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Posts posted by MajaB

  1. 19 minutes ago, Phason said:

    I spoke to a Tier 2 Supervisor 5 days ago. Tier 2 Supervisor Advised he would be emailing the officer at Nebraska Service Center who would be making a decision on our case, and we would receive a response in 1-5 days.  Our USCIS account states.  As of March 28, 2017, your general inquiry, referral number**********, is currently not assigned for processing.


    Today was the 5th day, and still not assigned for processing. I called, and spoke to Tier one. Tomorrow it has been 7 months since our case was filed. He said tier 2 is not available and that it would be 3-5 days before I could get a call back. They can't give anymore status. They have a cut off point as to how many calls Tier 2's will take in a day.   Now I've got a secondary request going As of April 4, 2017, your Other - Tier 1, referral number **********, is currently not assigned for processing.


    I almost expect there will never be any response.


    Tier one kept asking for my A# but I'm a US Citizen, and I explained that.  He kept saying i understand how you must feel but offered no solutions. I feel like I'm going in circles, and worry our file may be lost because files with later priority dates have been approved.  The wait is getting more difficult, and I'm frustrated that I cannot even track my case. When we first started the process the processing times showed 5 months across the board. As soon as we apply the back log happened. Our priority date is 9/7/16.  It's really sad what they are putting people through.


    I feel for you, and many of us seem to be in some sort distant cloud away from everybody else around the same priority dates that have been processed already...and some have been processed so long ago ...

    My Pd is August 16. The stress of not being informed is what is killing me more than just the waiting around. Crying every day now from panic attacks. Not easy. 


    I had someone around here tell me earlier this month that "I don't know what issues other people may have and they might need to go first". I was like.."wait ..what?? that makes no sense". So the USCIS looks into our personal life and picks who has the least amount of responsibilities and pushes them back at the end of the line? I don't think so. 

    I "understand" that some countries may have priority for political reasons but that's a whole another story . 


  2. 42 minutes ago, SabRob said:

    Also have you tried submitting an inquiry on the USCIS website? https://egov.uscis.gov/e-Request/Intro.do it might help...have seen some people submit inquiries only to find out their case was actually approved and sent to the DOS. Good luck!


    I am planning to discuss this with our attorney this coming week. It's about time to submit our first one....

  3. 7 hours ago, SabRob said:

    Have you been approved yet? I'm also from Romania and we've been waiting for 5 months now. Our case was transferred to Texas about a week ago. Hoping for fast approvals for everyone :(


    Still waiting. Going insane. 7 months and a half.


    I have been wondering what's going on with other people from Romania. As the app goes I haven't seen anybody else from our country being approved in the last 2 months. So maybe there is something to say about what countries go first or... the end..


  4. 1 minute ago, MrHanky said:

    Really this just sounds like bitterness and unfounded claims, you're saying there's "hate speech" because people have long waits for immigration? That's just ridiculous and its clear that its not stemming from there as the people spewing the "hate speech" would not want a lot of the people here doing things legally entering the country just based on their nationality.

    The US has a HIGH demand for entry, possibly the highest, you expect them to just let everyone in?

    I'm sure if you compared immigration into the US vs your country there's no fair comparison.

    And at the end of the day you put all the blame on the US, but whats keeping you from being in your country as a family?


    Is it possible you didn't understand my point?  


    I'm sorry I have no clue what you're going on about...my point was concerning  illegal immigration.


    I am here on this forum because I am obeying the law.  Where did you get the idea from what I wrote that I believe people should be just allowed in? That is against everything I stand for. 


    I have been married for many years  and still even that I have built a family  I don't think I have the "right" to just go and move to the US without proper vetting.


    Would I be here on this forum if I was believing in illegal immigration and complaining  about..umm..oh right.."illegal immigrants" being promoted as "ok" behaviour?


    In my comment I made it very clear how I think is unfair that the system is promoting illegals vs legals like us. So I have no clue how you'd read that and understand something completely different.


    Nothing is keeping me from my country....because I am in my country.


    I am sorry but I won't enter in your negative vacuum. I am not here to argue. If you disagree with my statement I get it and respect that. Please respect me and keep your "claws" away because I have not created a profile here to argue with people.







  5. 12 hours ago, tianbian123 said:

    I am worse than you, i was transferred to local office, it will be a hell of waiting, and when I check up the status on the phone, it say please allow 60-180 days from the transferred date to process your case, my pd is AUGUST 2ND, TRANSFERRED ON FEB 14TH.  I lost hope, really.


    I am so sorry. I have been saying it for years to acquaintances and others ..they don't understand what families of US citizens go through just trying to get residency ....it's desperation and agony on and on. . Especially when you have medical problems and small children.  


    Meanwhile, my husband got his in my country in 3 months. As family of a citizen he has received premium care. Because yes, it is considered normal for family members to get attended in good timing..because it's about protecting the family core.   


    This current immigration system in US is hurting families while encouraging illegals. 


    So this is what we are going through while Is considered "hate speech" to call someone an illegal immigrant...who is living in US illegally. after entering in US illegally.


     But seriously don't lose hope.  Don't give them your tears. 



  6. 11 hours ago, jakelake said:

    What app are you referring to?

    It's called USCIS Case Status.


    It updates the user on similar cases from the same service center or even the same country. 


    However, you have to check your settings on what you wish to get updated on. I didn't know about that at first, so I didn't get many updates because I had it update me only on cases filled in the  3-day window around mine, plus or minus.








  7. They must be extremely disorganized.


    I saw some September, October and November cases passed already ( on the app ).  


    How can they process a November before August? That's pure chaos.


    And then I saw June case passed!  So there are still older cases than mine waiting and they are processing November? What's the point?  Showing that they are ahead of schedule if they process some cases here and there I guess.




  8. One thing I have personally noticed is that they don't appreciate when you give them information they didn't ask for,


    They have a series of questions they want to ask you depending on their impression of your case. And they are trying to fit you within a schedule. They don't have time to go over other subjects than what they have outlined to ask you about.


    So I would answer their questions as they come and that's about it. Don't try to chit chat or give them info they don't ask for.  

    There is no need to "mention" anything extra.


    They are very straight forward. Just be natural and honest. 



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