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Posts posted by ergfsh

  1. Okay so things like a letter from his job and a bank statement ? He'll have a return ticket (which doesnt always mean anything since it doesnt have to be used) Also should he say that he's visiting his fiancé and my family ? 

    If we already have the visa by the time he is visiting, that won't be a problem ? (He is coming in october)

    So many questions so many worries, sorry and thanks for all your help guys !

  2. Hi everyone ! 
    I was just wondering where VJ gets its stats from? 

    We have filed our i129f petition for a k-1 visa and we have had our NOA1. I entered the date we received it into our timeline, and got an estimate for the end of February. That date seems to change every time I check, it's now end of March. Why does it change? when i check the average for similar petitions, VJ still claims its an average of 61 days for my type of petition, service center and beneficiary's country. We got our NOA1 on the 30th of December, so 61 days brings us to the end of Feb.. 

    On the Processing Times page, it says that "petitions with NOA1 dates as follows are currently being processed", for our service center that is December 2nd 2016. Yet when i go onto the California service center processing times, it says i129-f's from August 16th are being processed. (that was updated on the 25th Jan 2017) 


    Can anyone help me figure it out? D: I'm so lost with all this!

  3. Hi! thanks for the replies!
    Yeah all I can do is send in what i have I guess, but I'm just so worried it won't be enough! I only have the return boarding passes but not the ones on the way there, I left them at my fiancés house, and they may of gone in the bin... But I do have a photo of my boarding pass that I sent to him the day I took the flight to go see him, but if i have the ones for the return trip, I had to of taken the one there right :D
    I've made a few trips to and from France over the years as my parents live there, and even going to and from there, they havent stamped my passport in years, which is a shame.

    Good luck to you too Yaz

  4. Hi everyone !
    My fiancé and I are just starting to gather the documents we need for our i-129f, and I'm worried about our proof of having met. I've seen all over that receipts are needed. When I visited him, we never kept any receipts as neither of us ever keep them and we hadn't yet decided to get married and simply didn't know about a lot of things that are required. I used a travel card when I was visiting him (in the states, I'm from the uk) and we never kept any of our receipts as we had no idea. The only thing I have is on my travel card account how much, where and when we spent money on that card, if we were to print this off, would it be sufficient ?

    I do have my itinerary and my return board passes, from my flight, unfortunately they seem to not stamp passports anymore :( most of our pictures were at home, unfortunately. We visited a landmark, and bought tickets to go inside it, which i still have. They took our photo there, fortunately at the time, we didn't want the photos so we got to keep the tickets they give you to claim the picture at the end, and even more fortunately, you can then use the tickets to purchase the photos online, which we have done.

    Thank you for all and any help that's provided !


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