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    ffness22 reacted to bdawn in I NEED HELP ON MY NOIR   
    I don't know where you're getting this idea from. You're obviosly confused by the choice of words and manner of expressions. I never said there is "immigration form" in the culture.
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    ffness22 reacted to bdawn in I NEED HELP ON MY NOIR   
    It may be consistent with the culture or norms to call your siblings children "your own." However, there is nothing in the culture that indicates you can put the children on the immigration forms as "your own." This wasn't a mistake; it was purposeful and intentional to help the children get immigration benefit down the road by listing them now- something they aren't entitled to since they are neither his biological children nor adopted children. He didn't know this wasn't possible and was caught. I hope he finds a lawyer who is able to put him on the right path to overcome something that is likely a material representation.
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    ffness22 reacted to bdawn in K1 divorce before AOS adjudicated affidavit of support abuse   
    There is no way to independently verify this story as the truth. All we can do is speculate assuming the poster is telling the truth. But it could also be an entirely different story. For example, the woman in question might have met with the poster and fell in love, doesn’t want to be with the original petitioner anymore, seeks how she could still live here with his new love after divorcing the original petitioner; one of the ways she can think about is to pull out the “abuse” card but then a second thought of additional “lies” to have an innocent man lose custody of his children is somewhat hitting on her already ‘guilty’ conscience for using him to get here, and now doesn’t really want to call the cops to report the supposed abuse which may not be true. For someone to get here in May and pull this out with a new “friend” ready to turn a “husband” raises some doubts. The green card “wheezy” – getting green card by any means necessary – has hurt a lot of Americans too. I have a friend who had been a victim of this “abuse” accusation when it was actually the woman who was abusing him, so I take these things with a grain of salt. Yes, there are real abuses, but unfortunately, none of us can independently verify how authentic some of these things are. I wish we could have the man’s side of the story. It’s good to stick to the poster’s claim and offer advice, but sometimes we need to be a little analytic so we don’t end up helping someone trying to beat the system.
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    ffness22 reacted to Ebunoluwa in US Citizen wife possible victim of marriage fraud   
    You need counseling to get over your addiction to a romantic fantasy that never existed except for in your mind.
    People can have an addiction to 'love' or what they perceive to be love and like any other addiction you need help
    by a professional.
    Neurochemicals that play into the addiction game in the brain can be a very hard thing to overcome.
    It is like a drug for some people and you are hooked.
    Get help !
    Stop analyzing how he could be his own evil twin, that just feeds the addiction. Stop the thoughts.
    You will not understand everything in life to make sense in order to move on, some things you will never understand and
    that fact needs to be accepted. Sometimes in life their is no answer to your questions. Accept it.
    The question you should instead ask is this : Why do you think you do not deserve better than that ?
    Why don't you love yourself enough to stop the merry-go-round ?
    What does it matter how someone can be a Jekyl and Hyde ?
    Why are you obsessed with understanding what makes him tick ?
    Don't your kids deserve a good role model, stable and loving ?
    Keep asking those questions that center on your own mental health and forget your why's and how's you
    keep asking yourself about him.
    Do make a call to the FBI and let them make the decisions they need to make.
    There is no 5 year conditional anything whatever that was about.
    Best wishes for your future, hope you will seek treatment from a professional who can actually help you.
    Xanax sucks, be very careful with that drug.
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    ffness22 reacted to bdawn in US Citizen wife possible victim of marriage fraud   
    He’s telling you he could have cut your head off (beheaded you) if you were in his country and you’re playing around stuff like that when you have kids? If you think you can use rational arguments to help a seemingly irrational man and a potential terrorist, you’re even fooling yourself more than he’s already done to you. Your only option is to stay as far away from his crazies as you can. And, it’s a good idea to inform the FBI so they can keep an eye on him from a distance before his crazies explode to other members of the American society. I am not reading meaning into anything; from his utterances, he’s a potential terrorist.
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