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Posts posted by ultimoxo

  1. What I mean is what if the only sponsor is his daddy, Sam wouldn't be involved in sponsoring me in any way. The only one to turn in bank forms and income amounts would be his daddy. Is ok if Sam is not part of the I-134?

    Sam must be a "part" of the I-134. His daddy will be the co-sponsor. If Sam doesn't have any money, then he should reflect that on his I-134. If he writes $0 for everything, then he need not prove anything. His daddy will write an adequate amount (125% of poverty level, I think) on his I-134 and back that amount up with the necessary paperwork (last year's tax return, paystubs, bank statements, etc). Sam, in essence, is showing nothing in terms of financial support but he still must fill out an I-134 because he is the fiance that is sponsoring your K1.

  2. A lady who heads the ESL program at the community college here has explained to me that the government grant that funds the program explicitly asks for SSN's of the students. She said that this is because the program is set up to prepare students for employment and later successful employment can be tracked by the SSN. I'm sure this breaks a few privacy laws and it is a mis-use of SSN's. Fortunately, the lady said my fiance can enroll and I can show the SSN when it arrives (She has two weeks from the start of the class, about a month from now total). Otherwise, my fiance would have been excluded on this basis. SSN's should not be used in this way.

    You do not need a SSN. My fiancee does not have one. The school should just assign a different number. I would contact a higher manager if they continue to tell you this.


    I have seen some websites where colleges say they will simply assign a different number, as you suggested. I believe this is in cases where there are using your SSN as your ID number, as many places do and which I think should be illegal. This college is saying that it is a requirement of the specific program. Thanks for your suggestion.

  3. It's good to hear that the ESL classes are working out well for many. My fiance and I have just arrived in the U.S. last week and have been inquiring about the ESL class at the local college here. It's great that it is free!

    I been having a problem about the social security number though. The lady on the phone at the college insists that my fiance needs a social security number to register in the class. We went to the social security office today and they told me that this should not be the case. Also, my fiance's name wasn't in the system yet because it's only been a week since we arrived. The class starts in two weeks and she wants to get in ASAP. I won't be able to get her a SSN number in time. She will not even be working! That's what a SSN is for, right?

    What does the social security number have to do with the ESL class? Has anyone encountered this?

  4. Just to point out airlines do care about you having return tickets, depending on what visa you are on. As a non-resident alien for a long time, I pretty much always got asked by the person at the ticketing desk when I was leaving the US if I had a correct visa that would allow me to return to the US for example.

    I would imagine with a K-1 you are allowed to have 1 one way ticket, as the purpose of the visa is to immigrate to the USA.

    I read somewhere once (I don't know how true it is) that the airline that brought you to a country is responsible for returning you if the tickets and the visa aren't acceptable to immigration at the POE (e.g., a 30 day tourist and a one-way, how you getting out?? What if you blow your money?).

    Thanks for all the responses. I believe from all the experiences posted that a one-way is OK. I just wonder how astute the airline counter people are with their visa knowledge and how they know not to scrutinize a K1. I guess they have seen quite a bit. I defnitely can see the POE knowing the deal, but I hope the airline counter doesn't give any problems. My Fiance is from Thailand and Thai people relatively aren't allowed to roam very freely, so we'll see what happens. Thanks again!

  5. Quick question about DS-156 first page there's a box for a 5x5 picture. I know that the embassy requested two 5x5 in passport style photo in packet 4 order of documents. Are they going to staple the applicant picture in that box or do you have to do it yourself?


    Packet 4 tells you the order of all the documents. We just put the two pictures in a see through plastic baggie and put that in the place in order as they told us. After you hand in the DS-156, I think it goes into the brown envelope that you pick up when approved. The Embassy told my fiance that everything we gave to them was in the envelope. I don't know for sure what happens to it, but you don't see it. I do know that the pictures in the baggie were stapled to a page in her passport.

  6. My fiance inteview is coming up and she just got back from picking up her police report. She called me up after she got home after a 10 hours bus ride and said they made a mistake on her mom's D.O.B. with just a few days left till her interview there's no time to get it fix. The place closed down on the weekend and she'll have to travel to Thailand a couple days ahead cuz she'll have to pick up the correct vaccination record from the hospital. OMG we're freaking out right now. I just hope that it's not a big issue. Someone please tell me it's gonna be alright.

    If they do have a problem, she could possibly suggest having the correction done back home, picked up by a relative and faxed to Bangkok.

    If you are really, really worried about it, then maybe look into flights from Phnom Penh to Bangkok for the 26th or early morning 27th and that gives her one or two days to fix it in Cambodia, and the rest of the 27th to pick up the vaccination record. I don't know where she is in Cambodia, but I think One-Two-Go also has flights from Siam Reap. That may be closer to her.

    It probably can be fixed but it may be a cost vs. risk issue? How important is the error really? It's a tough call. I understand your concern.

    If there is no time to fix it, you pretty much have to just go with it. It doesn't seem like a major error. They may not even spot it. I imagine they will be looking at the result of the screening as opposed to those details, but keep your fingers crossed.

  7. I know this topic has to have been covered before but my searching on here has not turned anything up, so I apologize if I am being redundant. Do the airlines give any problem to the holder of the K1 Visa if they have a one-way ticket booked? I don't know if written rules on this exist, or if it is specific airline policies.

    Also, do the INS officers at the POE care whether or not the K1 visa holder has a one-way vs. a round-trip ticket?

  8. I have just passed the interview on Dec 20, due to the Birth Certificate, House registration and ID card I translated them into English by myself as well as made a copy of all. the consular officer will return all original and take copy.

    any question, don't hesitate to ask and good luck


    Thanks Waen for the info. We were going to include the copies of the translation in the packet of documents on the interview day, but the list did not specifically request them, so we just put them in a folder of "possibly requested docs." They never asked. We never saw the original K1 Submission at the interview, but if they had it, then they had the original translations anyway.

    Secondly.......APPROVED!!!! We have been quite excited and it feels great to not have to worry about this more stressful part of the immigration process! I must say that in our particular case, USCIS, the State Dept. and the Embassy in Bangkok were all very efficient. I think the Embassy leaves a few holes in the paperwork, but nothing terrible. I just don't like the general forms they send for Packets 3 & 4. We mailed the I-129F on Oct. 18 and picked up the visa on Dec 22. A relatively short journey, but intensive in that it required a lot of work with the fine tooth comb. Lots of traveling and printing, scanning, copying at internet shops. Anyways, a huge amount of thanks to all of you who have helped us up to this point. This board is an invaluable resource. The process isn't over, so we will still be looking for info and I hope I can help others with what we have learned so far.

    I'll start by giving a little breakdown of the interview day. I accompanied my Fiance to the interview and we were scheduled at 7:00 AM. We showed up and got in the line outside of the Embassy at about 6:15 AM. The line looked pretty long already and we got in the back. A man kind of randomly asked my fiance if she was Thai and told us that we were in the wrong line. We didn't notice but there were two lines. One line was all Cambodian applicants (That was the long one) and the other is for Thai applicants. I was quite surprised at the large number of Cambodian applicants there, which was about 80% of the people there. Anyways, we were allowed in at about 6:45 am, went through security and worked our way to the "Window 5" that has been spoken of before. The windows were opened up at 7:00 am and the Fiance cases were called to bring their paperwork up. My Fiance went to the window and submitted all the documents and was told to sit down and wait until she was called. There was only one other case there at the time and she and my fiance began chatting. She had a problem because she didn't have the DS-156 with the barcode. She was told to use the computers there to fill it out and print it with the barcode. The computers there are pretty clunky, like industrial grade with no mouse, and only a few options. I helped her fill out the form because she was having some problems figuring out the computer, which was understandable because the computer was a bit tricky. We waited for about 3 hours and everyone else there was called up by a number system. At about 10:00, my Fiance was called by name and went up to window 5. At this point, there was a caucasian man there. She went up alone and I just waited to see if she needed me for anything. She was there for about 2 minutes and the waived me to come up after he had asked her if I was there with her. The man asked her in Thai how many times I have been to Thailand, where did we meet, can I speak Thai, and how many days we would be in Bangkok. He filled out a card that instructed us to come the next day at 3:00 pm to pick up the visa and said thank you to us both. He was very nice and pleasant about everything. Then we left and returned at 3:00 pm the next day. I wasn't allowed in because the Embassy is technically closed at that time, but she went in and came out in about 5 minutes with the brown envelope. And that was that!

    Maybe I was mentally overcomplicating it, but I thought it was actually more of a sit-down interview in a separate room. The interview was really just a few questions at the window. It went by before I even knew what happened. I was pretty nervous because I thought it was more a formal interview. Is this the standard drill? Well, that is how it all went down. Hope this gives all those who are due a little insight into their upcoming interviews. I have had the advantage of being able to be in Thailand with my Fiance and during the interview so I hope this gives a little perspective.

    Good luck to all those who are coming up soon!

  9. It's probably gonna be super hot when in mid January :crying: I hate the hotness.

    Shouldn't be too bad in mid-January. It is still the cold season. As far as hotness, your timing doesn't get much better for Bangkok weather. Relatively cool and no rain.

    Anyone have any scoop on the translation of the Birth Certificate for the interview? If they have the K1 submission, then they should have the original translations, but has anyone had any issues with this at the the interview?

  10. I also re-did the DS-156 online last night. It all seemed to go OK. Thanks for all the re-assurances that this is all OK. I was just worried that the info is submitted to them and they receive redundant applications. As Evolution has said, the Spouse DOB box can not be filled in so I just marked "Not Applicable" in pen. That completes all the boxes now!

    As far as the visa application forms, we should be ready to present the DS-156, DS-156K, DS-157 and I-134. Am I missing anything as far as just the application forms? And, of course, the medical forms.

    One other question. Does the Embassy have the original K1 packet that the service center looked at? I ask this because I sent the original copy of the translation for my Fiance's birth certificate. I do have a copy of the translation, but it's not the stamped and certified copy that I paid for. She also has a translation for a name change certificate. Will they have my original translations? Will they want new originals? I hope I don't have to spend more money on that.

    Will they have the full packet of "evidence of having met/ongoing relationship"? I have copies of all this stuff, but I'd like to think they can look at it all before they meet us.

  11. Assembling this stuff for the interview is making us a bit crazy. They tell you to do stuff in packet 3 and then in Packet 4, they tell you to do it in a specific way. Example, the online DS-156 and the blanks we are all trying to figure out. They are adamant in Packet 4 about filling out every blank but no mention in packet 3 when they tell you to fill it out. We filled in the blanks that don't apply in pen with "Not Applicable" but I would like to just re-fill it out online. Does anyone know if doing it again online generates a different barcode and make any problems? I would like to just re-do it so as to be sure they don't have a problem with the blanks being filled in with pen. I may just do it again and bring both.

    James, thanks for the info on the DS-230 Part II. They say in packet 4 that it is needed but do not include it. I will probably just fill that out too and bring it just in case.

    Also, the 2 appointment letters they give are not listed on the order of documents, but I guess you just hand them both over before you hand in the documents.

    It would be nice if they had K1-specific packets. The general forms lead to a lot of confusion.

  12. Evolution,

    Thanks for the link. It is strange they didn't send it. We will fill it out just in case.

    did anyone have their fiance sign any of the forms from packet 3 beside the checklist? Looks to me that all the forms will have to be sign infront of the cosular officer. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    My fiance signed the DS-230 Part I when we returned the checklist. The second part should be signed in front of the consular officer.

    Also I'm worry about the DS-156 electronic version. It's state that all questions must be answered or the interview will be cancel. I didn't filled out question #18: Spouse full name Can't put down None) and #19: Spouse D.O.B(cannot put in N/a or na, must be dd-mmm-yyyy) and also #16 I only put down her cell#. My fiance doesn't have the other numbers requested and it only takes numbers in all that requested boxes. Am I ok, should I be paranoid about it?

    I thought the same thing. I already got my barcoded version saved, so I was thinking of just writing in "Not Applicable" with a black pen.

    These forms in packet 3 and 4 are a bit strange and not extremely well thought out. The letter that says that the DS-230 Part II is included also says to not to use the letters "N.A." and write "Not applicable" where appropriate on DS-230 Part II. At the top of DS-230 Part II, it says "Mark questions that are not applicable with a N/A"! I checked just in case and its the same version of the form that DS-230 Part I that they sent in Packet 3 was. Talk about confusion.

  13. Also, one more quick question. Does the K1 require the DS-157? We are filling out the DS-156 and DS-156K, but not sure if the DS-157 is necessary. Again, confusion in the packet 4 "Order of Documents". It is not a K1 specific packet and the is an "or" in the list of documents. The DS-157 is posted on the Embassy site under K1 so I think so. Anyone know?

  14. Anybody know what to do about DS-230, Part II??

    Packet 4 from the Embassy has a page titled "Apppointment Letter for Immigrant Visa Applicants" and on that page the following quote appears, "Please Read carefully the attached DS-230 Part II....... Fill Out this form completely....". My Fiance just got Packet 4 and this document is not in the packet. This document is not posted on the Embassy site. Also, I did not see this document in either of the Packet 4 posts from Tucson Bill and Evolution. This form also is not on the page titled "Order of Documents", which lies out all the documents to be presented for the interview.

    Is this document simply a sworn statement to be completed at the Embassy? Does anyone have this? Should I get it, and if so, where?

    Also, a note about Packet 4. I think it needs a facelift. It's like a hodge podge of paperwork. Two appointment letters, one is filled out. What's the other one for? This DS-230 weirdness (assuming they didn't just forget ours). I guess the packet is used for multiple visa types and they just throw in things as they need.

  15. In Thailand, the US Embassy requests a copy of the photo page of the passport of the visa applicant to be sent in before the interview is scheduled. This request is sent as an additional page in Packet 3 that seems to be a new additional requirement. You should check with the US Embassy in India to be sure. It may be country-specific.

  16. Hey thank you Sam for your input. My fiancée is done with the medical exam and got 3 vaccination done. She's not sure what they were tho. Sadly things didn't go as planned. She didn't get a chance to have those med forms copied before the nurse sealed the envelops. She was saying that all the envelops was sealed and on one envelop they have something written on the outside of it in English. I wonder what it is.

    I had noted earlier in the thread about this. If the envelope is sealed for the embassy, then the second series couldn't even be updated on the sheet. I guess they could open it. My Fiance was told that she could return for the second series. I think that is just for her benefit and no that of the visa. Your fiance probably got the same 3 my fiance got. They were MMR, Varicella and Td. I think the MMR and the varicella require a second series in one month.

    Thanks, Sam also. Hopefully they aint too stiff on this now.

  17. Nope, Bill isn't the only one waiting for an interview date. We are too. :crying: It took the embassy almost a month to get the packet 3 to her. It was returned to the embassy on Nov. 22 and they confirmed in an email to me (after I made in inquiry) that they received it on Nov. 24. Now we are also playing the "waiting for an interview date" game. :clock:



    It seems overwhelmingly here that the there is a relatively substantial time delay from receipt of the case to the embassy and receipt of the Packet 3 by the beneficiary in Thailand. The embassy received my fiance's case on Nov 6 and she received the Packet 3 on Dec. 10. Fortunately, we all have this resource and can step ahead a bit and compile the requird packet 3 documents. As long as you can confirm that the documents on the embassy site are up to date, I think that preparing and sending the packet 3 documents when you know the embassy has received the case is prudent in cases where you are concerned about the time. You do not necessarily have to be ready for the interview, but at least get the documents required for a scheduled interview to them. Pre-empting the receipt of the Packet 3 seems to be a big time-saver. A little bit of a risk because you may be the one getting a new version of a form in your packet 3. TucsonBill posted the contents of his packet 3 about 2-3 weeks ago in this thread and we just got ours on Dec 10. I can say that as of Dec 10, the documents in our Packet 3 were identical to those posted by TucsonBill.

    If you are interested in saving time, I think it is a good idea to note in your cover letter that you could be ready for an interview as quick as possible. If there is a qualifiable reason that accompanies this, then let them know. That might help. I have visa issues in Thailand, so I noted that and they accomodated her with a pretty quick interview. Maybe just a lucky break, but they were responsive to that particular request. Anyways, just some thoughts.

  18. My fiancee is in Thailand right now and her Med appointment is on this Tuesday. She don't have any records of Vaccination at all. For those that was in the same situation as we are. If she need all of the vaccination done, can it all be done at the same day? I'm worried that if it can't and she have to go back a couple more trips just to get it done that our Interview date will have to be postpone on a later date than schedule, Yikes!

    Hey Evolution,

    I went to the medical with my fiance about 3 weeks ago. She didn't bring any record of previous vaccination so they gave her a MMR, varicella and Td. I think they all were shots that require a second series. The doctor checked a box that says "vaccine history incomplete." Under that box, he checked another box that says "May Be Eligible for Blanket Waivers." I posted awhile back in this thread and don't think I got any answers. I checked it out a few weeks ago after we got back. I found this one quote:

    Completion of a vaccine series is not required to conclude the medical examination because such a requirement would require multiple visits to a panel physician and could lead to unnecessary delay in the immigration process.

    Also, take a look here: http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/ty...tml#Vaccination

    and at this thread: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...c=37751&hl=

    I think the government link made me the most comfortable. It looks like the vaccination requirements do not need to be completed for a K1 visa, but they do need to be completed before the AOS. Hope that helps a little.

  19. Hello recently received NOA2 for our K1 visa. I'm a little confused about the next steps.

    From my understanding right now we simply wait for her to get the Packet 3. I am going to send her Affadavit of Support. Other than that we are only waiting. Once she gets the packet 3 we are just planning on following the instructions. Can we get a jump on the police report or medical clearance? She is from Chiang Rai. Does she have to go to Bangkok in person to complete these steps.

    Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Chris


    She can have the medical done in Chiang Mai, but she will have to go to Bangkok for the police certificate. I looked extensively into any alternative to obtain the police certificate in Northern Thailand and it seems to not be possible. The station for the Royal Thai Police Special Branch is pretty well setup and organized so I assume this is why they don't do it anywhere else. I was in there this week and they make it smooth and easy to get it, but they have quite a complicated looking setup. It's on like a special police/government compound.

    Anyways, as Robert said, the Sawatdee thread has lots of fresh info for the stage you are at.

  20. Now that's frustrating, you returned your packet 3 forms on Nov 15 and are STILL waiting for the interview date? Did you check to see if your BNK number showed up on the Ebassy website appointment schddule yet?

    Evolution has his interview date, don't you? Bill, I think you are the sole thread poster waiting for the interview now.

    Maybe if I'd stayed in Thailand they'd have given me our interview date too.


    I don't think it was me being in Thailand solely that got us the interview quickly, but I do think the letter requesting expedition due to my Thailand visa probably did it. They seem pretty responsive to particular situations. Bill, have you shot them any emails recently? I saw that they just updated the IV schedule also.

  21. And wow it's been like more than a month and I haven't got out packet 3 yet. Imagine how long it would take for me to recieve the packet 4.

    Yeah, I second the "Where is packet 3??" and the "Thanks, Bill!".

    Thanks for posting the packet 3 contents. Still haven't seen packet 3 here either and the embassy received the case on Nov 6.

    We sent in the checklist, the DS-230 Part 1(signed), passport photo page copy and the photos on Nov 27 based upon examination of Bill's posted documents. We also included a cover letter asking that the interview date be scheduled before my visa expires in January. I am in Thailand and will have to play some games to try to get my visa extended so it really is a concern. If the interview isn't before then, My fiance will have to travel alone, etc. So just today, she got a phone call from the embassy with a interview date of Dec 21! They didint email or anything yet, just a phone call to her mobile.

    Thanks again , Bill and hang in there for interview date. It will have to come pretty soon.

    Evolution, If I get a packet 4 at all, I also will upload the docs as Bill has done.

  22. Is anyone else having problems with the new online DS-156?

    Hey, is there an advantage to filling out the online DS-156 as opposed to filling in the barcoded one in packet 3 and taking it to the interview? I don't quite understand the difference.

    Anyone buy this PIN and visa appointment service subscription?

    Also, quickly, can anyone tell me how to get my timeline as my signature?? Sorry, I been looking all over for it and can't find it!

  23. Thanks again, Bill. I checked out all the docs yesterday and am sending the checklist, DS-230 (signed), two photos and copy of passport photo page. I am sending the checklist that is online as opposed to the one you scanned because it seems that the downloaded form is almost identical and I don't want them questioning where I got the packet 3 form when I don't even have packet 3. I hope there is no problem with sending that checklist.

    I understand what you were saying previously in the thread about the signing of the DS-230. The instructions do not say not to sign the DS-230, so they must want it signed. The DS-156 is what they don't want signed when you bring it to the interview. Thanks again for helping me clear all this up!

  24. These are the current packet 3 documents as of 11-07-2006

    Hope this helps some of you.

    Hey Bill,

    I can't thank you enough for uploading the current packet 3 docs. Thanks for taking the time to scan them all. I have already downloaded them and will be combing through them now. It is a great service to those who will be waiting on the BKK Embassy in the near future. Who knows how often they update their site to reflect pdf changes. Thanks again!

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