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Posts posted by DeadPoolX

  1. Simple solution for all the politicians...

    1. stay out of my wife's uterus!

    2. Stay out of all her other health care.

    3. Stay out of my garage

    4. Stay out of my refrigerator

    5. Stay out of my wallet

    6. Stay out of my bedroom

    7. Stay out of my retirement

    Keep picking up my trash and plowing the snow off the roads, deliver the mail between noon and 12:15 every day. Fix the Champlain bridge. Fund our military to defend OUR country.

    Take a vacation 300 days per year, try to keep gridlock firmly in place. Use 1 congressional session in four to ONLY repeal unneed and ineffective laws.


  2. I'm jealous that you two actually got taught about the world wars in school. The only class I ever had that taught that subject was a specific university course entitled "Military and War in America." This went beyond the U.S., of course, but the idea was to teach military history that involved the U.S. somehow.

    Seriously, if I wasn't such a history buff (specifically military) I wouldn't know a damn thing about the two world wars, much less any other conflict. I'm surprised at how little people really know. Very few I've met actually know the details of any war beyond whatever they've seen in movies.

    agreed. however, that's a failing also on the individual as they can always pick up a book and read about what easily could be termed the greatest war ever fought in human existence.

    Yes, but that would require someone to actually read a book. ;)

  3. I'm jealous that you two actually got taught about the world wars in school. The only class I ever had that taught that subject was a specific university course entitled "Military and War in America." This went beyond the U.S., of course, but the idea was to teach military history that involved the U.S. somehow.

    Seriously, if I wasn't such a history buff (specifically military) I wouldn't know a damn thing about the two world wars, much less any other conflict. I'm surprised at how little people really know. Very few I've met actually know the details of any war beyond whatever they've seen in movies.

  4. I play S3 but do find it disappointing that Maxis is trying to clamp down on free user-created content. That's practically WHY I played the game. I'm not paying $1.50 for a piece of furniture!

    I don't think Maxis is doing that. EA bought Maxis in 1997 and has made most of the decisions regarding Sim games since then.

  5. That's great, Flames. I bet that was very fulfilling.

    The most disappointing thing? I work at a university and we didn't even hold 2 minutes of silence. It really hurt me. I always enjoyed going to my remembrance day event in Ottawa every November. Now I'm here and they don't even hold the silence?

    Some times I think..you can talk about how great of a military you have...you can talk as though you are the only military to ever exist on the earth that has "saved" the world from all it's troubles. (although we all know that's not true of the US military) But, if you don't do the little things like observe two minutes or even a minute of silence....what's the point?

    I heard years ago that a US Company complained about the two minutes of silence because during that two minutes they lost x% of productivity and that wasn't acceptable. Just kind of like..what?

    I think a lot of it is due to a perverted sense of time and self-worth, plus a lack of education.

    Think about it: there are messages everyday that say "you're more important than anyone else." Maybe not in those exact terms, but that's still the message and people eat it up (even if they aren't aware of it). Since people feel they're the "center of the universe," so a day to remember other individuals (none of whom they have any real contact with or from years ago) seems like nonsense to them.

    I've heard some amazingly stupid comments before. Way back in high school, many students had no idea when WWI took place -- most confused it with WWII and some even placed the time period around the Civil War. Add to the fact that for a lot of people "ancient history" means what occurred five years ago (if even that far back) and you have a society that only cares about present, without thinking ahead or any regard for history.

    Part of the problem regarding war is that history glosses over it. From junior high to even most college-level courses, the wars are considered minor events. I remember one history book giving WWI only one small paragraph; WWII received almost a full page.

    Events that did get a lot of coverage consisted of social situations. In other words, Womens Suffrage got about 10 pages and the Civil Rights Movement had even more. I'm not suggesting either of those were irrelevant or shouldn't be learned, but I also think equal coverage should be given to world-wide events that changed the course of history (i.e. the two world wars).

  6. I used a GPS when first moving to Vancouver. The streets are very poorly designed and it's rare for anything to make sense at all.

    As for traffic... well, Vancouver is terrible for that. Highway 1 in particular. A drive that SHOULD only take 30 minutes often takes 1 hour -- and that's if you're lucky. It's not unusual to take even longer.

    I've noticed that rush hour begins at 2PM and lasts until about 7PM. Any time between then you should probably bring a book. You're not going anywhere soon. :P

  7. It's true...I never have, but then again, I've never seen a need to.

    I was a moderator for a few years at a fairly high profile Professional Audio forum...and I tell you, there was a LOT to moderate there. Here? Well, I don't see much, but then again I don't go through all of the forums...mainly just the CR-1 forums, this one, and very occasionally the off-topic forum. The latter of which has its fair share of extremism, but I kinda follow the "don't like it, don't read it" philosophy.

    Yes, and I don't doubt there are threads or people here who need to be reported - someone makes a racist remark - someone personally attacking a VJ member, that kind of thing.

    You just described 95% of the discussion in OT.

  8. This is my take on it...

    In so far as "women like bad boys", the answer is that they don't like them for being "bad." Well, some do, but that's an entirely different subject usually relating to family abuse or low self-esteem.

    "Bad" is often thought of as a negative trait (and in some cases it is), but what usually happens is these so-called "bad boys" attract the girls because they have confidence. A male who is confident -- but not arrogant -- is often very attractive to women.

    Women like nice guys. They want someone who treats them and their family well. Unfortunately, most "nice guys" are doormats. In other words, they lack confidence and basically do whatever the woman says. Women don't want someone who is bossy, but on the other hand, they also want someone who isn't a sniveling little dork hiding from his own shadow.

    It's more or less a combination of the two: You need to be confident, but still attend to her needs. That's easier said than done, of course. ;)

    Do you think this also applies to guys? The bad girl type equivalent (psycho) is not my type. I find those girls usually prey on nice guys who will not question them in any way.

    Also, nothing worse than the ultra bossy or over confident female; which tend to be a result of being daddy's little girl. I had a few run ins with those types. Never dated one but my friends did.

    Honestly, I've never given that much thought. The "bad girl" type didn't do much for me.

    Besides... there's a difference between a "bossy woman" and Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.

    And what, pray tell, even constitutes a "bossy woman" anyway? A woman who tells you to pick up after yourself or stop eating over the garbage can? More often than not, a woman gets "bossy" if she needs to repeatedly ask her boyfriend or husband to do relatively simple things.

    I know I'm guilty of putting stuff off. Sometimes my wife has to light a fire under my a$$ in order to motivate me. :P

    I'm not quite sure about the "over confident" female bit. I know there are some women like this, but I'd say that's arrogance rather confidence. Plenty of men act that way too.

    But yes, I know of the type of girl you're talking about. In one thread within the Canada Forum, there's a good example of this. TheTreble's brother-in-law was unfortunate enough to marry such a girl. They divorced very soon afterward, but her BIL (and his family) were pushed around a lot.

  9. This is my take on it...

    In so far as "women like bad boys", the answer is that they don't like them for being "bad." Well, some do, but that's an entirely different subject usually relating to family abuse or low self-esteem.

    "Bad" is often thought of as a negative trait (and in some cases it is), but what usually happens is these so-called "bad boys" attract the girls because they have confidence. A male who is confident -- but not arrogant -- is often very attractive to women.

    Women like nice guys. They want someone who treats them and their family well. Unfortunately, most "nice guys" are doormats. In other words, they lack confidence and basically do whatever the woman says. Women don't want someone who is bossy, but on the other hand, they also want someone who isn't a sniveling little dork hiding from his own shadow.

    It's more or less a combination of the two: You need to be confident, but still attend to her needs. That's easier said than done, of course. ;)

  10. On April 28, 2008, Timothy M. Morrison was appointed as United States Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana by U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey.

    The US Attorney in question is an appointee of a Bush appointee. He must not have gotten the memo that there was an election last November and that Bush is no longer President.

    But sure, damn those liberals anyways.

    Bush did appoint a lot of liberals, you're right.

    Mukasey is certainly not one of them. Do you have a link to support that claim? Read THIS

    :rofl: Joe supporting a claim? :rofl:

    In Joe's bubble, it's all breaks down like this:

    Good = Conservative

    Bad = Liberal

    To be fair, the opposite line of thinking is often true for liberals (or at least Democrats) as well.

    The problem is that both sides react without thinking. It's a case of "he doesn't think like me so he must be bad!"

  11. Geez DPX...

    Are you drunk or something?????

    Good god...


    I ate too much for breakfast and now I have a HUGE stomach ache.

    Vomit and put it in a doggie bag. Then tell someone you know that you've "saved the big chunks" for them. They'll appreciate it. :dance:

    Nah, not drunk. I'm just a very sick and demented individual. I think my tag pretty much conveys that message. :P

  12. I really tried to play The Sims correctly. That lasted about 30 minutes, after which I began hurting, maiming and killing each family in the neighborhood. It was fun to see HOW you could do it, too.

    I think The Sims might have the greatest potential for cruelty out of any video game. I mean... where else can you starve, electrocute, drown, and set characters on fire? Bricking Sims up was fun as well. After a while, they'd start pissing and crapping themselves and eventually die.

    Has any Maxis Sim game ever been about playing the game the "right way?" I remember playing SimEarth and causing disaster after disaster, not the least of which was spinning Earth off its axis and making the planet burn or ice up. In SimCity 2000, I built a city surrounded by mountains and then created a storm for the sole purpose of flooding the entire town.

    Yes, I am a cruel god. :devil:

  13. I wish people wouldn't make the mistake if thinking wild animals can be pets. Even if you domesticate a tiger or wolf or bear, they'll still retain their wild (and in this case, predatory) instincts. Even dogs, which have been domesticated by people for thousands of years, still can act "wild" at times, given the right situation. Have you ever tried to run from a dog? Guess that it does? It chases after you. Why? Because that's the instinct of a predator.

    Bottom line: no matter how cute a wild animal might look, it's not a toy and not your pet. Do not treat it as such.

  14. I wonder if Texan secession is this much of a joke inside Texas.

    Most of us do. Perry was never really liked in Texas. Aside from spouting off inflammatory bull$hit, he makes really stupid decisions.

    The "average" Texan doesn't want to leave the U.S., but you wouldn't know that if all you hear is Perry and whatever idiots follow him. Granted, out of all the states, Texas would have the best shot at becoming a separate country (if for no other reason, Texas has its own power grid, whereas the rest of the U.S. shares an east coast or west coast power grid), but that still wouldn't mean it'd be tough as hell to manage. Even if Texas succeeded at seceding (try saying that five times fast!), who says the Federal government wouldn't try to reclaim it?

  15. starting with the box :P


    but there is also a difference in taste...

    oh and I just found out why they call it Kraft dinner in Canada..

    The ultimate Canadian comfort food is Kraft Dinner- called Macaroni and Cheese in the States but according to Wikipedia there is not enough real cheese in it to use the word legally in Canada-


    It was originally marketed as "Kraft Dinner" in the U.S. but for some reason it got changed. It's the same with words like "washroom." That was used a lot in the U.S. up until some point where it vanished.

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