking at craigslist today and she was not kidding, it was interesting to say the least.

  8. I think that Casey is a pathological liar, she has lied to police about everything from where babysitter lived to where she worked, I do not believe a single word that comes out of her mouth. Also, if someone kidnaps your child, why do you not call the police...like ASAP? It makes no sense. She is trying to play the victim, but the real victim is her sweet innocent daughter.

    She is also accused and being charged of writing stolen checks that belonged to her friend, she said she didn't do it, but sure enough there is video of her shopping at Target via target security cam purchasing items with her friends checkbook.

    I think she has lied about so many things that she does'nt even know the truth...hopefully she will get the help that she needs. May the truth set her free. My heart goes out to that little girl, it is so sad. I am hoping for closure soon just for the little girls sake. I think the whole family is looking for their 5 seconds of fame . Trust me, when Casey's brother and father are looking for free personal assistants to help them with daily activities, it is quite sad. If Casey ever gets a million dollar movie/book deal from this.....I will honestly feel like this world must be coming to an end.

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