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Posts posted by Lan&Mike

  1. Hello,

    I intend to sponsor my mother as soon as I become a US. citizen which will happen next year. However my situation is quite different, and I am not sure if US consulate will deny my petition because of this. I am going to school with financial aid. My son is now on medicaid. My financial status is quite tight, however, I can ask my aunt to cosign with me in sponsoring my mother over here. Do you think this will be ok?

    Any input is greatly appreciated.



  2. 1.) My VNs wife preferred to have the baby in USA because of better, cleaner & safer "piece of mind" hospital treatment, plus the same OBGYN who monitored her progress for 9 nine months also delivered the baby. My wife's sisters, who live in VN and recently gave birth, were all envious of my wife's better delivery conditions in the USA. less painful in usa :-)

    2.) After the baby arrived, we applied for a Visa for her mom to visit the USA and that process happened quickly (more difficult getting the flight than the actual visa), and her mom stayed with us in the USA for almost six months to help with the baby.

    3.) If the baby's father is American then the baby will be granted a USA citizenship regardless. Yes, the ASC (American Citizen Services) section of the HCMC consulate should issue a USA passport for your baby. I don't know about the birth certificate, issued by local gov't agency. (it should state that the father is a USA citizen)

    4.) Of course, this is a personal decision and yes my wife would have loved to have her immediate family near her during the whole birthing process and fortunately we had FULL medical insurance because it's much more expensive in the USA vs VN. (another consideration)

    Good luck and have a healthy delivery.....

    Tks Patrick for your infos.

    1. I believe that it’s safe to have birth in Vietnam, my country since everything there seems to be more modern including hospital facility. I am currently working in the factory near where I live, and have medical insurance from the factory in which it covers my pregnancy fee. However, I just use the insurance for checking up baby until I come back Vietnam for delivery. My family as well as my husband wants me to give birth in US, but I can’t. I’m dying to go back my country, Vietnam. Plus, I put my faith in God & Mother Maria, so everything will be fine for me & baby :)

    2. I intend to stay in VN for 4 months only, after that me, my baby & my mom will return America. Same with you, we want her overhere to take care of the baby while I get back to work & study. My husband will sponsor her according travel visa type.

    3. My husband is an American. So like what you have just said in the post, my baby will be granted as an USA citizenship??? If so, that would be great. Do you know how long does it take for that? According to my plan, I wish I can return America after one month giving birth? I am not sure that I can obtain all necessary papers for my baby within one month or not?

    Do you have more any information about having baby delivered in VN? Like what type of paper should I take with me when going back Vietnam?

    Tks again,


  3. Hey guys,

    I am now pregnant for 9 weeks and currently living in US for good with my husband. I hold my 2-year Green Card also. I am thinking that I will return Vietnam to have birth over there since my whole big family is there & they can take a great care of me and our baby. (Don't get me wrong if you think that my husband can't take care of me, but somehow I do want to come back for delivery overthere, to be close with my dearest family that I have been far away from them almost 8 months). My husband would let me do like that if everything is okay with baby like after giving birth, she/he will get a US birth certificate that will be issued from US consulate & become US citizen after that. So, my question is if anyone ever has been through this, pls let me know.

    Any input is greatly appreciated.

    Tks in advance.


  4. There is a couple that comes in here quite often that stops and prays before they eat their food. Usually in my family we only say the blessing if there is a large group of us together eating or if my grandparents are eating with us. This is the first time I've seen people doing it in a restaurant and was curious is there is others that do it as well.

    I always do make a cross and prayer before eating no matter where I am, at home or in restaurant. So does my husband. I am proud of being a Catholic follower :).


  5. Hi everybody,

    Tks God, i made it here, USA safe.

    Anyway, i have a question about Learner's Permit. I passed the written test today. Normally, Learner's Permit will be valid within 18 months, however mine isn't long like that. The officer in DMV told me that my Permit would be valid until the end of this month. I was surprised and he explained to me that my Learner's Permit would be based on the expiration date of I-94 on my passport(my I-94 will expire the end of this month anyway). If i showed him any legal document, he would renew the Learner's Permit for me as usual.

    Is that true?

    I talked with one of my friends who has been living in CA for almost 6 months, and she told me that she faced no trouble in getting her Learner's Permit at all. And she got her driving license before receiving her 2-year Green Card. It surprised me much.

    Can anybody pls clarify me about this? I am confused now. (I'm living in North Carolina)



  6. Dear Friends!

    My interview is on 23rd July. I live near Hanoi. Kevin wants to back Vietnam and goes to Ho Chi Minh city with me to do everything we will have to do for the interview. Because he is a business man, his time is tight so we would love to know how long does it take to get a medical exam? When we should go to HCM city before the interview day? And which one we should go: Cho Ray hospital or OIM?

    everything from you would help.

    Love to hear from you all soon.

    Thank you so much!

    According to package 4's instruction, you should have your medical done one week before your interview day. Just follow it. I recommend you to go IOM for your medical. Normally it will take you just one day to finish the medical. Here are some tests that you must have: HIV and syphilis test, lung check. If everything is okay, you will be asked to come back on next day to receive your result.

    If you pick up IOM for your health check, you should also go there in person to have appointment. They will decide what day your health will be checked. Don't forget to bring interview letter with you when you get there.

    I have no idea on when you guys should go to HCM for the interview, someone else here may suggest you.


  7. Hi Guys!

    I feel so happy now. Kevin just called HCMC again. My interview is on 23rd July. Sooooo happy that i want to write it now to share with you.

    Wish everyone who are waiting for interview will get interview date soon.

    All Best Wishes!


    Hey Hang,

    It is truly a very good news that i really want to hear. I am happy for you two. As soon as you get the interview letter, pls have the vaccinations and medical done.

    Tks for sharing the news and wish you guys the best,


  8. Hi CK&Tydi,

    Tks for the reminder. However we stick our plan already. Just like poppscc, Mike & I will celebrate our Church wedding in Vietnam before flying to US. If everything is blessed by our Jesus, we will be in the States around October or something.

    Unbelievable, the fee is sharply going so high. Why don't they wait for us to come to the States and then increase the fee? :D Just kidding!


  9. congrats!

    I see that you did it in 7 months total, which is pretty fast. did you have help or did you do it all by yourself?

    Well, exactly it just took us 6 months and a half. We did it by ourself with the great help from my Jesus and Mother Mary, and good effort from this great website too.

    We had thought of attaining attorney for our case, but we changed our mind since i found out this wonderful site.


    P/S: Here is the link to our blog: http://my.opera.com/Lan_Mike/blog/. You can find my lastest post about the interview in detail that you might want to see, and other posts as well. I will just leave it here for few days then will set it as private.

  10. Hello guys,

    God gave me the miracle that was i received the packet 4 from US Consulate yesterday afternoon. It ended my worries of losing the document somewhere :D It arrived earlier than i expected. My interview date will be taken place in the mid of June.

    Tks God for the miracle that You gave me. Tks for those whom have been supporting me whenever i raise my question.


  11. Hi there,

    I also made a mistake in the original I-129, my dad passed away three years ago, but i still filled in the form that my dad is alive. And when i received package 3 from US Consulate, i realized mistake, but it was too late to correct it again. So, in the forms that US Consulate sent, i wrote down correct information for my dad's situation. I made phone to the lady in Information Unit at Consulate to ask if i would meet any trouble with this, and she replied that it was fine. So i think, yours will be okay too. But you can give them a ring to ask about this to make sure if you like.

    It doesn't matter whether you use Capital letter to fill or not. You should not worry about this. If you want to write down in new form again, you can download online form. It's fine too.

    Yes, DS-230 part I & DS-2001 are two forms that your fiancee must send back to US Consulate.


  12. Did i say your wife bring passport holder when she applies her form at Department Justice? If so, i am sorry, i made it wrong. She must take Household registration book with her. Hopefully you can add this information to tell your wife before she goes there.


  13. Hi there,

    Question 2, you can ask your wife to go the Department of Justice which is situated in Pasteur street, Dist 3 for Police Report from now, that is fine. When she first goes to there, she will be given a form which she needs to fill it up and then return it to the Department of Justice. Tell her to bring her ID card, Passport Holder and 100.000 vnd (that is a fee) to apply the form. She will be asked to come back there to receive Police Record afer 2 weeks that starts from the day she applies. And it is used within one year.


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