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Everything posted by Hamilton

  1. Oh cool, hey! Looks like our filing dates are only a few days apart so we'll probably receive our notification on the same day! If you're planning to travel after the interview, are you planning to ask for the oath ceremony to be delayed?
  2. It's the 2008 version. The 2020 version was introduced only for a very short period of time and then removed. Good luck studying!!!
  3. CONGRATS Jan filers!! Ahhh I'm the last Jan filer in the sheet waiting....
  4. Absolutely everyone else has gotten an interview date online so it seems this might be more of a weird exception than the norm going forward. OR maybe they don't actually have a date scheduled yet because the office has been going so fast, but they're next in line?
  5. Thanks for weighing in! I realized I could possibly change my travel dates a bit to leave immediately after the N400 interview if possible - and request the officer to schedule the oath ceremony for after I return. It seems like the oath ceremony is usually a few weeks after the interview anyway (when it's not on the same day). Does that seem like a good plan?
  6. So guys, I'm excited about how the processing has sped up suddenly, but... I filed in January 22 and I'm scheduled to travel internationally in September. Now it's looking like my interview could be scheduled for September while I'm away. Does anyone know how bad it is to ask for the interview to be rescheduled? I don't want to end up having to wait months again. Hopefully I get scheduled for an October interview!!
  7. Super weird that they would schedule someone from March this year when there are still lots of people from last year waiting. Also unfair. But thanks for the additional info!
  8. I meant they should have their interviews scheduled by mid Sept - so maybe complete by end October. That would be a 10 month turnaround time for a December filer - so only slightly faster than it currently seems to be (11 months from application to interview). Then they still have all year next year to try improve from 10 months waiting time to 6 months (target by end FY2023).
  9. This is the kind of math I like! We don't know if the rate of increase is linear -- there will eventually be some drop-off point. But even if it isn't linear - say they schedule 90 days worth of interviews in double the time (70 days instead of 35 days) - it still means everyone this year should hear by mid Sept. That's really promising! I am very cautious when it comes to USCIS 😂
  10. Okay it's becoming hard to not obsess about this now that the process is speeding up a bit 🙈 I keep wanting to know if October filers have heard yet, etc. Anyone else obsessing?
  11. At this point, maybe we're all confused, including USCIS 😂
  12. Just logged in and yup still showing 12 months 😬 I've stopped paying attention to that number. I'm a 3 year filer. (it says the projections are for 5 year permanent residents though)
  13. Oh weird! Yeah that number is just meaningless and put there to taunt us then I guess lol. Are you a 3 year or 5 year filer? I wonder if there's any difference between them.
  14. Congrats!! I logged in today and it said 12 months too (Jan filer) so I wonder if the processing time is not tailored to each applicant's exact point in time -- maybe that number just represents what the current average time to completion is for everyone?
  15. It's good to know somebody else is also staring at and analyzing that google spreadsheet, not just me 😂 I hope the two Nov filers are active on the sub, otherwise we're gonna have to wait until the Dec filers start hearing back. Arnab, I filed 2.5 weeks after you, so it looks like you and I are gonna be on this journey together!
  16. Filed in Seattle so I'm still waiting (very slow office)! I'm really hoping I hear back by the end of the year. It's definitely hard seeing others get their interviews scheduled within a month or two (though I'm happy for them too!). Is anyone else here in a city with a really slow office?
  17. That's awesome, congratulations!!! Oh man I hope that means I will hear this year too (filed Jan). Come on USCIS!
  18. Someone who filed a week before you in Sept just got scheduled, so you might hear any day now!!
  19. The fact that an August 2021 filer has gotten an interview scheduled makes me hopeful that all of the 2021 filers will be scheduled by the end of this year at the latest.
  20. Congratulations!! How many people took the oath with you today?
  21. This does make me hopeful! When did you file? I filed in Jan this year.
  22. So according to the spreadsheet, people who filed in July 2021 are getting their interviews scheduled for July this year. That means the wait time has reduced to about a year! Do you all think the wait time will continue to reduce? I'm trying to figure out the rate of reduction... if June/July 21 filers are being scheduled in July 22, maybe Aug/Sept 21 will be in August 22, Oct/Nov 21 in September 22, and Dec 21/Jan 22 by October 22. That's assuming they do two months' worth of cases every month -- probably too ambitious.
  23. Weird, my submission date is only 2 weeks behind you but it's still showing 14 months for me (3 year filer). GRRRRR. I don't think this prediction is very meaningful though. It seems like it's consistently 14-15 months from submission to the interview based on the Seattle spreadsheet.
  24. Anyone else here who filed in 2022 and is settling in for a long long wait? Jan 22 filer here 🤠
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