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Posts posted by megabork

  1. Im not an expert but i think if you submitted your paperwork thru the nvc then they assign you an appt.. i did a direct consuler filing therefore once it was approved i made the appt.. i could be wrong so please check

    Im not an expert but i think if you submitted your paperwork thru the nvc then they assign you an appt.. i did a direct consuler filing therefore once it was approved i made the appt.. i could be wrong so please check

    Im not an expert but i think if you submitted your paperwork thru the nvc then they assign you an appt.. i did a direct consuler filing therefore once it was approved i made the appt.. i could be wrong so please check

    Im not an expert but i think if you submitted your paperwork thru the nvc then they assign you an appt.. i did a direct consuler filing therefore once it was approved i made the appt.. i could be wrong so please check

  2. You will get more replies if you fill in your timeline and profile, so we know what kind of visa you are applying for, and in which embassy. Most answers will depend on knowing what you are doing, which we do not from the limited info you have given.

    At a guess, you asked about interviews in a month they have not opened up for interviews yet; usually interviews are only scheduled a month in advance, but it does depend on the embassy.

    so they said to keep calling or checking .. how does that work? they open up the appts and then when that months filled they close it? so when would they normally open up appts for dec?.. that's a stupid system btw if it matters

  3. so everything has gone thru and they advised us to make apt .. only problem is theres no appts available ever.. I called and they said it hasn't opened up? I asked 4 times what that meant and I still don't understand.. is it possible that with the election they put a moratorium on appts? ciudad de Juarez btw

  4. so my wife was approved very quickly despite extremely rude person at initaail application,, now I have received a notice saying they sent by mail a appointment instructions letter,, that was on the 20th of oct honestly I don't think there is mail in mexico wth? now what ? do I need that to schedule apt ? as on the email they offer an option for online appointment,, or can I just schedule and go because im doubting ill ever receive that letter.. ugh

  5. ARTICULO 155.- La mujer no puede contraer nuevo matrimonio sino hasta pasados trescientos días después de la disolución del anterior, a menos que dentro de ese plazo diere a luz un hijo. En los casos de nulidad o divorcio, puede contarse este tiempo desde que se interrumpió la cohabitación

    in a nut shell it seems to only apply to the women ,, something to do with pregnancy 300 day waiting period

  6. ok so i have lived with my future wife for 5 years and we have two children together born in mexico both are us citizens. I am am a permanent resident of mexico and we plan to get married in mex and do the dcf as it seems like we qualify for it untill..my divorce has just been finalized and were planning to get married but ive seen ridicules warnings that we have to wait a year after my divorce is final ? seems crazy but because she has been waiting so long,, 3 times denied tourist visa etc.. say it aint so joe

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