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Posts posted by mel99

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dilorena said:

    oh ok! Well I've never heard of residence proof being requested, but I'm sure he has some utility bills since he is in Mexico? 

    They don't specifically ask for border crossing tickets and phone call records,  but they do require evidence, proof of a bonafide relationship. People usually supply as much as they can gather, you can find lists here of some of that secondary evidence. How do you communicate with him? having that record is important. You can get  your phone records with your cellphone company an print them out. Or the phone bill.  Also you guys have kids together, having their birth certificates with both your names is a pretty solid evidence. 

    Also not all Mexico is dangerous I promise, I live here. If you actually wanted to see each other and could, there are some nice cities that are pretty safe, beyond the border, because Ciudad Juarez is awful and no one wants to go there, that's for sure. But the  4 small children part, that's understandable, as to why you can't/shouldn't travel. 

    these are some of the questions people have been asked, and you can find more online: 

    I hope it helps! 


    Hello and thank you for your prompt response. What part of Mexico do you live in? And are you there because you are waiting for your hubby to get his visa? Also I heard in juatez it takes about a week or week and a half to get through the interview, and then do the 601 waiwaiving the same week..I've seen the pilot program mentioned bit idk what it is tbh.. Mt husband lives in Mexico and I love in the u.s....I've changed cell phone companies and phone numbers so much that I don't know if I can get the phone records. We have 4 children and got married we got married in 2005 but been together since 2003...I do suave pix of that..also do I have to submit police certificates ?  And thank you for the link..ill definitely checkit out.



  2. 22 minutes ago, Dilorena said:

    Also the interview depends on the case, some are out after 15 min, other after an hour. Like Compadre said, it's good to read that link and anything else you can find about Juarez. The questions are as well varied, but it's good to prepare for them beforehand. I've found many examples online, they go from simple like in-laws names to a little more private. It's hard to say since everyone seems to have a different experience. As from proof of domicile what do you mean? where is he currently living? You don't have to go to the interview. 

    Good luck! <3 

    Hi Dilorena...thank you (also is like to thank everyone who has replied to my question)...

    Proof of domicile I was meaning his proof of residence- meaning stuff that shows his Mexico residence. Also I heard from a friend who went through the visa process to legalize her Muslim husband that they are going to ask me for border crossing tickets, texts and phone call records...I havemt been keeping track of that stuff because I didn't think they'd require it.....is it true that they'll ask me for that stuff? Cuz I did see him for a few days at the border in 2014 and i get pregnant with our 4th child who is epileptic but besides that i haven't gone to see him as it is dangerous in Mexico and I have 4 small children . please reply soon...I want to be prepared as I can. Also do they get really in depth with the interview questions? Where can I find some example questions? 

  3. I am new here and I'm going through the process of getting Mt husband an IR1 visa (spouse visa) and I was wondering at ciudad juarez if the interview times are long or short and what kinds of questions they ask such as my spouse providing proof of domicile in Mexico and if they are going to interview me too and do me and my kids  need to go with him (I live in the u.s.).

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