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Posts posted by UsaBound82

  1. 2 minutes ago, JFH said:

    Are you just starting out with the I-129F? If so, he just submit copies of his records if he had been convicted of DV. Not much point sending the form without those documents. It won't be processed until they get them anyway. 


    Have you considered a spousal visa? You don't have to send any documents pertaining to his criminal record for a spousal visa. My husband has a felony and spent some years in prison. We were approved for a spousal visa with no problems. 


    Is he the father of your child? If not, you will at some point need paperwork giving consent to take him out of the country permanently. Is that going to be an issue? Is your child's father happy that his son is going to be living with a man with a violent past? 


    At my visa interview view I was questioned about my husband's felony and whether I knew all the details and implications. I took a bundle of papers with me - transcript from his sentencing hearing (he pled guilty so there was no trial), his prison record, even a transcript of the 911 call at the time and the arresting officer's report to prove that I knew everything. 

    yeah. we have considered the spousal but feel it would take longer that way, dont want to be married and have to wait to be a family. he spent 90 days in.

    no he is not the father. the father left the picture a long time ago. there actually is no father on the certificate. been thinking about trying to get my partner on his certificate if it can help our situation.

  2. Hi everyone,

    Firstly, if there is a thread already on this can someone please forward me onto it.

    My partner (petitioner, usa citizen) has a record of domestic violence. we are about to send the folder in for our initial application (YAY!, taken 3 months to get this far) but neither of us can seem to find where we get the documentation for his police and court records. he has also spent time in jail. does he need paperwork for that too? it was in michigan state that the incident happened.

    what i am asking is where do i go to get this info and does he need prison records too?

    or will it be ok to send a letter explaining that we are currently in the process of getting the records and while waiting for the ROE get the paperwork together? im thinkin do the letter as our deadline is 19th April.

    either way i need to know where to go to get the paperwork. my partner has ADD (attenton deficit disorder) so he gets frustrated when he cant find what he needs hence why i am goin to do it for him.


    any help will be GREATLY appreciated.


    Thanks :D 

  3. not sure if anyone can help i have looked through about 60 pages of the forum and cant find the answer as well as googled and can't get a clear answer.

    if the petitioner has a record for domdestic violence and needs to get the court and police reports what exactly does he need? is it the whole record or just the final paperwork signed by a judge (like thdisposition)? or all the paperwork? and the whole police report? its pretty much the last thing we need before we send it. we have 2 months today to get it in before the 2 years is up since i have seen him. (physically).

    thanks in advance.

  4. 2 hours ago, Isabella_NZ said:

    Yes my partner who lives in the US sent the application for but so far we have only received notification that it is being processed. Its been over 3 months since the confirmation letter, he phoned them the other day and they said at this stage its taking 5 months to get an answer...

    :o wow that long. better get ours in asap before it gets too much longer. he he. i only said me as im doing most of it so it makes it easier on him. he is very busy. we are filling out the forms together over FaceTime. 


    good luck i hope you get an answer soon. :D

  5. i actually have something similar.....my partner was charged with domestic violence by his ex wife, who from my understanding kept changing the story of what happened, but he went to jail for 90 days anyway. I am just wondering if he needs to include his full record or just the domestic violence record? 


    i will be hopefully *fingers crossed* be sending the whole package by March. I have gotten really into a swing of things and getting things organised. I am actually feeling really positive and excited about my future. :D 

  6. hey all,

    have a quick question....I am currently getting all our stuff together for our application for the k1 visa. :) 

    my partner has a criminal record and has spent 90 days in prison. does he need to include all his record or just the domestic violence stuff? btw i feel safe around him, i wouldn't be doing this if i didn't. especially not have my son around him. 


    thanks, :) 


    I dont actually have photos of my brother, sister in law and dad when they met my partner. so i thought what i might do is get signed letters from these family members to say they have met him. along with maybe a copy of their licence to verify the signature. i am wondering if people will think this would work?


    Also if anyone has moved with pets, any advice on what i need to do would be great. 


    thanks in advance. :D 


  8. 3 minutes ago, LionessDeon said:

    Photos can be printed on simple copy paper with the date, location, and people wrtten on it.  Keep it simple as possible.




    Please update your profile to include what type of visa you are applying for so that your posts can be directed to the appropriate forum.

    thank you so much for the link.  that looks perfect. :D 

    i will update it now. sorry. 

  9. 2 hours ago, AshMarty said:


    Hi Usabound82, 


     I am the American and my fiance is the Aussie.


    For the I-129 petition, which is what you are discussing, everyone starts out with the same process.


    It goes to Dallas, Tx they receive it and send a receipt number. It will likely go to California after that, which is where your I-129 petition with need to be approved (or you will be requested to send further evidence, RFE). Once approved, it will be sent to New Hampshire to the NVC which is where you will receive a NVC number and at that point it will be sent to the consulate that is closest to you in Australia, for my fiance that is Sydney (I am actually going to be in Australia visiting him when he goes in for the interview at the end of this month). 


    Once it leaves the NVC and goes to the consulate, that is where people might have different experiences. 


    Feel free to contact me: For the proof of meeting and the I-129 petition. Here is the link many people have successfully used on Visajourney: http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1guide - At this point they are more interested in your meeting then you proving you have a relationship. So you need concrete proof you were together at some point in the past 2 years. Credit Card reports have time stamps and locations, so that is why I chose to use them to supplement the passports, pictures, and airline tickets. Like i said I only used one or two small conversations. One about my fiance fixing something in my house when he was visiting me and one with us discussing wedding plans.  


    Here is what I have noticed most people get stuck up on when discussing on Forums: 

    * Not sending in all the information about the website they met on 

    * If they were married before; not sending proof of divorce

    * If they have a criminal background - not sending in appropriate paperwork 


    My fiance and I were never married before, we met when he was living in Maryland, and neither of us have a criminal background so ours was pretty straight forward. If you follow the directions on the forms carefully it will be a smooth process. 



    Feel free to contact me with any questions. We are just waiting for 1/31/2017 for his interview now. I arrive to visit him the day before :)



    firstly sorry for getting it mixed up. 


    thank you for all the info. also thank you for the permission to contact you with further questions. 


    talk to you soon. :) 

  10. I am not sure if anyone can help me i am a little stuck on the question on the G-325A form after where it asks for parents details......

    where it asks for:


    current husband or wife (if non, so state)  

    Family name (if wife, give maiden name)



    Is that asking about my parents or myself? and if myself do i put 'none'? as I have never been married.

    also with the month in the past residence question i can't fit 3 letters or do i put numbers? e.g. 4 for april and so on.

    I am sorry if i am asking silly questions i just really don't want to get this wrong. i want this to go as smoothly as possible. 


    Thanks :)



  11. 5 hours ago, AshMarty said:

    All they want is proof of meeting at least once in 2 years. I Printed off one conversation of us talking about Marriage. The rest was his credit card records and my credit card records to prove we were in the same zip code/places at the same time.


    A picture of us out at a famous lighthouse (both of us had made purchases around the location of the lighthouse on the date the picture was taken). A picture of us out to dinner with our close friends and again our credit card receipts from that dinner or things we did together in that town around the time the picture was taken. 


    I read those are the things that are really concrete that they are looking for. I had no issues with our approval :)


    Then of course flights, passports and the more general things. 



    Please no-one take offence to this but I am so glad to hear from an Aussie......thank you........ :D It's always good to hear from someone who has gone through the exact same way you will be as I'm sure its different from country to country.


    AshMarty can I please pm you? to ask you a few questions?

  12. 1 hour ago, javadown2 said:

    Yes you will have to print out the photos, I don't think there is a way for them to see them digitally. I personally printed photos with events such as when I proposed to my fiancée, the engagement ring receipt with a photo of when I proposed. Also the airplane tickets/stubs and his passport visa entry stamp is perfect evidence of meeting in the past 2 years. You guys have met in person within the past 2 years right?

    yes he was out here april 2015

  13. 19 minutes ago, ChandaraUth said:

    - Copies of all airline boarding passes, train passes, itineraries, hotel receipts, passport stamps (make sure you can read the dates on the stamps), and other documentary evidence that you have met within the last two years. You may want to highlight or place post-it notes indicating the dates and locations on the copies (to make the adjudication easier) for the person reviewing your file.-

    - Color Photo's of you and your fiance(e) together. Make sure you write your names, date, and location on the back of every photo. 

    - Copies of land line and cell phone bills, appropriate letters and emails, stamps on the letters (to document the date they were sent), and other written documentary proof. 

    good luck ?

    ok thanks. i have a few questions on that.....i dont have hotel receipts, he stayed with me, the photos are all digital, so would i need to get photo printer paper and print them out or do you think a powerpoint slide would be enough? i have written on the bottom of each photo the date, where we were and who was in them. we never used landline to call we always call video chats on Facebook,etc. i have made sure in the facebook messages it says the records of the video chats. 

  14. just putting together my proof of communication and wondering what exactly to add to it, its only the last 2 years isn't it? for the inital application. i have the messages from tango, Facebook, emails, photos of his visit. do i need screenshots of Facebook notifications? anything else i need to add for communication?i have in there all the video calls we have made. 


    thanks in advance.

  15. i have been looking for this. this sounds similar to mine. on my record i have a dui and reckless driving (son in car), i have worked out this is a CIMT. i never went to prison for it and atm i am in the middle of 15 months loss (ends 30th August 2017) of licence and 18 months (30th November 2017) good behaviour. no fines either. did everything possible to improve my case, including doing a traffic offenders program even before the judge asked me to do it, and i have also quit drinking (1 year no drinking on the 26th jan). 1st offence, never even a speeding ticket before that. even now thinking about what i did makes me sick to my stomach. i hate thinking bout it i will be kicking myself everyday till i die for doing it. the lord was watching over me cause no-one got hurt or killed inc my son or i the only thing was my car's front wheel was damaged, that was it. i still till this day can't remember it at all. (in a way im glad i can't, another blessing). basically i am REALLY nervous i will get denied due to this. i have to apply by april 19th as thats the last time i saw my partner (april 19th 2015). i can swear on everything, it will never happen again. i was suffering from severe depression and anxiety at the time. which is under control now. main cause of this was the fact that the love of my life is on the other side of the world and its very hard being a single parent. please dont judge me for my choices trust me i do enough pain to myself for it. i am just hoping this won't stop me from having my family together finally. 

    i have also heard that if you fail a visa application you can never do a visa waiver again. is that true? 


    edit.....also in that time i have managed to get my cert 3 in nursing assistant. 

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