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Posts posted by SP&SP

  1. 39 minutes ago, goobies said:

    Okay, I have searched in vain to find out which website we check to see when our visa says "issued", " printed", and how we can know before DHL calls us.


    I know I have seen people writing on here that they check one of the websites to see ahead of time.


    On CEAC it says "ready for interview". 


    On AIS it says " current appointment". 


    So this means that they haven't updated our status? What is weird is that CEAC says the most recent update was today.


    Is this all OK, or is there something out of whack?

    Yes it's okay it's will change to administrative review tomorrow then to issue

    I had interview on Wednesday n. Friday I had my visa in hand and my dhl address was not in Nairobi so no worries you might have your visa on Thursday or even tomorrow 

    just stick to ceac and the dhl web you will know when it's ready for pick,

    did you contact IOM?

  2. 34 minutes ago, JBMG said:

    Forgot to provide the the following.


    Please update the NVC Case Status Spread Sheet - 2017  with your latest status. If you haven't received your interview date, add a note within the notes area, For example, "Aug 16 - still waiting for interview"


    Here are instructions on how to edit/save the questionnaire


    yay!! congrats!!! :) 

    Thank you and thank you a gain for being such a sweetheart here to everybody,may God bless you!

  3. 5 hours ago, JBMG said:

    Wow. So beautiful to see so many of you wishing us good luck today. Thank you so much because it worked. :-) they only asked 


    "Are you the petitioner" Yes

    "Are you living together in France" yes. His response, ok wow. 

    "Where will you live in.the US.


    "What is your financial situation"


    He then said to use assets the requirement is much more when you don't have a job. 

    So I asked, maybe it's 5 times more, he said, I don't know but there is a calculation, I will do it later. If all is well, the passport will arrive in 10 days. 

    Then we said, we have a joint sponsor if needed, julien clarified that yeah, we have her paperwork. 

    So then he took it, said. "That's great, no need to calculate now. All is good. Having problems with the computers so you should receive your passport with the visa in 10 business days. Enjoy moving back to the US. :-) 


    So yay, we're finished!!! Thank you everyone for all of your support. Heading home tonight, will be back online tomorrow to give a better review. Thanks again everyone for your well wishes. Really made me smile. 


    Have a nice day. 


    Ps, call the NVC to get your interview dates. Hehehe


    JBMG (Julien / Michael) I'm the mg. :-)


    did they ask for w2's?

  4. 2 hours ago, JBMG said:

    Wow. So beautiful to see so many of you wishing us good luck today. Thank you so much because it worked. :-) they only asked 


    "Are you the petitioner" Yes

    "Are you living together in France" yes. His response, ok wow. 

    "Where will you live in.the US.


    "What is your financial situation"


    He then said to use assets the requirement is much more when you don't have a job. 

    So I asked, maybe it's 5 times more, he said, I don't know but there is a calculation, I will do it later. If all is well, the passport will arrive in 10 days. 

    Then we said, we have a joint sponsor if needed, julien clarified that yeah, we have her paperwork. 

    So then he took it, said. "That's great, no need to calculate now. All is good. Having problems with the computers so you should receive your passport with the visa in 10 business days. Enjoy moving back to the US. :-) 


    So yay, we're finished!!! Thank you everyone for all of your support. Heading home tonight, will be back online tomorrow to give a better review. Thanks again everyone for your well wishes. Really made me smile. 


    Have a nice day. 


    Ps, call the NVC to get your interview dates. Hehehe


    JBMG (Julien / Michael) I'm the mg. :-)


    Wow congrats this a dance 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾🎉🎷🎺

  5. 4 hours ago, goobies said:

    We have been given a medical expedite, and our case was put into transit on Friday to Nairobi. We are just wondering how quickly they might schedule our visa as we need to make plans for travelling, since we live in Uganda, not Kenya.

    Does anyone have an idea of how soon we should get our P4 and how soon the interview could be? Also, what is the recommended minimum amount of time between the medical exam and interview? We know that the med exams take two days, so we are planning to make our exam be like 3 or 4 days before the interview so we don't have to stay so long in Kenya.

    they are preparing for elections in Kenya, and the past two have been  very scary, so we pray we don't get caught up in that!

    Thanks to JBMG and all of you who have made this process much easier to understand. We wish all who are going for their interviews the best of luck.

    -The Goobies

    First of all you have to have the p4 letter to schedule the medical at IOM,am going for the interview on the same embassy and my interview was schedule by NVC approximately 1 month since I receive my p4, in btwn the 1month is when you suppose to take the medical I recommend maybe like 2 weeks before interview or earlier so that they can have enough time to send the results to the interview although the two buildings are just like neigbours😜I will not recommend 3 to 4 days before the interview,

    on elections don't be scared nothing will happen Kenyans learn their lessons and can't do what they did in 2007,

    they scheduled my interview few days after election.

  6. 1 hour ago, JBMG said:

    I had copied and pasted the spreadsheet, was just going down the list, tagging the names.. then realizing as I was writing @jb that I was tagging myself.. so I thought, why not?!!?


    Thanks for the support!! :) 

    Hahaha why not?all the best to come next week,

    and I will be the other next week😳

    My country will have elections 2 days before my interview hope all goes well and no closing of embassy bcoz of some reasons!😥

  7. 2 hours ago, abfar said:

    Approved. :) 


    Still can't believe this is real.


    I reached the diplomatic shuttle station in Islamabad around 5.30am. They don't let anybody in until 6 so you've to wait outside the station gate.

    It started raining so we were let in a bit early. The station staff was late but finally started issuing Bus/Car travel vouchers by 6.05am.


    I paid 1000 PKR for the car but you can also go in bus for 500 PKR (5 USD)


    Then 15 more mins wait on the mobile collection counter as the employee was yet to report for duty. I was given another receipt while they took my phone.


    The car voucher also lets you in the slightly better waiting area. That's where I waited. around 6.40am you can pass through the security check and can get into the Cars. 4 passengers per car.  Unlike the station's overall condition, the cars were comfortable and very clean. They travel in a Caravan of 5-10 cars.


    2,3 mins drive to the outer gate of the Red Zone (fenced diplomatic area where all embassies are), there's another 5-10 mins of wait while the cars are checked for security and your travel voucher will be checked.


    Then another 5 minutes drive in the Red Zone and you're at the US embassy.


    There were over 50 people waiting outside the first security scanner just outside the embassy building. Too many people for such an early appointment. After a while, we were asked to form two lines and I was able to get through the checkpost as one of the first 5 people. They will check your appointment letter here.


    Then a walk next to embassy wall to the embassy gate. An airport like scanner. Once past, were were given our Tokens. Luckily I was the second person for interview token-wise. Inside, we were guided where to sit and how to proceed to each counter. Within 10 minutes the Counters were ready (around 7.30am) and I was called for Finger prints. They also gave us the domestic violence brochure. (I have rights! and I know it!)


    5 minutes after that, called for documents collection. The pakistani lady who collected the documents was kind and friendly. She smiled over one of the mistakes we made in ds260. 


    Back to waiting, 5 minutes later, I was called as the first person for interview. The american CO was friendly. They asked:


    CO: Who is calling you?

    Me: ans

    CO: What does your wife do?

    Me: ans

    CO: What do you do?

    Me: ans

    CO: Name of the company?

    Me: ans

    CO: Was the marriage arranged or love marriage?

    Me: ans
    CO: Who arranged it.

    Me: ans

    CO: How many people were at your wedding?

    Me: ans

    CO: Do you have any photos of the wedding?

    *I gave them the whole album, which had all our photos in chronological order. They see the marriage, then our honey and finally our family pics with our child*

    CO: Do you have a child?

    Me: yes, she's x years old.


    CO: Do you have any proof documents?

    Me: Yes, I have the US birth certificate. * I hand it over *


    CO: *examines it thoroughly, matches my name from child's birth cert with my own birth cert*

    CO: *smiles* Mubarak Ho (Congratulations) *in urdu*


    *I'm not sure if its for saying congrats on having the child or for approval*


    Me: Thank you. 

    CO: You will receive your passport in 2 weeks

    Me: I also have a correction statement for a DS260 mistake.

    *I hand it over*



    I then left the embassy. I then walked to one of the waiting Cars, showed them my voucher and they took me back to the shuttle station. It was about 5-8 mins drive. 

    I was back at the shuttle station by 8.30am as I can see in chat logs thats when I called my wife and everyone also started calling me phone around that time. Gave my wife a mini heart attack when I told her they didn't keep my passport and asked me to wait 2 months. xD


    ONE THING I missed:  We got a checklist for 2016 W2. The CO never asked for it and I forgot to mention it. Is this going to be an issue? Should I contact the embassy for that?


    Thank you visa journey and all the couples who contribute. You've all been a tremendous help. Kudos to JBMG for the spreadsheet initiative. It was a ray of home back when waiting NVC 11 weeks felt like a lifetime of pain.



    Wow congrats wishes good POE

  8. 3 hours ago, samaab87 said:

    Just came back from the interview.


    It was a long and adventurous day. 


    First when I reached the parking area, I checked my documents one last time before going inside. And guess what. My 2x2 photos were missing. Mini heart-attack right there. I looked twice but didn't find it. I went inside to see the photo studio shop closed. Luckily it was open in 20 minutes and I  got my photos done. Took the rental car and reached the embassy at 8 am for a 8;30 am interview. Waited till 8;30 and was allowed to go in. Hell lot of people in there. Was called after an hour for biometrics. An hour and a half later for documents submission and finally at around 11.55 am had my interview. Longest wait of my life.



    Me- Good morning, how are you 

    CO- Good. How are you

    Me- *forgot to reply for a few seconds* .... I`m good

    CO- Who is calling you *voice disrupts*

    Me-Sorry, what

    CO-Who is calling you

    Me-My wife, *NAME*

    CO-What do you do


    CO-What does you wife do


    CO-When did you get married


    CO-How many people were at the wedding


    CO-Do you have any pictures from the wedding

    Me-Yes, here

    CO-Who is this *pointing at my parents*

    Me-My parents

    CO-Have you been to any other country

    Me-Yes, Kuwait and Australia

    CO-How long were you in Australia for

    Me-3 years

    CO-Do you have your police certificate from Australia

    Me-Yes, here 

    CO-Everything looks clear

    Me- *Smiling*

    CO-You wil receive your passport in 2 weeks

    Me-Sorry, what

    CO- You will receive your passport in 2 weeks

    Me- Thank you *keeps standing*

    CO-You can go home now

    Me- Oh, alright. Thank you


    I was one of the last few applicants left. And Thanks to God, I was so happy that I gave an old couple who came all the way from Lahore a ride to the bus terminal on the way back. Their son was calling them and they got the visa.


    Best of luck to all of you. I just called my wife and scared her first by telling her that it went into AP. LOL. She freaked out but then I told her its approved. hehehe Alhamdulilah. 

    Damn that went pretty smooth congrats and best wishes on POE!!

  9. 3 minutes ago, JBMG said:


    Seriously, not often we read posts that do that. 

    :) Thanks for asking. We're all set!! Well hubby has to do his medical, but that will happen the day before the interview as it's in Paris as well... This is often the case in France as they give the results back the same day, just needed to make sure all vaccines were up to date, done that and now his all set. :)  What about you? All ready?  Been a long journey for you!! 1 year anniversary tomorrow from your USCIS receipt date. Wow, but soon you'll be done with all of this. :)

    Yea all getting ready arranging my folders getting all docs in order,medical done n went well now just waiting for the day,

    well tomorrow will be 1 year since USCIS but well it's along journey and hoping for the best each n every day,

    Am glad you preparing good too!

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