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Saadrick Lamar

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Posts posted by Saadrick Lamar

  1. Hey All,


    So I’ve read the official statement from the state department found here: 




    And it appears that K1 fiancé applicants from Syria will be banned, which is where my fiancé is from. This is what it says about October 18th and after: 


    “Phase 2: Beginning 12:01 a.m. EDT on Wednesday, October 18, 2017:

    Nationals of Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen and Somalia:  The exceptions and waivers listed in the P.P. are applicable for qualified applicants, but the bona fide relationship exception is no longer applicable.


    So it looks like even if you have a “Bona fide” relationship, which the Supreme Court defines as including fiancés, that type of relationship will not be accepted starting October 18th and moving forward. Am I correct in how I’m understanding this? I submitted my K1 fiancé application in June and USCIS received it at the end of June. 


    Even further above on that same page, there is a table of each country and for Syrians it says both immigrant and non-immigrant visas are not allowed, and the K1 fiance visa is a non-immigrant visa. 


    Any feedback from you all would be appreciated. 

  2. On 8/10/2017 at 8:11 AM, jwlussow said:

    Don't try to use any type of logic to figure out what is going on.  Just sit back and enjoy the ride.  Every day that passes is another day closer to the goal.  There are April filers getting approved everyday so don't look at those dates as gospel.  There are also February filers waiting so there is no rhyme of reason.   

    Haha I'll stop trying to rationalize timelines and dates. Thanks for the heads up! 

  3. Hey All, 


    I mailed my K-1 application on June 19th and it was received and accepted on June 26th. It was then routed to the California Service Center (CSC). I received a receipt in the mail a few days later.


    I was checking processing times for the CSC. In early July it said they were working on applications up to February 15th, 2017. Then I checked again in August and the date was back to January 1st, 2017. I thought that was strange. They must be back logged or implementing new procedures. 

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